Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 369 Yang Wei Comes Back

Chapter 369 Yang Wei Comes Back
And after Shuguang Entertainment officially announced that there will be two new worlds that will meet players next month, countless fans of Shuguang Entertainment are discussing frantically.

From the beginning, it was only a small-scale discussion on Weibo and forums, and two days later, netizens who were discussing this news can basically be seen all over the Internet.

For example, now, in Turkey 6612138, which has not been opened for half a year, half of the bullet screens are discussing the new world of Great Thousand Worlds.

At this time, Yang Wei, who hadn't shown his face for more than half a year, was still looking cheap.

"Ahem, let me say, I haven't broadcast live for so long, don't you miss me because you are so cute? You are still discussing what is the new game of Shuguang Entertainment?"

"Tell me, why? Is my Viagra not handsome enough, or is my live broadcast not interesting enough?"

Yang Wei expressed that he would rectify his name.

I can't just be compared to a game on the day of my comeback, even if this game is from Suguang Entertainment!

I, Yang·Turkey's former first brother·Xiaowu Internet Café owner·Wei, am so fearless!

However, the barrage in his live broadcast room did not give Yang Wei any face.

"Hehe, if it wasn't for being too lazy to walk to the zoo to see monkeys today, why wouldn't labor and management come to your live broadcast room? Isn't the young lady in the beauty zone next door better?"

"That's right, Yang Wei, you're out of your league. If we don't live broadcast for half a year, we won't be allowed to find another new love?"

"Emmm, let me tell you something, the new game of Shuguang Entertainment is indeed better-looking than yours, and of course it is much more fun than yours!"

"Hahaha, the most amazing thing is that you can also earn money while playing!"

Yang Wei: () Go south and go south!

He felt that he really had a brain twitch to say this to these unreliable viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Ahem, what, some time ago because of some personal matters, it was delayed for a while. I have been pigeonholed for so long and there is nothing I can do!"

Yang Wei tried his best to look aggrieved in front of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

Emmm, it's just that this expression really doesn't match his appearance, and the audience in the live broadcast room are disgusted.

"Mouth area~ Fuck, labor and management just had lunch, Nima saw such a scene, Yang Wei, you bastard wants me to die!"

"Frog and rabbit! Does this bastard want to disgust us to death and inherit our Huabei debt?"

"Hahaha, that would be perfect, and the repayment day is coming up in these two days!"



Today, two days after Shuguang Entertainment officially announced that two new worlds will be launched soon, it is also the day when Yang Wei, the former turkey live broadcast brother, returned to live broadcast.

Before last year, because Yang Wei was often busy with some on-site business matters, he would dove from time to time for a long time.

Later, he felt that it would not work to continue like this, so he simply discussed with Turkey Live, and suspended the live broadcast work for a period of time, and waited until he had dealt with the real things almost, and all the Internet cafes he invested in went away. After getting on track, he will come back to broadcast live.

Then, just like what was said on the barrage, after Yang Wei announced that he was going to take a break for half a year, he stopped live broadcasting.

And it is precisely because he did not explain clearly why he stopped the live broadcast at the beginning, so now those old fans of Yang Wei are quite disrespectful to Yang Wei.

And Yang Wei saw that the audience like himself was still bullying him on the barrage, without giving him any face, and he knew the reason.

But since he has come back to live broadcast today, then this kind of thing must be made clear.

Thinking of this, Yang Wei cleared his throat, and said solemnly: "Ahem, well, I won't play games today. After all, I have disappeared for so long, and I still have to have a good fight with my brother Meng."

"First of all, let me tell you what I did in the half year when I didn't broadcast live. The precipice made you brothers so surprised that you couldn't close your legs!"

Hearing what Yang Wei said, the audience in the live broadcast room naturally quit, clamoring for medicine to attack Yang Wei's extremely arrogant arrogance.

"Hahaha, the first thing I did was to open two more Internet cafes in other parts of the imperial capital!"

"In the future, Xiaowu Internet Cafe will also be a chain of Internet cafes. My brother, Mengke, will call me Turkey No. [-] Webmaster again. Have you ever seen a Webmaster who manages three Internet cafes at once?"

"From now on, please call me Boss Yang, or Boss Wei is also Kuo Yi!"

Regarding this matter, many people in the audience in the imperial capital actually knew more or less about it.

After all, the viewers who can hang out in Yang Wei's live broadcast room for so long are generally the kind who like to play games, so they are naturally quite concerned about the most popular virtual game Internet cafes at the moment.

Of course, more viewers still don't know the news, so they were indeed a little surprised after hearing what Yang Wei said.

After all, the three Internet cafes are still virtual game Internet cafes in the imperial capital, and they still need a lot of small money.

And Yang Wei didn't say much about the Internet cafe. It's just opening a branch, so it's not worth talking about.

"Cut, it's just opening a branch, there's nothing we can't do!"

Although Yang Wei said that it was no big deal, the corners of his mouth crazily raised betrayed his inner activities at this time, which was quite proud.

"Ahem, emmm, the second thing is the real big deal!"

Yang Wei's face turned serious, and he said seriously: "That is, I successfully invested in a domestic professional club!"

"Attention, it's a club, not a team!"

After finishing speaking, the seriousness on Yang Wei's face completely disappeared.

It turned into a mixed expression of embarrassment, happiness, pride, etc. that I picked up hundreds of dollars on the side of the road.

The audience who heard this incident were really surprised this time.

After all, professional teams and professional clubs are really two concepts.

Although the two can be said to have the same meaning in most cases now.

However, a professional team may be just a few players of a team, plus some of the staff behind it, the boss and so on.

As for professional clubs, they are not just a team.

It can be said to be a comprehensive club that includes many professional teams with professional events.

Moreover, the division of labor inside is clearer, and the profit direction is also clearer.

Thinking of this, the audience in the live broadcast room all looked at Yang Wei in the same way.

(End of this chapter)

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