Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 372 Overseas Promotion

Chapter 372 Overseas Promotion
Otherwise, they can only hold axes and shovels in the main world, and those players who have rewards have hard steel.

Although as the saying goes, no matter how high your martial arts is, you are afraid of kitchen knives, but such a gun is not afraid of kitchen knives!
They are not domestic Lingling paint, they have an ancestral pig-killing knife, which can be used to show off those hot weapons.

After Shuguang Entertainment officially announced the rewards, when the players entered the game that afternoon, they found that under their world tree, there was an extra...emmm, the same as the previous three-piece suit, a simple and unpretentious box.

Seeing this, the players who won the prize couldn't help but feel tighter.

Nima, this... the reward is probably not made of wood, right?

If this is the case then, then Nima will be really funny.

A group of players hold wooden guns and shoot at the air in the game, and imitate the sound effects in their mouths.

Fortunately, the ideas of these players did not come true.

After they opened the box, what they saw was indeed a black gun.

Of course, there is still a difference between guns and guns.

But no matter how different it is, it is still a pretty good weapon.

Now, at least they don't have to run away when they see any mob in the main world.

In fact, speaking of the main world, after more than three months, with more and more players in the Great Thousand World, the main world is not like it was when the game was just launched, except for the large forests and wild monsters. , there are no players, or it is not easy for players to meet other players on such a continental plate in the main world.

But it is different now.

In the beginning, there were only a few hundred thousand players in the Great Thousand World, and it was indeed very difficult to meet them on a map of millions of square kilometers.

But now the number of players in the Great Thousand World has exceeded 100 million, ten times more players. Although the probability of meeting players cannot be said to have increased ten times, it is still easier to meet.

And in this way, the playability of the main world will be much higher than when the Great Thousand World was just opened.

For example, now, players have started to foresee in every corner of the main world one after another.

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, even if the players do encounter them, they are still relatively restrained.

emmm, but this restraint is actually because of a hole that Mu Chen planted at the beginning.

When he was making Great Thousand Worlds before, he originally planned to mobilize the enthusiasm of players in the main world by allowing players to compete for the world tree.

However, he later discovered that the speed of making a world was too slow.

In this way, even if the players obtained the qualification to enter the second small world in advance by killing other players, it was meaningless.

In other words, even if there is, the interval between qualifications is too long.

In this case, it is equivalent to telling you that after winning the lottery, it will take ten or eight years for the prize to be distributed to you.

After discussing with Mu Chen, Lin Sen, and Liu Jin, they decided to cancel this setting and replace it with some more intuitive, bloody and exciting settings.

For example... Add a list of kills, and then the players who rank at the top of the list can get rewards or something.

Another example is to hold some activities in the main world from time to time. Of course, this kind of activity definitely requires players to do it with real knives and guns. As for the specific details, we can discuss it at that time. The more stimulating the better.

After doing this, Mu Chen wants to believe that it will definitely greatly arouse the players' interest in the main world.

Instead of letting them play the main world as a simple game of moving bricks, digging soil and building houses.


In the past two days, when the fans of Dawn Entertainment thought that there were only two major news to be announced, suddenly many players circulated a news on Weibo and forums that surprised them.

Dawn Entertainment's Big Thousand World has now officially landed in more than 50 countries and regions, including the European countries of Rotten, France, and Germany, as well as the Americas and Maple Leaf Countries in the Americas.

When the fans of Dawn Entertainment saw this anecdotal news, they were as surprised as the two official news two days ago.

"Hold the grass, what else can I say, after so many years, Shuguang Entertainment's games have finally gone out of the country again!"

"Hey, the Lun family is so good, the Lun family's youth is fat again!"

"Fuck, it's such a joyful moment, why did that cute girl come out so disgusting!"

"Well, to be honest, back then, Dawn Entertainment's PC games had swept the world. One League of Legends, one CS, one PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, one Minecraft, and Dungeons are barely counted. There are five games in total that are popular all over the world. Games, what a fraud at that time!"

"That's right, it's a pity that virtual games began to become popular later on, but the speed and popularity of some warehouses has indeed greatly slowed down the development of Suguang Entertainment."

"It's true to say so, but the development and promotion of every new thing will inevitably have a certain period of pain, and the stagnation of overseas business development is almost the pain of Suguang Entertainment. After all, so far, Suguang Entertainment I haven't suffered a loss in the country yet."

After the topic was opened, a group of players actively discussed Sugon's development at home and abroad over the years.

And what some players said, even if Mu Chen, the founder of Shuguang Entertainment, who is diving in Weibo, reads it, he still thinks it is very reasonable.

For example, overseas business.

When the virtual game warehouse first came out, he really never thought about developing the overseas virtual game market right away.

After all, even if the virtual game warehouse is placed in those developed countries abroad, it can be regarded as a very luxurious big toy.

In particular, most of these foreigners do not have the awareness of saving money, and the efficiency of foreign factories cannot be compared with the efficiency of domestic factories.

In this way, the promotion of foreign game warehouses is actually much slower than domestic promotion.

Therefore, Suguang Entertainment's games have always looked half-dead in foreign countries.

Of course, there are also reasons why Mu Chen didn't let people vigorously promote it.

And now the reason why the news has spread to China is naturally because Mu Chen has officially promoted Shuguang Entertainment's games abroad.

Of course, the players naturally don't know about Mu Chen's promotion abroad, so when it comes to the official, there is one thing that makes the players more confused, that is, the official of Shuguang Entertainment has not yet come forward to acknowledge the news, so it is still Many sensible fans expressed doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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