Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 351 Financial Crisis

Chapter 351 Financial Crisis
After exiting the game room, Zhu Sheng turned on his mobile phone and looked at the balance on the bank card, showing a satisfied smile.

At least, he can now be sure that the money earned in this game, that is, the speed of moving bricks, is much faster than his previous speed in the dungeon.

Of course, not everyone can do this, at least like Zhu Sheng, who regards playing games as a job, not an existence for relaxation and entertainment.

But obviously, this is impossible for most people.

Don't look at how many players are earning credits every day to get the trading board to sell.

However, according to the sales data of the past two days, more than 80.00% of the players sold credits between 50 and 100 at one time.

The remaining 15.00% can barely exceed 100 points, but the excess is very limited, and the 200 points are basically pitifully rare.

And like Zhu Sheng, he was the only one who sold more than 800 credits at one time.

In other words, apart from Zhu Sheng, no player has ever sold more than 500 credits at one time, and the one who sold the most credits was 400 credits, but they were all divided into several times, and this player was the first to enter the game.

However, this phenomenon can also be said to be normal for the present.


Because a considerable part of these players are from relatively good family conditions, or very well-to-do people.

There is absolutely no need for them to give up the fun of the entire game and the purpose of playing the game in order to make money.

After all, playing games is to have fun, to relax yourself, not to change places to work.

After excluding these well-to-do players, there are those players who mainly play games in Internet cafes.

And these players are also the main force contributing to the sales of the trading sector.

After all, for office workers or student parties who usually go to Internet cafes to play games, it must be very good to be able to earn some extra money while playing games.

And this is indeed necessary, after all, the Internet fee of a virtual game Internet cafe is not four or five yuan, or ten or eight yuan can be won.

At present, the average price of virtual game Internet cafes on the market is 20 RMB per hour. Some Internet cafes have a good environment, and there are relatively high-end virtual game Internet cafes that cost 30 to 50 RMB per hour.

The average player plays for about 6 hours, which is directly 120 oceans.

To be honest, the student party with average consumption can’t afford it, at least they have to have a lot of pocket money to afford the Internet fee of nearly 1000 RMB or more a month.

Therefore, these players will appropriately or deliberately do more tasks in the game to earn credits.

Not to mention too much, at least it is good to earn the Internet fee, so that they are equivalent to surfing the Internet for free.


In this world, what is lacking the most is not smart people.

Just five days after the official opening of the Great Thousand World, that is, 15 game days after the game Li, a news gradually spread on the Internet.

It is said that Suguang Entertainment's new game can make money, and it makes a lot of money.

In fact, similar news was only circulated in Dawn Entertainment's forum at the beginning, that is to say, those players were discussing it a lot.

However, because most of the discussion is about what mission XX took on today, which NPC gang XX was lucky enough to join, etc., so the players didn't make a fuss when they saw things like making money.

After all, there are many uses for credit points, and exchanging them for RMB is just one of them.

However, it should be a reason for a certain player to show off. He posted a screenshot of his bank card balance on Weibo, and added a text saying that he earned money while playing games.

It's fine to say that the money is less, after all, it is normal.

But the problem is that the balance is a full [-] RMB.

This is a bit... appalling.

Afterwards, whether it was netizens watching the excitement, netizens who were skeptical, or those netizens who didn't believe that they could make so much money at all, after a heated discussion, the popularity of this Weibo was fired. Also on the top ten hot searches.

And at this time, many players in the Great Thousand World will naturally see this Weibo.

After that, it was logical that many players stood up to speak for this player blogger who was questioned by netizens.

And the way of helping to speak is very simple, just send the screenshots on the trading board directly, and it is clear at a glance.

When netizens saw that more and more people posted screenshots of these different amounts, they had to believe that it was true.

In particular, when a screenshot of a one-time transaction amount of up to 5 RMB appeared, it surprised some netizens who had never known the Great Thousand World.

Since when did you make so much money playing an online game?
Isn’t it often reported in the news that a certain elementary school student spent tens of thousands of RMB playing online games to recharge, why has the world suddenly changed now?
When this news was posted on Weibo hot search for two or three days, the players suddenly discovered that there were many cute new players in the previously deserted player gathering area.

But then they thought about it and knew why.

The unreliable news headlines that you can earn tens of thousands a day just by playing games two days ago spread around the Internet.

It is understandable for these people to be tempted after seeing it and come to play games to make money.

It's just that, when the old players took the credits they saved for three or six game days to the trading board to sell after a day's game, they suddenly found that the price of the credits had changed drastically.

Two or three days ago, one credit point could be sold for about 1RMB, but now it is only worth 8RMB or even gradually declining.

Immediately, the veteran players immediately understood the reason based on what they saw in the morning.

What the hell, this group of Sabimen must have sold all the credits they earned in one game day.

Although according to current calculations, the total income of an average player in a game day is around 50 credits, and after excluding necessary consumption, there can basically be 20 to 35 credits left.

This number seems very small, and ordinary players would not sell such credits.

But... the bad thing is this group of new players, they all urgently want to verify whether the online mastering before is true.

They don't want to earn tens of thousands of dollars a day, but at least they need to be able to make money.

So...these players don't think about the relationship between supply and demand at all, and just sell the credits in their hands.

So... Those players (or professionals) who specialize in scanning goods in the trading section, after seeing so many credit points suddenly appearing for sale at one time, they will naturally reduce their prices significantly.

After all, although they have a lot of money, they are not taken advantage of, and they will naturally seize the opportunity to reduce the price.

And this time the sharp price reduction of credit points is also called by those old players-the dawn financial crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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