Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 339 Survival

Chapter 339 Survival
At this time, Xu Nan looked at the mourning in the forum and Weibo, and felt very bald, which was really chilling.

After entering the game, his desire to explore is extremely low, and he just wants to enjoy the shade under the tree planted by his predecessors, and he just walks a short distance along the riverside of the small river where he planted the world tree.

Then he found nothing and soon returned to the location of the World Tree.

"Ah... so uncomfortable! What should I do if I want to work hard?!"

At this time, Xu Nan was like a man who was looking for the kind of young lady who had a mine at home to take care of him, oh no, it was a boy, or the kind who just lay still.

However, when Xu Nan was lying on the bank of the river in the posture of Ge You paralyzed + salted fish lying on the clouds for several days, a voice suddenly came out of his ear.

"All players are requested to open the world tree, enter the world of Grand Theft Auto, and perform mandatory missions. Please note that all players must enter. Violators... will bear the consequences."

This is an electronic voice that sounds very emotional. Of course, what this voice says is even more emotional.

"World Tree? Didn't those leaders say that it won't work? And I tried it just now and it still doesn't work!"

After Xu Nan got up, she couldn't help looking at the legendary World Tree there, and said to herself.

But listening to the voice prompt, it seems that there is a serious punishment for not doing that task, so Xu Nan still walked over very seriously.

This time, Xu Nan found a slight difference in the tree.

The chaotic icon that was still dull before, is now lit up.

"It seems that this is the switch."

Thinking of this, Xu Nan pushed it up with her hand without thinking.

"Hold the grass!"

"It's really the same as the scene in the promotional video?! I thought it was a special effect!"

Xu Nan looked at the light gate in front of her, and was really surprised.

This is also the first time since he entered the game for more than an hour that he felt incredible.

I didn't see the strategy before, although it made him uncomfortable for a while, but it was nothing, after all, it wasn't such a strange existence.

But this light door is a bit cool.

It looks like the kind of space-time tunnel in science fiction movies.

Immediately, Xu Nan, who sighed for a while, walked directly into the light door.

At the same time, in the entire continent of the main world, there were already nearly [-] players two hours after the server was launched.

And after the electronic synthesis sound sounded, patches of light lit up on the continent of the main world almost instantly.

It's a pity that Mu Chen has no plans to launch any satellites in the main world.

But fortunately, Suguang Entertainment can watch the playback through the game data.

After the end of the light, these 5 players entered the GTA2 world almost at the same time, and the gap between before and after was only one or two minutes.

Imagine a city that was originally empty and then filled up in an instant.

That scene was really full of gongs and drums, firecrackers, and crowds of people...

Well, it's not that exaggerated.

At the beginning of making the game, Mu Chen and the others took this situation into consideration, so after players enter the game, they will be randomly assigned to the corresponding room.

In other words, this time, Shuguang Entertainment directly gave the players a house in the game.

Although it's just a suite, but in the real world, this house is a house in the devil's capital.

And the price of the magic city...

Rounding it up, Mu Chen gave away many, many, many billions this time.

After all, a house can easily cost hundreds of millions of RMB.

Now, once you give away 500 sets of the legendary "Magic City Real Estate", how much is [-] times [-] million RMB?

Of course, the player must not be in the mood to think about such a problem as a house in the magic capital at this time.

Now when they entered, they all looked at their respective surroundings in a daze.

After Feng Xia entered this strange world, he immediately surveyed his environment, and after he didn't notice any danger, he prepared to go out to find out where Kang Yikang was.

Then, when he opened the door, he saw that the apartment opposite him also opened the door, and stuck out a head.

Their eyes met, and both of them saw a trace of embarrassment in each other's eyes.



Both of them probably sensed each other's embarrassment, and after saying hello, they agreed and closed the door.


"Didn't you say there was a mission? Why didn't there be any movement after we were brought here?"

After Feng Xia returned to her small room, she couldn't help but said in a sullen voice.

Immediately, the game's mission system seemed to have heard Feng Xia's complaints, and as soon as he finished speaking, he received an in-game email.

"Every player needs to do everything possible to survive in the game. This mission requires at least surviving in this world for more than ten game days."

"Players who have survived for less than ten game days are considered to have failed the mission. Players who have failed the mission will not be able to enter the game world again within three days of real time."

"This mission is the final mission of the world, and the final ranking will determine the quality of the players' rewards after the end of the game world. All players, please do your best to survive."

"The time requirement for this world mission is 365 game days, which is approximately equal to one month in the real world."

"Now, open your door, go out, and enjoy this disordered world!"

After reading the mission requirements this time, Dang Fengxia was a little dumbfounded.

This is the first time he has seen such a weird mission in the game.

You say the game is very open, but there are time requirements and survival requirements; you say it is not open, but the whole game does not have any restrictive requirements.

Now Feng Xia's face is full of one word: Mubi.

At the same time, the person opposite Feng Xia, the one who met his bastard Mung Dou just now, is our captured little prince, Xu Nan.

At this moment, when he saw the request of this mission, he immediately wanted to die.

I am obedient!
What he dislikes the most is this kind of game that needs to analyze the situation by himself.

For example, he didn't want to look at the equipment attributes and weapon attributes of the most popular games like League of Legends.

But this time, Shuguang Entertainment's new game was just a requirement of surviving for ten days, and then there was nothing else to do, and he was directly numb.

Just like that, the two of them, with a lot of preoccupations and bewildered faces, felt uncomfortable together in the door-to-door relationship.

 Let’s slack off today, make up for it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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