Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 367 No Contrast

Chapter 367 No Contrast

Griffin looked at a plan in his hand, and threw it on the table angrily.


"Aren't you guys not wanting to do it anymore? Is this the plan that you said took more than a month and a team of dozens of people to carefully polish?"

"The result is this pile of shit?"

"I spent so much money to bring you to Xia Guolai. I didn't ask you to go to the clubhouse to sing and drink after clocking in every day. I asked you to come to work. Remember, you work seriously!"

"Give you another week, I don't want to be specific about planning, just give me a feasible idea!"

"Otherwise, all of them will be fucked back to Europe for me, and even Jesus will not be able to save you, because I will pay you wages!"

The core planners of several EG game companies standing in front of Griffin could only tremble under Griffin's roar and spittle.

It is simply a model of not daring to be angry and not daring to speak.

Although those employees in Europe and the United States are usually quite tough, in fact, it is only at certain times.

Like now, the unemployment rate in Europe has been rising year after year, and they are reluctant to part with this happy expatriate job.

Therefore, amidst Griffin's roar, these employees could only nod their heads, saying that they would definitely come up with a feasible idea in a week, otherwise they would send themselves to see God.

For such a guarantee, Griffin just nodded undeniably. As for whether he believes it or not, it is unknown.

The reason why Griffin is so angry is because he has been under too much pressure from Shuguang Entertainment during this period.

Nowadays, as the technology of the virtual game room becomes more and more mature, finally only EG game company, Suguang Entertainment and Leihuo Interactive Entertainment can manufacture the virtual game room in the market.

As a result, the total number of virtual game warehouses in the entire Xiaguo market has directly reached more than 50 in the past two months.

You know, when Shuguang Entertainment's new game Great Thousand World was first launched, the entire Xia Kingdom's game warehouse was only in the early 20s.

What makes Griffin feel pressure is that, according to his investigation, almost every one of the more than 50 game warehouses has installed at least one game from Suguang Entertainment.

Among them, the game with the largest number of installations is now called the second world by players, the Great Thousand World.

Thinking about more than a month ago, when the game of Dawn Entertainment was just launched, Griffin was nervous at the time, but he also felt that no matter how bad this new game was, it was only similar to the previous two games of Dawn Entertainment.

However, who would have thought that just over a month later, Great Thousand Worlds would directly grow wildly among the player groups, and there was no game that could stop it.

Then, two days ago, Griffin couldn't bear it anymore. He entered the Great Thousand World and played it carefully. Finally, he came to a conclusion that this game is really fun.

Although Griffin had played the game for a while before, he only took a superficial look at the type and gameplay of the game at that time, and did not play it in depth like this time.

So even though he thought Great Thousand Worlds was a good game at the time, it was too good to be true.

It's just that after he played carefully a few days ago, he found that this game is really addictive.

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that the credits in the game can be sold into RMB makes Griffin feel astonished.

Especially when he was researching the trading section of Great Thousand Worlds, he found that Shuguang Entertainment would charge a certain handling fee when players teach one.

Griffin is sure that Shuguang Entertainment can earn a lot of money just by relying on these fees.

And Griffin also saved a credit during the game time these days, and then sold it in the trading section.

This feeling really made Griffin feel pretty good.

Although after a few days of busy work, there was only a few hundred dollars in his card.

But just a few hundred dollars, which made him feel uninterested in the past, actually made him feel a long-lost sense of accomplishment.

That's a big deal.

You know, since Griffin officially entered the Xiaguo market, he hasn't found any sense of accomplishment in the games made by his company.

But now he actually found it in an enemy game, and it was from the heart.

It had to be said that it really made him very uncomfortable.

That's why he pulled out the employees of the planning department and scolded them severely today.

In fact, the plan that Griffin just dropped was not as bad as he said.

But because Griffin was really annoyed in his heart, he then decided to compare this plan with the Great Thousand World.

emmm, no harm without contrast.

That's why Griffin was so angry in the end.

He came all the way to Xiaguo, and he spent time, effort and money to set up a branch here, the original purpose was to defeat Mu Chen's Shuguang Entertainment.

However... Finally, the cruel reality slapped Griffin hard on the face.

Since he came to Xia Kingdom, every game of EG Games Company has basically been pulled up and played by Shuguang Entertainment's games.

Take the recent suspense game of EG Games Company, which is not bad for solving puzzles and investigating cases.

It stands to reason that it should be no problem to beat Shuguang Entertainment with the type of game that their company is best at.

However, the fact is that his EG game company's best game was reversed.

It can be said that this time is a typical example of teaching you how to be a human being.

Anyway, now on the Internet, as long as players say how much fun and how popular Shuguang Entertainment's Great Thousand World is, they will pull out the secret case of EG Games Company and whip the corpse fiercely.

But who said that these two games are crime games.

Of course, the vast majority of players now only regard EG Games' Mi'an Shuo as a suspenseful reasoning game, not a crime game.

After all, after the comparison of the world, EG Games' games are not enough.

If not convinced?
That's easy.

Can you rob a bank in the game of your EG game company?
Yes, I have? !
Can a player rob a bank?

Can't you?
This can also be ah?
Then can you let a group of players plan to rob banks, rob gold stores, race cars together, and fight wits with the police in the game together?
Does not!
Therefore, now those players who strongly advocated the secret case as a true crime game before, dare not fart in the face of the brilliant light of the vast world.

Even, there are quite a few mobsters in their group, quietly playing happily in the Great Thousand World.

(End of this chapter)

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