Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 347 Do you want to get rich overnight?

Chapter 347 Do you want to get rich overnight?

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the Dawn Entertainment Forum, Feng Xia saw countless posts discussing the destruction of the first player gang.

"I see, this damn is not worth the money! Does anyone who knows the news tell me how much money Long Shao paid for the gang qualification?"

"Hen! But this time the loss should not be less than [-] RMB. After all, I heard that all the equipment in the hands of those gang players was confiscated by the NPC."

"Whether money is money or not is a trivial matter. What I am more concerned about is the course of this battle and how the strengths of the two sides compare."

"Don't tell me this, I really know. I was serving dishes in the East 18th District at the time. I heard someone yelling and started to do it, so I went out to watch it. Intuitively speaking, that guy is the king's explosive hammer in the Liushen costume. The black iron of a longsword."

"Fuck, in human terms, you are such an intuitive chicken neck!"

"Emmm, one side is full of cold weapons, and the other side is full of black, long and thick guns, of course there is no comparison."


Looking at these posts discussing the extermination of this player gang, Feng Xia felt a little lucky.

Fortunately, he didn't rush to exchange money to do this, otherwise he would be the protagonist of this accident.

Although our Young Master Feng doesn't care about these losses, he still values ​​his reputation very much.

"It seems that this game is not that simple. Although it seems that you can buy everything with money, but... there seems to be a lot of pitfalls in it!"

Feng Xia felt that he had already seen through Shuguang Entertainment's plot.

This...Of course Mu Chen and the others did it on purpose.

At that time, after Mu Chen, Liu Jin, and Lin Sen discussed the game trading section, they thought that there would definitely be rich local players who wanted to improve their strength or influence.

Therefore, in this gta5 world, although krypton gold can quickly increase its strength, it also has corresponding risks.

And how to avoid the risks that these krypton gold may bring while krypton gold is to see if players can gain insight into the connection between the two in the future by relying on the destruction of the Chenglong Gang this time.


On the other side, Zhu Sheng finally looked forward to the virtual game room that he had been thinking about for a long time in the afternoon.

Of course, in Zhu Sheng's eyes, this is not just a game warehouse, but a tool for him to earn a lot of money, a tool worth more than 2 RMB.

After entering the game warehouse, Zhu Sheng opened his account on the game warehouse again after two years of absence.

Although the account number has not changed, and he logs in on the computer every day, it is always different.

After feeling emotional for a while, Zhu Sheng reluctantly bought the game he used to make money this time, Great Thousand Worlds.

"I'll go, the cost is too high just to move a brick now!"

Looking at the hundreds of dollars deducted from the bank card, Zhu Sheng had the slightest doubt about his decision for the first time.

He was afraid that not only did he fail to make any money this time, but he even lost money and wrote it in. Then he would really lose money and explode.

But then Zhu Sheng thought of the buying news he saw when he visited the Shuguang game trading section, and he regained motivation in an instant, and firmly believed that he would definitely be able to make money.

Soon after the game was installed, Zhu Sheng was filled with apprehension and excitement, and was also full of anticipation for the new world he was about to enter.

After all, at the end of the day, he is also a young man in his early 20s.

Soon, after entering the main world, he found a random place to plant the world tree, and then according to the strategy (teaching steps circulated on the Internet), he directly pressed the chaos symbol and walked into the light gate.

Two minutes later, when Zhu Sheng came to the street, he felt that something was wrong.

"Didn't it mean that the 15th district of each of the four large areas in the southeast, northwest, and west are all player blocks? Why are there not many people on the streets of my west 16th district?"

Seeing that there were only a few people walking on the street who didn't know whether they were players or NPCs, Zhu Sheng couldn't help being very puzzled.

Is this still the new game of Shuguang Entertainment that received rave reviews online and was given high scores by various rating websites?

Did he finish a fake game?
Or maybe this is some kind of ghost costume in the legend, the one with only him?
But it shouldn't!

Except for the games of Shuguang Entertainment, CS and League of Legends had separate servers, and the later online games, except for the regional servers, all players in the same region use the same server!
Could it be that the comments and popularity outside the game are all recruited by Suguang Entertainment?

Thinking of this, Zhu Sheng wanted to die.

He felt that he might have guessed right, and if he guessed right, then half of the more than 2 RMB he spent on buying game warehouses, buying games, and renting a new house was basically wasted.

"Hey~ Anyway, the game warehouse is still new, so it should be able to stop the loss of a large part of the money."

With this in mind, Zhu Sheng started to wander around the player block.

"Brother, I think your bones are amazing, how about joining our funeral gang to conspire for a great cause? Let me tell you, our funeral gang..."

Just when Zhu Sheng was walking to the street, suddenly a rather wretched-looking player came and pulled him, talking cracklingly.

"Uh... Isn't it Burial Love?"

Hearing Zhu Sheng's obvious focus on the wrong question, the player who claimed to be the rudder of the Zantian Gang replied very coolly: "Our love is dead and buried in the past! Later, our patriarch figured it out. Now, since love is dead, then let go of love, develop yourself well, and strive to make my life up to me!"

Zhu Sheng: Hehe...

Although he was not interested in joining any gang, it was rare for Zhu Sheng to meet a living player who could talk to him, so he asked out his doubts.

"Haha, brother, you are asking the right person, because today is the fifth game day, a large number of players starved to death because they did not have enough food, and their hunger value bottomed out. After the players died, You cannot enter the game within a certain period of time, so you will not see anyone when you enter the game today."

"Besides, even in normal times, apart from players doing missions or jobs, there are not many players who will stay here all the time. Most of them go to areas within 15 blocks to find opportunities to get rich overnight."

Although the members of this funeral list are not very good-looking, but when it comes to these things, they still have a set.

When Zhu Sheng heard that the places close to the 15th district were easy to get rich overnight, he immediately became concerned.

Seeing Zhu Sheng's appearance, the Zangtian Gang player also knew that he must be tempted, so he said again:
"Hehe, brother, seeing that you and I are destined, I will remind you again that new players still have quests, but they are not issued at the same time as our first batch of players who entered the game, but you will know when you check your mailbox later. Well, at least you must have the capital to survive before you consider going to other districts, otherwise, those players who failed to go online today are your role models."

Zhu Sheng heard the reminder from the player of the funeral gang, although he was surprised why he was so kind, he still calmed down a little.

Thinking about it, if it was really that easy to get rich overnight, the credits in the trading area would not be sold at such a high price.

(End of this chapter)

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