Chapter 350

"Alut, do you think it is feasible for us to make a game similar to Great Thousand World?"

Griffin frowned at his chief think tank, the tall, thin white man who had spoken earlier.

After hearing the boss Griffin's question, the white man named Arut frowned and thought for a while before speaking.

"It's possible, but it's hard."

Griffin: "Tell me specifically... what EG Games cannot do."

To be honest, Griffin was somewhat unconvinced when he heard what his think tank said so bluntly.

Anyway, my own EG game company can be regarded as a well-known company in the world, and it is a bit embarrassing to be directly said no by the subordinates.

Fortunately, Griffin is not the kind of boss who has no capacity for people. He also knows that Arut, as his chief think tank, must analyze the problem from the most objective perspective.

Seeing that his boss was a little unconvinced, Arut's tone was a little aggressive, and he didn't say anything. After all, this is human nature.

As for Griffin's question, Arut was clearly prepared, and he said calmly:
"The first is the technical problem of the game. According to what we know, although this Great Thousand World is also a virtual game, it should have adopted a special compression technology when it was produced. Otherwise, two such large maps would be enough. Fill up the virtual game warehouses of the players directly; then there is the problem of the quality of the game. Although our company's game planners and production staff are not inferior to Shuguang Entertainment, the game ideas suitable for this model of the Great Thousand World do not come as soon as they want of."

"Of course, if the boss already has an idea in your heart, and there are more than one, then the second question is not a problem."

"And the most important point is that if we, EG Games Company, also make this kind of games, then players will definitely feel that we are imitating, or plagiarizing Great Thousand Worlds."

"Even if Xia Guo's awareness of authenticity is not strong, this kind of public opinion of plagiarism will not bring any substantial loss to our company, but because of the similarities between the two games, players will inevitably compare them."

"And boss, can you guarantee that the game we make will be better than Great Thousand Worlds?"

Arut said a few points in a row, and it can be said that none of them hit the point.

As for why you think so?
Emmm, you can tell by Griffin's face now, it's as black as the bottom of a pot.

Obviously, Griffin has listened to the analysis of Arut, the chief think tank, and he himself thinks Arut is right.

But sometimes people are like this. They can admit their mistakes, but they don't want to be told.

It's just that Arut is his employee, and he's the one he relies heavily on, so no matter how angry Griffin is, he can only hold back.

"Okay, I see, you go down first."

Griffin held back for a long time and finally came out with a word.

Arut nodded, and after saying goodbye, Jiu led his men out of Griffin's office.

"Tell the group of idiots in the planning department to come up with ideas for a new game, or I'll send them back to the Mediterranean to go fishing!"

After seeing Arut leave the office, Griffin directly poured the anger that had been suppressed for a long time onto his secretary's forehead.


Speaking of which, since Shuguang Entertainment opened up a trading section for players on the game platform, it has suddenly become the most active place for players outside of games.

And as time goes by, players' transactions are not limited to credits.

For example, there are all kinds of weapons or props that players get by doing tasks.

Of course, this kind of things, unless they are extremely rare and generally unavailable to players, the price is very cheap.

But... it's better than selling it to a second-hand merchant in the game.

After all, a sharp dagger can be sold for hundreds of RMB in the trading section, but the second-hand store of the game can recycle it for you with only 5 credits.

You know, a spicy fruit knife in the Nima game store costs more than ten credits.

Therefore, while the players scolded Mu Chen for cheating, they were also earning a small amount of money in the trading section.

Of course, credit point trading is the most and most lacking in the trading sector.

It's just that there are already many players selling credit points, so the exchange price of credit points and RMB has also been reduced accordingly.

From the beginning, 1 credit can be sold for 10 or more RMB, but now it can only be sold for 8 RMB.

However, this is also the trend of the times, especially for those players who have been punished by death. After returning to the game, the price of credit points has dropped sharply.

Fortunately, Shuguang Entertainment has attracted too many local rich players, so the price dropped only a few minutes before being raised again by those rich local players who only care about spending money without looking at the price, and it has remained stable. 1:8 this ratio.

On this day, that is, during the three game days, Zhu Sheng also continued to take on some other tasks to do until the fatigue value on his player panel bottomed out. Return to the birth point to rest.

Of course, he didn't go to the bar where he received the strange task for the first time in the past three days.

He was afraid that it would be bad if the staff with that weird chatter recognized him and forced him to do that mysterious mission.

So in these three game days, he has received more scattered tasks in some other places.

However, due to the large quantity, Zhu Sheng looked at his credit points after returning to the birth point, and there were a full 858 points.

This is because during these three game days, he had to increase his hunger point and eat something, otherwise there would definitely be 1000 points.

Of course, in addition to the more than 800 credit points he got in the past three days, there is also the value on his player panel that is close to zero except for the hunger value.

After falling asleep in the game, Zhu Sheng quit the game and came to the player trading section.

Zhu Sheng took a look at the price of credit points at the current stage, and found that it was two yuan lower than when he first entered the game.

This discovery made Zhu Sheng heartbroken for a long time.

"Damn, it would be great if I got into the game earlier, rounding it up, I lost thousands of dollars!"

emmm, Zhu Sheng is still a bit self-aware, he didn't say he lost [-] million.

Later, Zhu Sheng was afraid that the price would drop again, so he took out 830 credits and listed them on the trading board.

Then... In less than three seconds, the 800 credits disappeared.

At the same time, his bank card balance was more than 6000 RMB.

(End of this chapter)

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