Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 342 Buddhism and Radicalism

Chapter 342 Buddhism and Radicalism

Closer to home, the screen returns to the entrance of the bar where a large number of players line up.

Although most of the players who lined up still complained to some extent, they still lined up according to the rules in order to be able to have a meal in the days to come.

However, just as the players in line were waiting in peace of mind.

Suddenly, a rather sturdy male player rushed out from the door of the bar.

"Fuck, hurry back and reincarnate?"

"Bizai, you bumped into your grandpa!"

"I bought a watch last year!"


The player who was bumped by this burly man naturally greeted them.

Then, before everyone in the line could figure out what was going on, two big men in black with cold faces rushed out of the bar, running towards the player who rushed out from here just now.

Less than a minute later, the players in line who were inquiring about the situation suddenly heard a loud noise coming from behind them, where the player and the man in black ran past.

Based on what they saw, the players can easily deduce how the loud noise came from.


After the players came to this conclusion, many of them were a little less courageous, and their faces almost turned pale.

emmm, the reason why I said it was almost pale, is mainly because I am in the game now, no matter how scared I am, I can't show it on my face.

Of course, it's also a pity that this is in the game. If you encounter a gunman in the real world, at least everyone present will get down on the spot.

In this way, some of the players in the queue now feel a little uncomfortable. This game is a bit too realistic, and these people really feel a little unstable.

Of course, there are more players who are eager to try after hearing the gunshots.

After all, it's a game, the picture is a happy and enmity, chic and happy.

Queuing up for a meal like this is simply not the attitude a young person should have.

Then, the group of people stared at the direction of the two men in black and the running player, their faces were full of longing and longing.

"Fuck, labor and capital are no longer arranged, I don't believe I can still starve to death today!"

A player who was queuing roared, then turned his head and left, leaving in the direction of the city center.

It is estimated that the waiting time is too long, and the remaining patience of the players is exhausted.

Then, coupled with the chase in the scene just now and the gunshot, it directly detonated the violent factor hidden in the player's heart.

After suppressing for too long, the final result is resistance, riots, and irrationality.

And with the departure of the first player, the queue was like melting snowflakes, and the players left one by one. In the end, more than half of the team that originally had hundreds of nearly a thousand players left in one fell swoop, and there were still more than half of them left in succession. continued to decrease.

After all, most of the people who play games now are young people who are more aggressive. They are at an age where their blood has not faded. It is okay when they are in the real world. No matter how passionate you are, you still have more ideas to restrain you. So there is no chance to be impulsive.

But it's different in the game.

Because we all know that this is just a game, there will not be any real casualties, or any irreversible things that will make people regret their mistakes for a lifetime, etc., and now there happens to be such a passionate opportunity in front of them, they take it for granted I chose the path I dreamed of in my heart.

emmm, although it may cause you to not have enough food, and then be starved to death on the street.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you want to drive a little bit, anyway, after three game days of starvation, you are a living hero again.

Of course, these are the thoughts of passionate players.

And the rest of our players belong to the category that both reality and games are more Buddhist.

In reality, I clock in and go to and from get off work every day as usual, eat and sleep on time, and occasionally stay up late to catch up when I am in the mood; I usually only eat melons on the Internet and do not express any opinions; when I meet a girl I like, I just think about it in my heart. Don't dare or be too lazy to chase; playing League of Legends is only playing man-machine, custom or Smash Bros. . . .

Players who fit this category, even if they enter a game that is highly realistic to the real world, or can be called the second world, they don't want or are just too lazy to change for the so-called passion and passion. Their attitudes and habits in life have always been there, even in a virtual reality game where they don't have to worry about the consequences.

Now this group of alternative Buddhist players is the main player group currently queuing at the bar entrance.

From their point of view, there is something wrong with fighting and killing!

Even if this is in the game, it won't hurt to hit the body, but the feeling of dying, or the feeling of being put on the neck with a knife and pointed at by a gun, is still a little scary.

And doing tasks every day, then saving some money to buy a car, and wandering around in the game, what a beautiful day it is.

You know, being able to live this kind of life in the devil's capital, but countless people in the real world can't live it even if they think about it.

After all, you have to earn money to buy a house first, or buy a car first and then a house, and then. . . . .Then figure out how to survive under the pressure of mortgages and car loans, and finally, consider the matter of inheriting the family.

And what is even more frighteningly realistic is that for most people, or most young people, the first condition is already out of reach.

But all of this can be achieved in the game.

The house in Shanghai is free, although it is not in the city center, but it is converted into the real world.It still belongs to the kind of place next to the urban area; as for the car, they believe that they should be able to win it with hard work.

So why bother to engage in so many moths in the game, and think that real life is not enough?
Of course, just as Buddhist players don't understand those players who are looking for excitement; radical players also find it incomprehensible for Buddhist players' inaction.

Real life is already boring, boring and full of oppression, so when playing games, in a game world that is very similar to the real world, it is natural to put those things that you want to do in real life but have not done, or dare not do. Do it again.

Of course, the same thing is happening at many mission locations throughout Dawn City.

This, of course, is also the handwriting of our young master Mu Chen.

After all, he can't guarantee that there will be players who will cause trouble at every mission release point, so it's better to let Shuguang Entertainment do it directly, so that it will be better and faster for the players to enter the game state that Mu Chen wants—— That is to say, chaos, go among them.

After all, the core of this game is violence and crime.

(End of this chapter)

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