Chapter 344
Mu Chen then looked at the screen at the back, and found that besides the player who had been watching the whole gang fight, there were actually two players in the back who had directly mixed into it.

emmm, I read that right, there are some players who successfully sneaked into those gangs.

You know it's just the first game day.

Not to mention gangs, many players don't even know what buildings are around them, or what new things they have.

Especially those players who are determined to be an ultimate salted fish Buddhist player who is determined to do tasks in the game with peace of mind, they don't bother to care about the forces around them at all.

They only pay attention to where and where can bring them more tasks, or where and where can earn more small money (credit points).

Of course, because it's still early, there are still quite a few players who are vacillating.

They belong to the players who want to do missions, but are a little envious of those players who wander around and explore everywhere.

At the same time, these people are afraid that after going on an adventure, they will not find a small amount of money. It will be very embarrassing to starve to death in the game because they have no food.

Therefore, in addition to the Buddhist mission players and passionate adventure players mentioned earlier, there are quite a few players who belong to the fence-sitting side.

However, this type of player will have the most uncomfortable life in the future.

Because... If you hesitate, you will lose!

In other words, after our Young Master Feng Xiafeng left the high-end hotel because he had nowhere to spend money, he went straight back to his birth point, which is the room given by Shuguang Entertainment.

Feng Xia, who returned to the room, felt very uncomfortable, because in his opinion, this time the game can't make money, so it's a bit outrageous!

If the Great Thousand World is a stand-alone game or a handheld game, then it’s fine if you can’t pay for it. After all, stand-alone games have no taste.

But online games can't do this!

Can an online game that cannot be used for krypton gold still be called an online game?
Therefore, Feng Xia, who was thinking hard about krypton gold, quit the game directly, and opened Weibo in the game warehouse.

He felt that it was necessary for him to have an official battle with Shuguang Entertainment at this time.

"Are you there? Please come out and accept my krypton gold!"

Without saying a word, Feng Xia sent a private message to Shuguang Entertainment's official blog.


When Feng Xia was about to fall asleep waiting in the game cabin, he never received a reply from Shuguang Entertainment's official blog.

"Didi? Grass, I want to recharge, I want to recharge in the game!"

Ran goose ...

This time, Feng Xia responded quickly, but what he responded to was a prompt message in a dialog box.

"You have been imprisoned in a small black room by the other party..."

Seeing this, Feng Xia's expression looks like this:


"I see, I knocked Nima, how could this happen? Is it so difficult for labor and capital to recharge?"

Feng Xia Shuguang Entertainment's official blog blocked the warning, and he was directly confused. (actually just blocking private messages)
It was the first time he had seen such a fraudulent and stubborn official blogger.

Immediately, our angry Feng Xia went to Shuguang Entertainment's official blog and began to make crazy complaints about Gabibi.

This time, he really counted the countless "crimes" of Shuguang Entertainment.

What kind of game can’t make money, the official blog blackmails fans for no reason, and what new games are released slowly... Wait, basically no matter whether the reason is reliable or not, Feng Xia took it all at once. come out.

What surprised Feng Xia the most was that when he sent out most of these so-called "crimes" that Jill himself made up to make jokes, he actually won the approval of many fans of Shuguang Entertainment.

You know, after posting this "inquiry" Weibo, he was ready to be sprayed to pieces.

However, the goose did not expect it to end like this.

Especially for the first two "crimes" he said, the most fans agreed.

"Fuck, I also want to complain about this. I just came out of the game because I can't krypton gold, so the game is too difficult. TM lost his credits to Stud at noon, and the mission task was not able to get it. , In the end krypton gold can’t do it, it’s just uncomfortable!”

"Emmm, the poor can't krypton gold, but I have something to say about the blacklisting."

"Hahaha, so many people have been blocked before? I thought I was the only one, so when I was blocked in the first place, I didn't dare to compare myself."

Of course, apart from the players who were attracted by Feng Xia and were blackmailed by the official blog, most of the players said that they had also sent private messages to Shuguang Entertainment, and there were quite a few of them, but they were not blocked either.

When everyone in Feng Xia, who was blocked, saw the screenshots of those chats just a few minutes before today, they immediately felt more Spartan.

Nima, what the hell is going on?

Especially in these private message screenshots, there are also many players asking questions about krypton gold, but they are doing well.

In the beginning, Feng Xia saw so many people saying that he was also blocked, and some people thought that all private message players would be blocked.

But seeing such a situation, Feng Xia's big eyes were full of doubts and...Hua Q!

Fortunately, Shuguang Entertainment officials did not make these players who felt that they were blocked for no reason wait for a long time.

A few minutes after this incident was forwarded by a large number of Shuguang Entertainment fans and players, the official Weibo of Shuguang Entertainment was updated.

"Players, please don't swear when you private message the official blog girl, otherwise you will be automatically blocked after being recognized by the system."

Then at the bottom of this Weibo, there are several screenshots attached, all of which are the speeches of fans who have been blocked (blocked private messages).

After they clicked on the picture and looked at it for a while, they discovered a miraculous phenomenon. It was true that these blacklisted people had family members, or words such as cao, falk, etc. in them.

This time, Dawn Entertainment's official blog can be said to have publicly executed a wave of these players.

Perhaps Shuguang Entertainment felt that this was not enough, and just dealt with the blacklisting issue, but the other question about krypton gold was still being asked by many players.

So, immediately after the official blog sent out another message.

"Dawn Entertainment will add an offline trading section for players on the Dawn Entertainment platform of the virtual game warehouse, where some items that are allowed to be traded in the game can be traded, including credit points used to purchase items, and transactions can also be made."

Then... the dog eyes that the players could see just now were blinded again.

(End of this chapter)

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