Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 363 Action

Chapter 363 Action
The next day, two game days had passed since Zhu Sheng and Feng Xia met for the first time in the Great Thousand World.

This day is also the time agreed upon by the two parties (actually requested by Zhu Sheng) to meet, and similarly, it is also the time to perform tasks.

As the saying goes, the moon is dark and the wind is high to kill people.

Great Thousand World, as Suguang Entertainment, has carefully produced a game for more than a year. The scenes such as the weather system and the alternation of the sun and the moon are naturally basically the same as the scenes in reality.

For example, right now, Zhu Sheng is walking alone in a dark alley.

And in the game, it is also dark everywhere, only the area near the main road of the street is as bright as day.

This is also what Mu Chen deliberately did when designing.

In his opinion, if the environment where the players live is too good, how can they encourage the players to buy bigger houses with better environment?
If the players don't buy these good houses, how do they spend their credits?
If the credits can't be spent, wouldn't it be useless for him to open the game trading section?

And if the credit point trading section is useless, how can Mu Chen lie down and earn handling fees every day?
( ̄y▽ ̄)~*
Of course, when players trade in the trading section, the handling fee is actually very low.

But... I can't stand the large amount.

Closer to home, Zhu Sheng came to another dark alley after running around in this area where players gathered.

Looking at the shadowy figures inside, Zhu Sheng immediately changed into the outfit he used to fool the players in the bar before, and also put on a mask.

After checking his pretentiousness again, Zhu Sheng walked into the alley.

"What do we need to do?"

Zhu Sheng just walked in, led by Feng Xia, the players who were chattering before looked at Zhu Sheng for a moment, and Feng Xia couldn't wait to ask.

"Are all the weapons ready?"

Zhu Sheng ignored Feng Xia, the boss of the gang, and asked the most important question directly.

"Take it, one hundred people, each with a pistol in his hand!"

Seeing that this NPC who was no longer mentally retarded didn't answer his question, Feng Xia wasn't annoyed. Instead, he said it very proudly after hearing the question about weapons.

Looking at his expression, I don't know if he thought that one hundred of them were all Gatlings.

Of course, in all fairness, Feng Xia and his gang's combat effectiveness can be said to be very strong.

Anyway, after Zhu Sheng heard that none of the hundred of them had a pistol, the originally rather stern face behind the mask softened a little.

For a hundred people, one shot per person is enough for the four security guards at the gate of the bank to drink a pot.

"Okay, then get ready to act!"

After the most important issue of weapons was gone, Zhu Sheng didn't talk nonsense, and led Feng Xia and a hundred of them out of the alley.

And on the side of a street not far from the entrance of the alley is one of their target banks tonight.

"Get ready, remember to aim a little bit, otherwise we will have casualties if we go too far."

After Feng Xia saw Zhu Shengting who was walking in front listened, he immediately said to his little brothers.

After all, he is a member of his own gang, so two GGs are two less.

"Go directly, if there are pedestrians blocking the way, shoot and kill!"

After speaking, Zhu Sheng walked out of the corner of the alley first, picked up the AK he had rented to support the facade, and shot at the four security guards at the bank entrance not far away.

And the moment Zhu Sheng opened his mouth, Feng Xia and the others also rushed to the street in a swarm, looking for a good position, they shot Blind Jill at the door of the bank.

At the same time, after Zhu Sheng, Feng Xia and the others shot, the players who were still wandering in the street were stunned for a moment when they heard the gunshot, and then excitedly moved towards the direction of the gunshot, that is, Zhu Sheng and the others came here.

In the impression of these players, generally such large-scale gunshots are basically those gangs who are firing.

However, this time, when they got to the place, they found that the situation was different from what they had imagined.

"Hold the grass, this nima... is robbing a bank?"

"I see, what the hell is 999, it's 6 times!"

"Emmm, are these people an NPC gang?"

"It should be, how can a player be so popular? How dare you rob a bank!"


Those players who rushed to watch the fun couldn't help but sigh in amazement when they saw Zhu Sheng and Feng Xia rushing towards the bank.

After all, they have never seen this kind of thing in real life.

And in the film and television drama, it's too far away, and they all know it's fake, so it doesn't seem to have much meaning.

But it's different here.

Although this is a game, the sense of substitution of the virtual game made them feel an adrenaline rush when they watched the scene of robbing the bank.

Emmm, but if they saw a few unlucky players at the gate of the bank being "accidentally" killed by Zhu Sheng and the others, then they probably wouldn't have the leisure to watch the excitement.


"Speed! Speed!"

After Zhu Sheng saw the four security guards at the entrance of the bank fell to the ground, he grabbed the AK in his hand and rushed towards the bank without saying a word.

The distance of tens of meters is there in an instant.

Zhu Sheng, who rushed into the bank, saw all the NPC employees lying on the ground shivering, and ignored them.

Without further ado, he walked to the back of the counter and started the transfer according to the credit point transfer method he personally found out before.

At the same time, just as Zhu Sheng started to transfer money, Feng Xia and the others followed.

"There is still a machine there, you can operate it yourself, hurry up!"

At this time, Zhu Sheng didn't care about pretending to be an NPC, and said quickly to Feng Xia who was walking in front.

Feng Xia, who just came in over there, heard Zhu Sheng's tone that was very different from before, after being stunned for a moment, he didn't have time to think about anything else, so he just watched Zhu Sheng's operation, and began to transfer money to himself.

After Feng Xia put his hand into the credit transfer machine, he clicked on his player panel to look at the value in the column of credit points.

A second later, the credit balance, which was already in the single digits after he bought a hundred pistols, was rising crazily.

Five hundred, one thousand, five thousand... all the way to [-].

Drop drop! ! !
However, when Feng Xia's credit point balance reached the figure of 80000, the machine sounded an alarm, and the figure remained at 80000.

At the same time, Zhu Sheng also encountered the same situation as Feng Xia.

After his credit balance increased by 12, it never moved again.



Seeing this situation, the two cursed at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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