Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 341 Stealing Guevara

Chapter 341 Stealing Guevara
Money, incomparably short of money.

This is the current gta5, which is what all players in Dawn City want most.

Oh, of course, it's called credits in the game.


At the door of a bar called Shuguang (the game of his own company, it cannot be called placement advertisement (-)_), there is a group of players standing at the moment, and it seems that they are really queuing up.

If there were a group of people standing at the door of the bar as usual, then either the bar was doing well and customers had to queue up to get in; or... something happened inside.

But today in the game, it does not belong to any of the above situations.

Because...these players came to the bar to find a job, and by the way, they accepted tasks to earn money.

It's already the afternoon of the first game day.

Some players who have run before can now clearly see that their fatigue value has dropped significantly on their attribute panel.

Fortunately, there are still 50 credit points in their pockets, otherwise, what they have dropped now is not just the fatigue value.

Of course, due to filling their stomachs, players will naturally have fewer credits in their pockets.

Although there is no taste in eating in the game, the chewing action and the feeling of having something in the mouth are still there.

It's just that the small money is not enough, and 50 points can't even buy much instant noodles.

There were even some players who were drunk today and used up the 50 points given by Shuguang Entertainment in one go.


They were surprised to find that after eating 50 points, their hunger points were full, and other players who only spent a dozen points also filled their hunger points.


So these players directly entered another state: worry about tomorrow... worry about today.

After the players calmed down a bit, they still started to explore the city of costumes.

Emmm, Zhuangbi City is the name chosen by the players themselves, they simply can't understand Mu Chen's name being called Shuguang City, and want to disgust him.

Then, during the exploration process, players naturally discovered many functional buildings.

In addition to daily life shops, restaurants, clothing stores and other shops that buy and sell things; there are also bars, KTV, amusement parks and other entertainment places.

Of course, there are places like the police station.

There was even a bastard who, after discovering that there was a police station in the game, still wanted to go to Kang Yikang in it.

The result was naturally stopped by the NPC at the door.

However, after the bastard Goose was stopped, he still didn't give up, so he tightened his belt and charged directly at the gate.

Finally... fifteen game days of detention.

At that time, this situation almost made several employees of Shuguang Entertainment who Mu Chen arranged to play the senior NPC of the police station laugh to death.

There are really two pens every year, especially today.

Of course, in addition to this, there are many other buildings that exist in real life in the entire Shu·Zhuangbi·Guang City, but because players at this stage cannot afford transportation tools, they can only Take a walk around.

Keke, get back to business.

After the players discovered these buildings, they naturally began to swarm find jobs.

After all, if players don't work, they won't get any money, if they don't have money, they won't get food, and if they don't get food... they will starve to death.

So, the scene at the beginning appeared.

A group of people were waiting at the door of the bar.

Emmm, in fact, the bar only recruits a fixed number of waiters and bartenders.

But why are there still so many players queuing up here?
This involves another thing mentioned earlier.


Because Mu Chen canceled the main plot and corresponding tasks of the three protagonists of gta5, and did not directly copy them into the game.

So if you don't add some tasks to the game, if the players just work, it will look a bit boring and the gameplay will be low.

In addition, under Mu Chen's design, those missions in this world are the key to driving the speed of the game.

That's why Mu Chen set up the bar as a large task distribution point.

After all, no player would find it strange that there are some NPCs with three teachings and nine streams here.

As for why there are these?
The core of this game is crime, the game is also taken from gta5.

Is gta5, which does not focus on drag racing, fighting, and fire pinning, still the Grand Theft Auto?
As for the task point of the bar, Mu Chen deliberately designed it so that the players can get in touch with the real core of the game when they first enter the game.

Of course, in addition to bars, like some relatively remote neighborhoods, or walking alone on the street at night, it is also possible to meet people on the road.

This is also one of the ways for players to enter the main line and core of the game.

Of course, the premise is that the players don't get GG before they speak.

As for the mission content, on the first game day, Mu Chen didn't intend to release some more difficult or core missions.

They are all very simple daily tasks, or errands to help.

For example, say that Aunt Wang's cat is missing and needs to be found; Uncle Li's dog is pregnant and needs to be taken care of; Aunt Zhang's wallet is missing... Wait, such trivial tasks.

This is Mu Chen's intentional arrangement to allow players to save more points on the first game day.

But because of this, some players still feel that these missions are boring and not exciting enough, and they are not comparable to the hail of bullets, airplanes and tanks in the promotional film.

In the eyes of these players, they are all determined to dominate the game, how can they do these spicy missions.

However, on the second game day, players will be pleasantly surprised to find that all those missions are gone.

Or if there are, there are very few.

Of course, the ambitious players who didn't know that these missions would disappear, after ruthlessly despising these queuing players, scattered in all directions and strung together in the streets and alleys around them.

Emmm, after all, no matter how big the mole on the chest is, they still have to eat well.

So this part of the players also want to find a decent, cheating job, and then come back and despise these queued players.

Ahem, it is not ruled out that there are some players who want to get something for nothing.

Guevara, the patriarch of the Guevara religion they believe in, once said: It is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible to work part-time in this life!
Perhaps in the real world, they can only hope for something for nothing in their hearts.

But now the game is different!
They really can get something for nothing.

Although Kuoneng will be locked up in the bureau to eat free meals for a period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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