Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 348 Mysterious Mission

Chapter 348 Mysterious Mission
After Zhu Sheng separated from the killer player of the Burial Gang, he really didn't go to the 15th district where he could get rich overnight.

After all, anyone with a little brain knows that such a good thing cannot exist in the world, even in games.

So, now Zhu Sheng wondered if those players who died on the road were really brain-dead?

Otherwise it makes no sense at all!
After all, in his opinion, since the characters in the game have made it very clear that they must survive first, then there must be some meaning!
Otherwise, what's the point of this survival mission?
And these things were inferred by Zhu Sheng from the mission email to the player that appeared in his mailbox not long ago.

I have to say that although Zhu Sheng was a little ignorant when he was in school, his mind is still very flexible, especially in games, he seems to be very good at it.

It was the same when I moved bricks in DNF before, the same time, almost the same equipment, but every time Zhu Sheng could earn a little more than others.

Although it doesn't look like much, the accumulated amount is very optimistic.

Of course, don't look at the fact that Zhu Sheng has no desire to go to the 15th District, which is said to make people get rich overnight in the mysterious legend, but this does not affect him to learn about this place.

However, his most urgent task is to solve the survival problem he faces.

Fortunately, before entering the game, Zhu Sheng still read a lot of survival strategies or rules.

He knew that the easiest place to pick up the quest was the various bars where the players gathered.

However, when he came to the entrance of the bar, Zhu Sheng looked at the long line and finally understood why the Chinese called themselves the descendants of the dragon.

Because, only when there are long queues, such as now, does Zhu Sheng feel that he is the "descendant of the dragon".

Finally, after more than half an hour, Zhu Sheng finally entered the bar successfully.

"The next task?"

Zhu Sheng looked at the bar staff in front of him with a flat tone, a bit unlike an NPC, and replied:
"Well, take the mission!"

Hearing Zhu Sheng's answer, the bar staff smiled lightly, and instead of rushing to talk about the task, they looked at Zhu Sheng with great interest and continued to ask:

"New here? Just started playing?"

Zhu Sheng glanced at the staff suspiciously, thinking that this was not an ordinary bar staff.

After all, he had frequented these places before there was an accident at home, and he was quite familiar with some of the things inside.

"Well, accept the task, hurry up!"

Zhu Sheng didn't want to talk more with this staff member who behaved very strangely, he just answered briefly and began to urge.

"Hehe, I have a task here that seems to pay well. I don't know if you are interested in it?"

This strange staff member was not angry at Zhu Sheng's impatience, but took out an envelope and handed it to him with a smile, and revealed some of the rewards for this task.

If this scene is seen by those veterans who have played a few game days, they will definitely be shocked.

After all, when they entered the game at the beginning, although the staff seemed very happy to give the task, and they liked to talk to the players from time to time, they never took the initiative to reveal a little bit about the task to any player. news.

But this time, this strange staff member took the initiative to tell Zhu Sheng that the reward for this task is very considerable, which is very abnormal.

It's just that Zhu Sheng only joined the game because of this, and forums, Weibo and other places didn't elaborate on this kind of thing, so he didn't think it was anything special.

Even Zhu Sheng felt that this staff member was a little too close to a player.

Even if this staff member is a player, he believes that Shuguang Entertainment will definitely not make such mistakes and loopholes in the game.

Looking at the staff member in front of him who was still smiling and looking at him, Zhu Sheng hesitated for a moment before taking the envelope.

After all, this is in the game. According to Zhu Sheng's experience in the past, the more mysterious things in the game, the more likely there are good things.

After Zhu Sheng accepted the task, he turned around and left the bar, and walked straight to his "birth point".

As for the mysterious bar staff, after seeing Zhu Sheng leave the bar, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But then, when he faced the players who came in behind, although he still chatted about homework and nonsense from time to time, he never revealed any news about the mission to the players in the chat.

At the same time, the moment Zhu Sheng took the envelope, Mu Chen, who was standing in front of the display wall in the mayor's office of Shuguang City, immediately received a message.

"Young Master Mu, the first mission has been released, when should the second mission be released?"

Hearing the voice from the headset, the corners of Mu Chen's mouth slightly turned up, and without thinking too much, he replied directly: "After three game days!"

After the person on the headset heard Mu Chen's answer, he immediately asked again: "Then do you continue to send random messages like this? Or do you have any special requirements?"

Muchen: "Random, emmm, random."

Muchen felt that he just said something strange.

Then, Mu Chen walked to a display screen and operated it, and the content displayed on that display screen suddenly changed.

And the protagonist in it is not the one that appeared on the screen before, but Zhu Sheng, a cute new player who just returned to his birth point.

"Hehe, although I can't allow every player to participate in the story of the three protagonists like in the original work, I can choose three lucky goose players to participate in."

Speaking of this, Mu Chen seemed to have thought of something fun, and then said to himself:

"Also, can there be some other players in these three storylines? It's like doing faction missions. It must be very exciting then!"

Muchen is too idle, he has basically been running into the game for the past two days, as for outside players' comments on Great Thousand World, as well as Griffin and the others' daily little actions, he doesn't bother to pay attention to them. They were all handed over to Lao Liu to deal with.

Of course, he didn't do nothing.

Muchen still found time to write a general idea of ​​the new game and gave it to Lin Sen, telling him to start making it slowly now, so as not to delay it for so long like this time in Great Thousand Worlds.

And he...

Cough cough, combine work and rest~
(End of this chapter)

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