Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 343 God's Perspective

Chapter 343 God's Perspective
Now our Young Master Mu is like a spider sitting on a spider's web waiting for its prey to be hooked, looking at these players with a godlike attitude.

The God here is not a metaphor, but really has an effect similar to God.

For example...God's perspective!
emmm, although the ability corresponding to this domineering name is much weaker than resurrection, teleportation, spike kills and the like
But... Anyway, the name still has the word "God" in it. It's okay for Mu Chen to have a god addiction in the game.

The reason for saying this is because in Mu Chen's office of the mayor of Shuguang City, there is a special device that allows Mu Chen to see the actual movements of all players in real time.

Where, what are you doing, who are you with, how much money is in your pocket...etc, Mu Chen can see all these in the office.

However, due to venue restrictions and Mu Chen's request, this device that can pretend to be "God" can only display twenty players at a time.

Generally, players are randomly displayed, and you can search directly if necessary.

Of course, this is completely enough for Mu Chen.

He's not the kind of voyeur, and he doesn't have any perverted hobbies.

The reason why he wants this device is to pass the time when he thinks about himself in the game.

As for why Mu Chen didn't personally participate in the game?

emmm, I can only use four words to describe it - boring.

But if he gets interested sometime, it's definitely okay to go down and play in person.

But now, let him come to Kang Yikang, what are these players doing when the first game day is about to lead to the night.

Mu Chen came to the wall of the display screen that Lao Hu specially built in his "mayor" office, and began to look at the first screen.

"Emmm, is this working in a bar? This player's luck is good. There is usually only one bar in a player gathering place, and a bar can recruit dozens of less than a hundred players at most, and a player gathering place can theoretically accommodate 1 players." player."

"Under such a ratio, you can still get a job in a bar. It seems that you are either fast or good-natured!"

Mu Chen looked at the first screen, there was a handsome player wearing a bar uniform, walking quickly in the bar with a tray.

As for why he said that this player can get a job because of his speed or good character?

That's because... that's how the rules for finding people in bars are.

While adhering to the principle of first-come-first-served, the main recruitment criteria are appearance and eye contact.

After all...the NPCs in charge of bar recruitment are all employees of Shuguang Entertainment.

Therefore, under Mu Chen's request, all the staff in the bar where the players gather are all handsome men and women.

Mu Chen immediately turned his gaze to the second screen.

This time it was a young lady.

As for her appearance, it's not bad. According to his standards, she can score seven points, so she can be regarded as a beautiful woman.

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that what this young lady is doing right now caught Muchen... off guard.

"Fuck, are these two players a couple outside the game, or did they just start dating after entering the game?"

That's right, in the screen he saw, besides the pretty young lady, there was also a male player in the screen.

Ahem, of course, don't think wrongly, you can't do those embarrassing things in the game.

Now these two players are just very close in words and deeds.

This is another attempt that Mu Chen made in the game this time, canceling the Heavenly Punishment System that made players fearful in World of Warcraft.

Therefore, in the Great Thousand World, the general intimate contact of players is all right.

Of course, the same sentence, it is impossible to go further, after all, this is just a game.

And the reason why Mu Chen was surprised by this scene is because in his opinion, it is an extremely small probability event that two people he knows randomly land very close to each other.

Ran goose ...

After Mu Chen's observation for a full 5 minutes, this man and woman seemed to be very familiar with Yazi, they were talking and laughing all the time, and there was no sign of unfamiliarity.

"Emmm, it seems that they are really the ultimate European couple."

"I almost thought that the special deals had infiltrated into my game..."

Mu Chen finally came to a conclusion, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

The players in the next few screens are basically doing tasks, and there is nothing special about them.

Mu Chen quickly looked down the back screen, when he saw the tenth player, he stopped his gaze here.

At this time, in the picture on the screen, there are two groups of people fighting in an alley.

Moreover, the cold weapons such as knives or sticks are not used, but pistols and s686 (sprayers).

Of course, this player is not one of the two people who poked fire, he just quietly watched from a corner.

After all, at this stage, no player can get such a weapon.

Not to mention guns, fruit knives in the store require more than ten credits to buy.

Seeing this, Mu Chen also knew that the chase scenes he deliberately arranged in the bar had already worked.

At least awaken the passion and blood hidden in most players.

As a result, they gave up the steady, step-by-step task and game life, and started a thrilling (dian) exciting (pei) fire (liu) explosive (li) game journey.

But that's exactly what he wanted to see.

Only in this way, the game will have a higher vitality, and it will be more interesting.

If every player is doing tasks without competing with the world, then what is the point of this game?

In that case, Mu Chen might as well just make Sims directly.

Of course, you can't ask the players to pick up the knives and start fighting as soon as they come up. This has to be a process.

As for how long this process will take, it depends on the player's own choice and luck.

If you choose the right path, or if you are lucky, you may have the opportunity to get in touch with these core things early in the game-the cost organization and guns and ammunition.

And there is another way, that is to follow the task.

There will be some series of tasks in the game, which are similar to the three story lines in the original gta5.

After completing such a task, the player can also use this to enter the Shifu organization, and finally-successfully become the only hidden profession in this small world-the punk.

Of course, the number of tasks in this story line mode is definitely limited, and it is not so simple to complete.

And while Mu Chen was thinking about things, the fire pin on the tenth fast screen also ended.

After all, these are all designed by Suguang Entertainment at the place where the game is produced.

Where to play, how long to play, every few days to play, or change to another place to play, these are not static.

After all, if the player finds the pattern, Nima will not be fun.

(End of this chapter)

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