Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 368 Good News and Bad News

Chapter 368 Good News and Bad News

Although Griffin of the EG game company over there has a lot of resentment towards Mu Chen and Shuguang Entertainment, but this does not affect the spread of Great Thousand World's good reputation among the players.

In this way, this word of mouth has continued for three months.

During the past three months, several things happened that shocked the entire game world of Xia Kingdom.

First of all, it is related to the number of virtual game warehouses in the entire domestic virtual game market.

In these three months, the number of game warehouses has surged by more than 60 units, and the total number has directly broken through to 110 million units.

The increase in this number is due to the fact that Shuguang Entertainment's Daqianshijie has a really good reputation, intentionally or unintentionally, it has indeed attracted many players who have the financial strength to buy game warehouses; One after another virtual game Internet cafes have been opened one after another.

From the beginning, there were only Yang Wei, Feng Xia, etc., to a total of thousands of virtual game Internet cafes in major cities across the country. In the past year or so, there has been a qualitative leap in the number of Internet cafes.

After the statistics were calculated, Dawn Entertainment's employees, from Liu Jin to Lin Sen, down to ordinary employees, all had...satisfied smiles on their faces.

After all, this number of game warehouses basically means that Suguang Entertainment's virtual games can definitely exceed 100 million players.

Although Great Thousand World officially broke through 100 million players two months ago, the number of game warehouses at that time was less than 100 million units. Everyone in Shuguang Entertainment felt that such an announcement would be a bit imperfect, so they waited until the game warehouse The official announcement was made only after the number exceeded 100 million.

And these two 100 million breakthroughs directly put great pressure on other game companies in the industry.

Bear the brunt of the EG game company.

Although some time ago, EG Game Company announced that they had started the production plan for a new game next year, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that this time EG Game Company is not even as confident as when it made the previous game.

But this is also impossible.

Although Griffin had already severely scolded the dog planners of their company before, they did come up with a good idea for Griffin, and then even perfected it into a detailed plan. planning.


Ever since playing Dawn Entertainment's Big Thousand World, no matter what plan Griffin is looking at now, there is only one boring feeling after finishing the work.

God knows, when he got the plan from his company, how much he hoped that those planners who were fooling around in bars every day would surprise him with an earth-shattering excellent plan.


The truth is that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

But fortunately this time Griffin was a little psychologically prepared, so he didn't yell like the previous time.

Then there are companies such as Ma Teng's Torch Games and Bruce's Storm Games.

They now belong to the kind of game companies that barely have such a good impression in the minds of domestic players.

So now the virtual game that their company belongs to, in terms of market share and number of players, it can be said that Suguang Entertainment has completely exploded it.

Even the pitiful looking EG game company can't compare.

But that's reality.

As long as your game company's game production is not bad, then the players will definitely buy your company's account without any accidents.

But if there is no bright spot, or if there is no good reputation, it is hard to say.

Such as the firewood game.

As a veteran game company that has existed in China for more than ten years, Xinhuo Games should be more popular among players.


Perhaps it was because Ma Teng had done too many crimes before, but now domestic players generally have an impression of Xinhuo games that they stay in the aspect of krypton gold bosses.

That is to say, Ma Teng has also learned a lesson in the past two years, and he is more restrained in the virtual game of Xinhuo Game, which makes his company's reputation a little bit better.

And because most of the games of Xinhuo Game these few times are fancy dress-up games, the players even gave Ma Teng a nickname of "Dress-up Nuannuan Old Prince".

Although it was more or less ironic, it also made the popularity of Xinhuo Game a little bit better in disguise.

Otherwise, the current salary game is probably still in a state of disgust.

As for the two companies, Bruce and Brother John, because they have only produced one decent game so far, word of mouth has not yet accumulated, so the impression is not very deep.

And there is another big event that shakes the domestic game industry, which is related to Shuguang Entertainment.

Just two days ago, Dawn Entertainment officially announced that they will have an update in a month, and this time, Dawn Entertainment will add two new worlds to Great Thousand Worlds.

And this news is really a surprise and surprise for players who have already understood the core of the Great Thousand World game.

Originally, after playing for nearly half a year, the players are already a little tired of the only gta5 world in the world.

Although the game is very close to reality, it is also called the player's second world.

But half a year, converted into the game, that is a year and a half.

And such a long period of time is enough for the players of Great Thousand Worlds to thoroughly enjoy a world.

Of course, this news also brought another piece of information to the players, that is, the player's main mission in this world will be settled in the near future.

Although more than half a year has passed, the players still clearly remember that the top-ranked players in this world have mysterious rewards from Shuguang Entertainment.

Of course, there will definitely not be too many players who can win the prize.

But having said that, what makes the players most happy is the opening of the new world, and two of them are opened at once.

This is something Shuguang Entertainment has never done before.

After all, Mu Chen and his Shuguang Entertainment are famous salted fish in the eyes of the players.

There is such a new game in a year that the players are very popular.

And every time they think of this, the players will be attracted to Shuguang Entertainment, which used to control Raiden in the field of PC games.

Because at that time, Shuguang Entertainment still had two games a year from time to time.

Forget the past.

Of course, this is good news for players, but it is extremely bad news for other game companies.

(End of this chapter)

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