Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 346 Player Gang

Chapter 346 Player Gang
As the saying goes, when a person falls in love, there is a sour smell of love in the air. Maybe the gas emitted by intestinal peristalsis is in the shape of love.

And this sentence can also be substituted into another situation.

For example, Zhu Chaoji is short of money, poor second generation, and born.

He belongs to the kind of... emmm, the situation where everything is RMB.

It is said that after Zhu Sheng decided to enter the Great Thousand World to start his journey of moving bricks and making money, he made up his mind to rent a bigger house and reluctantly bought a game warehouse.

Especially on the second morning after he bought the game warehouse, when he saw that 100 credits were sold at an outrageous price of 1000RMB in the trading section of Daqianshijie, he was full of motivation in an instant when he was still very heartbroken.

100 points is 1000RMB, if it sells for [-] points, [-] points... Hey, I can't think about it!
At this time, Zhu Sheng was drooling secretly looking at the information about buying credits at high prices in the trading section, wishing that he would have one hundred and eighty thousand credits to sell for money.

Of course, now he can only look at the transaction information with envy and envy. Although the house has been settled, the game warehouse he bought has not yet arrived. Now he can only be a cloud player on Weibo and forums to get a good understanding of Shuguang Entertainment This is a slightly magical new game.

At the same time, after playing the game for a whole day, most of the Great Thousand World's players are slowly spreading their comments on the Internet.

Xiao Wang next door: "I think it is very good. Although there are no exciting scenes like those in the promotional video, I have successfully joined the Tiger Gang. I have indeed seen some amazing guys in the game."

Wang Zhongwang, the king of Northwest chopping: "I'm afraid, the first floor is a bit powerful, labor and capital, the king of Northwest chopping, is still cleaning dishes in a restaurant in order to make dinner, what a fuck!"

You Ashe, my nanny: "Hehe, it means that I have served the food for three full game days in the game. Falk, the most important thing is not to steal food. If you are caught, you will be fired directly. Those who will never be hired kind!"

Hungry and thirsty: "I see, are the NPCs in it so impersonal? You can't even steal them?"

Chuanbei Little Chef God: "Fuck, I still think about going to the restaurant to serve dishes, so I can steal a little to save a credit point."

Dashuaibi: "Mengxin asks, are there really gangs and firepins in it? There are some big guys who have joined the Tiger Gang?"

When many players saw the last question, they couldn't help showing a sweet smile at the phone/computer/game warehouse.

Grandpa Youyou: "Of course, as long as you have a small amount of money, you can do anything in it, not to mention joining a gang, you can even start a gang yourself!"

Chenglong-Long Shao: "Hahaha, that's right! I am not talented, because the family has a little money, so after purchasing all the credit points in the past two days, I have gone to the Shuguang City Government to file for the record, and I will pass the review in two days. After that, the gang will be formally established, and I hope that all brothers will support us a lot.”

Jiangnan Tannery Factory: "The boss (;Д`) is kneeling!"

"Are you still recruiting? They can warm the bed and make holes!"

"Recruitment +1"

"Recruitment +10086"


As you can see, although the real world has only passed one day, players have already passed three game days in the game.

During this period of time, although there were still not many players selling credits, there were still people selling them, but they were all sold out in seconds after the news was posted on the trading board.

And looking at it like this, it is estimated that the person who lost those credit points in seconds is really the person whose ID is Long Shao.

After all, Mu Chen sold this gang qualification very expensively.

As for the qualifications of this gang?

Of course it was Master Mu's handwriting.

Because he considered that Great Thousand World is an online game, only by creating points that make players prone to conflict can the game be more full of passion and vitality.

And gang qualifications are naturally one of the important means.

Because after players have a gang, they must try to grow their own gang.

To grow a gang, you need territory, manpower, and weapons.

The manpower and weapons are all good. After all, they have money to build a gang, so naturally there is no shortage of money to buy these things.

But the turf needs to be laid down by the players themselves.

Because of the setting of Mu, the black-bellied mayor, the schemer, and Chen, there are NPC gangs in every local area of ​​Shuguang City in the game, no matter how big or small.

Therefore, even if you have a player with a lot of money and wealth and directly bought a lot of fixed assets, it also depends on the face of the gang in the corresponding area.

Mu Chen is equivalent to directly positioning the Shuguang City official as a neutral guiding role.

Of course, it is inevitable for middlemen to earn the price difference.

For example, if a player has the ability, he can directly fight a gang.

But if you directly want to buy it with a small amount of money, then naturally you have to stretch your neck and let Mu Chen slaughter it.

Closer to home, when the players saw the first player gang in the game established by Long Shao on Weibo, forums and many other places, they were quite surprised.

It's not that I was surprised by the financial resources, but I didn't expect that Nima could be bought directly.

Just like our Young Master Feng Xia at this time.

Looking at this Long Shao now, he felt a headache. This is the first player gang in the game. With this name alone, he doesn't know how many players he can attract.

"Fuck, I thought that Shuguang Entertainment didn't pay for gold, but it turns out that you can sell anything if you buy gold?"

How much Feng Xia thinks that the No. [-] gang was founded by him, so that when the time comes, he will stand in front of his group of cronies, and immediately say a Bible: Now, standing in front of you is... the founder of the No. [-] gang in the world People, Feng Xia!
Tsk tsk tsk, thinking about it makes me lose face, but now I can only think about it...

Of course, now Feng Xia simply thinks that this first gang is just as cheating as the first gang.

Not to mention him, even many other players think the same way, thinking that Nima is a bit cheating.

But is it really so?
Half a game day later, Feng Xia, who was still having lunch in a restaurant, heard the conversation of several players next to him.

"Have you heard that the Chenglong gang was directly wiped out in the East 18th District, and those gang players basically shattered at the first touch."

"Hey! I don't even look at the difference in equipment between the two sides. The players are just knives and sticks. Others have guns, so they are not at the same level!"


Hearing this, Feng Xia immediately quit the game and opened the forum.

(End of this chapter)

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