Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 364 Three Barbs

Chapter 364 Three Barbs
"Who the hell are you? How dare you pretend to be an NPC to blackmail me!"

After Feng Xia saw this happening, combined with the various strange behaviors of this "NPC" before, he could already be sure that the person in front of him was definitely not an NPC.

After Zhu Sheng was exposed by Feng Xia, he didn't explain anything. After all, this identity will be exposed sooner or later.

"Hehe, let's think about how to deal with the matter in front of us now. I didn't cheat your credit, did I? Although it is indeed a little less now, I think the staff here should know something. "

Hearing Zhu Sheng's calm and rational answer, no matter how angry Feng Xia was, he could only hold back in front of those tens of millions of credit points.

Afterwards, Feng Xia casually grabbed a bank NPC staff member who was closest to him to ask.

Although these NPCs are not real people, Feng Xia has to say that their reactions are very realistic.

Trembling, he didn't dare to look up, and asked what to say.

Of course, Feng Xia was only slightly emotional for a while, after all, there was still work to be done.

"The question came out, because transferring more than 20 credit points at one time here requires an additional operation."

Feng Xia turned to Zhu Sheng and said.

"What operation? Can these people do it?"

Zhu Sheng hurriedly asked.

Hearing Zhu Sheng's questioning, Feng Xia hurriedly asked the NPC who was still trembling under his gun.

It can be seen from this that, in fact, these popular NPCs in the game only have very ordinary procedural intelligence.

If this scene were played in reality, the staff would definitely tell what they knew the moment Zhu Sheng asked Feng Xia.

Rather than need Feng Xia to repeat it again.

But that's okay, although it was a bit of a grind, but in the end Zhu Sheng and Feng Xia still got what they wanted from this NPC.

Their authority is 50 credit points, and the manager's authority is as high as 1000 million credit points. If they want to transfer all the credit points in the bank, they need to consult a higher-level bank in the inner city.

Hearing this, Zhu Sheng and Feng Xia looked at each other, and asked at the same time, "Where's the manager?"

One is 50 yuan and the other is 1000 million yuan. Any fool knows how to choose.

However, the next answer from the NPC left them both dumbfounded.

I saw that this bank NPC, who was able to answer the questions fluently before and was not much different from a real person, looked at Feng Xia blankly after hearing this question.

"Fuck! Laozidou almost forgot that this guy is just an NPC in the game. It should be that this problem is beyond the scope of their original programming."

At this time, Feng Xia can only find a reason that he thinks is more reliable to explain this strange phenomenon.

However, if Mu Chen is watching "peeping" through the eyes of God in his office at this time, he will definitely say to Feng Xia: Sao Nian, you are really a picture!

Since he has taken out the link of robbing the bank, the intelligence of the NPCs in the bank must be a key link.

Otherwise, the players would rush to rob the bank, but the NPCs in it would not know what to ask, how much would it affect the players' sense of substitution?
Then why did he interrupt the process when he asked the manager, and force the staff NPC to be mentally retarded?
Of course it was because Mu Chennu didn't want players to get those 1000 million credits too easily.

In other words, in fact, at the beginning of the initial mission, the deposits in the bank detected by Zhu Sheng were as high as [-] million credit points, which was the first hook released by Mu Chen.

Only when the benefits are large enough can players be attracted to go all out and rack their brains to complete this seemingly daring task of robbing a bank.

The later result was just as Mu Chen expected.

Zhu Sheng took the bait, on the huge bait of [-] million credits, Zhu Sheng didn't bite on it, he even called Feng Xia and his gang to bite together.

But when Zhu Sheng and the others bit the bait, they realized that there was a barb in it, and there was more than one f*ck.

What's that second barb?
Zhu Sheng and Feng Xia had no choice but to let go after being frustrated with the manager issue, taking away their easy-to-get 50 credit points.

Of course, because of various unexpected reasons during the operation, and the serious discrepancy between the income and previous expectations, Feng Xia directly demanded that he and his gang should account for 50% of the [-] credits.

As for Feng Xia's lion, Zhu Sheng was naturally 1 unwilling.

In the end, after the two of them talked for a long time, they reached an agreement that Zhu Sheng and Feng Xia would share [-] to [-] percent.

For Zhu Sheng, this share is also a matter of no choice.

First of all, this incident was caused by his own intelligence error (emmm, it was actually caused by Mu Chen), and secondly, there is a very realistic and serious problem - he seems to be unable to defeat Feng Xia and the others by himself. Hundreds of people.

Therefore, Zhu Sheng simply followed his heart.

It's just a loss of [-] credit points. Thinking about it carefully, he can't use that much by himself...


What Zhu Sheng had to admit was that his heart ached so much!

The agreed one hundred million!
In the end, there was only Nima 50, and after another division, it was only 20.

Thinking of this, Zhu Sheng, who was evacuating after the account split was completed, naturally thought of the key person in the bank - the manager.

This NPC has a credit authority of 1000 million. Although it is still 9000 million less than 50 million, it is still more than [-].


If he can get the manager alone, then he can still enjoy the 1000 million to himself, instead of sharing a large part of it like this time.

On the other side, Feng Xia, who was also evacuated from the bank, was also thinking about the same thing as Zhu Sheng.

The manager's 1000 million credit authority is a bit tempting.

And this manager's 1000 million credit points is the second barb that Mu Chen released to these players.

The original 50 million was only 1000 in the end, but there is still a great chance to get [-] million.

In this case, how many people can resist the temptation?

Finally, Mu Chen has a third hidden barb.

That is... Through this bank robbery incident between Feng Xia and Zhu Sheng, I will intuitively tell those players who like excitement and adventure.

In the game, as long as you are brave, there is nothing you cannot do.

Moreover, after doing it, there will be a lot of income.

After this, Mu Chen believes that the next game will not be peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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