Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 373 Carry forward the demeanor of a great country

Chapter 373 Carry forward the demeanor of a great country
Therefore, because there is no official news from Shuguang Entertainment, many netizens still feel that this rumor in the market this time is really just a fake news without any reference value.

Drowning Fish: "Although I am also a long-time fan of Shuguang, there is no official news from Shuguang Entertainment. I think we should keep a low profile, otherwise we will make others laugh."

Handsome and disabled: "Hehe, why are you low-key? Isn't Shuguang Entertainment the number one game company in the universe? Isn't it right for games to sell well abroad?"

Pick up Lou Mou: "I'm going to fuck, the sailing dog upstairs shut up!"

Billy King: "One thing to say, although it is really exciting to see this news, it is indeed very likely to be fake news."


In this way, a group of players started a heated discussion (actually a tear) about whether Great Thousand World is a big seller overseas.

Ran goose ...

Just when the two parties were in full swing, Shuguang Entertainment's official Weibo finally announced a piece of good news at night.

It probably means that the game of Dawn Entertainment, Great Thousand World has achieved good results overseas, sold many copies, and has more than [-] players.

Emmm, when fans of Shuguang Entertainment saw that there are more than [-] overseas players in Daqianshijie, they suddenly didn't know what to say.

Because they are a bit unclear whether the data is good or bad.

After all, there were more than [-] players when Great Thousand World was launched in China. Now, excluding domestic players, there are only more than [-] players in the entire overseas market.

But let's say it's bad, this data is even better than that of many domestic game companies.

For example, a krypton gold game company owned by a man surnamed Ma.

Their latest game is only played by about a hundred thousand players, and the daily online time of players is much lower than other games.

Emmm, although it's not very good to keep pulling Ma Teng out to whip the corpse, but the fact is like this.

Therefore, the fans of Dawn Entertainment have second thoughts, regardless of whether this data is really good in foreign countries, just follow the program and start blowing it.

Anyway, since it is more cheating than domestic game companies, there is no problem, and it is not much worse if you think about it.

Of course, when it comes to over [-] overseas players, many players with more flexible minds immediately thought of a more serious question.

That is, will they meet these overseas players in the main world?
If you can meet them, then the fun in the main world will be even greater.

Think about it, if a domestic player meets an overseas player in the main world, especially after finding the overseas player's lair, do you want to rob him, or rob him, or rob him?
Thinking of this, many players immediately became excited, and ran to Shuguang Entertainment and Muchen's Weibo to leave messages and ask questions.

These people seem to care very much about whether they can meet overseas players in the game.

When Mu Chen checked Weibo while making Yu-Gi-Oh, seeing these players actively asking this question on his Weibo, he couldn't help laughing.

He didn't expect that in this world, domestic players would be particularly interested in bullying foreign players in the same game and server.

Back then, when Mu Chen played a shooting game called h1z1, when domestic players uniformly wore red clothes and went around looking for trouble from foreign players, it was like a chicken and a dog jumping.

At that time, wherever the red-clothed army went, if a strange player dared to speak a foreign language, what awaited him would be a burst of philosophical greetings from Xia Guo players.

Therefore, when many foreign players encounter the Red Army, they have to say a few words of Chinese that they have learned so hard, such as spare life, such as cheating, such as 666.

emmm, the last one doesn't seem to count.

All in all, for a considerable period of time at that time, the entire game was basically occupied by Xia players.

As a result, many foreign players complained to game companies and publishers, telling them not to allow domestic players to re-enter the game.

Closer to home, after Mu Chen read most of these players' questions, he decided to reveal to these excited players in advance.

Thinking of this, he directly edited a Weibo and sent it out.

"Ahem, when playing games, I hope everyone will carry forward the demeanor of a big country, and don't bully our international friends and players too much (`▽)"

When the players thought that Mu Chen would remain silent as usual, they did not expect that Mu Chen would suddenly post a Weibo silently, and looking at the content, it seemed that he responded positively to their questions .

Now, the players are completely restless.

Give me a 98K: "Holy shit, the missing persons suddenly returned, and when they came back, it was the original taste, the youthful return of the master is spicy!"

Yasuo with a broken leg: "Hahaha, Mu Chen is interesting, are you supporting us by saying this, or are you supporting us?"

Die's name: "The most coquettish thing is the expression at the end, isn't Nima just secretly asking us to step up our efforts?"

Jiangnan Green Hat King: "Hahaha, this reminds me of when I played CS, when I formed a team to go to Europe and America to play Fu and be a poop."

It's not Len: "Wairi, I can't wait to get into the game and make good friends with our international friends. When the time comes, I must guide them how to complete the world and fully carry forward our great country demeanor."


After Mu Chen finished posting on Weibo, he continued diving to read comments.

After all, all the netizens here are talents, and he likes Jie Li.

But Mu Chen simply read a few comments with the highest likes and then continued to prepare for Yu-Gi-Oh.

emmm, that's right, after so long, Mu Chen's Yu-Gi-Oh, who is going to personally copy the knife, is still in the preparation stage, or the game itself is still in the preparation stage, and the game's equipment, it started a long time ago In the research and development of the design.

But he doesn't need to worry too much. After all, this year's Shuguang Entertainment already has two big worlds and small worlds. Even if there are no new games in the second half of the year, it will not have any impact.

Emmm, if the fans of Shuguang Entertainment knew about Mu Chen's mentality, they would probably want to kidnap him to keep making games.

(End of this chapter)

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