Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 374 Encounter

Chapter 374 Encounter
Mark Young, a Chinese-American.

A few days ago, he became obsessed with a virtual game from Xia Kingdom.

And in that game city named Shuguang, he is now a high-end player with a fixed property.

Emmm, some people may have doubts, isn't the gta5 world giving each player a free property?
Although it's a bit spicy, but at least there is a house.

Ran goose ...

This benefit is only for domestic players.

As for players from other countries and regions, although Suguang Entertainment will give them a shelter when they first enter the game, it is called... a temporary lease.

As for why there is such a difference?

Because Suguang Entertainment divided the servers of Small World according to each country and region.

After all, if all the small worlds in the future are placed in one server, then the server of Shuguang Entertainment City may not be able to bear that much pressure at all.

Mu Chen was able to turn the main world into a server because he had spent a lot of effort to ask his father, Mufeng, for help.

Emmm, as for why Mu Chen has to spend so much effort to find his father, I have to say... the second elder in Mu Chen's family is determined to have a grandson.

And when they want a grandson, Mu Chen is the one who gets tired in the end.

That's why I said it took a lot of effort.

Keke, get back to business.

Generally speaking, the current foreign situation of the Great Thousand World is that the small worlds in each country and region have a separate server, and players from other countries and regions will not be able to access it. vary by region.

As for the main world, that is, players from all over the world are in one server.


Going back to Mark Young I said earlier.

In other words, he can own a real estate in the game, so he should belong to the richer player.


Now he no longer has the joy that he just bought the property.

Because... after he bought the property, his remaining credit points were robbed by two gangsters.

was robbed...

"Fake, these shits, I gave all my credits and they killed me?!"

Mark Young crawled out of the game cabin cursingly, and shook his fist vigorously at the air in front of him to express his inner anger.

Of course, it can only be incompetent and furious now.

"Ah! God! In other words, I can only play in the main world now? It's so boring there!"

Mark Young, as an "veteran player" who has played Great Thousand World for more than a week, walked around the main world for a while when he first entered the game.

It turned out that apart from the good scenery, Nima was full of monsters.

After being killed twice by the same three-headed wolf, Mark Young decided that he was bored to death and would never play in the main world again.

After half a day...

"Hey, Tom, what are you doing? Let's go to the bar and have fun together?"

"Want to play Big Thousand Worlds? Well then, good luck, brother!"



Holding the mobile phone, Mark Young made several phone calls to his friends, but the last half of the ghosts didn't make an appointment.

"Xie Te! I'll go into the main world to take a look again. If I play for more than half an hour, I will lose!"

Ahem, the purpose of setting up the flag is to be broken by myself.

So, in the end, Mark Young, who was about to die of boredom, got into the game room and started Xiangxiang's game time.

"Oh my god, I must be crazy to enter this boring main world!"

It was less than 5 minutes into the game, and after chopping down a few trees with an axe, I had to stop because I was extremely bored.

However, just after he stopped the boring activity of cutting trees, Mark Young suddenly heard a few words he couldn't understand coming out of the store in the woods, but he was a little familiar with the language.

Mark Young, who had never met other players in the main world before, ran back to the small house not far behind him as soon as he heard the sound.

Cough, there is no way, he was robbed only once this morning, and now there is still a lot of shadow in his heart.


At the same time, just a little bit in the woods where Mark Young cut down the tree just now, two players from Xia Kingdom were walking in the woods each holding a long black long and thick gun, and the direction they were heading towards , which is the official position of Mark Young before.

"There seemed to be movement over there before? Shall we go over and have a look?"

"Okay, brother, why do I think you look familiar?"

These two people were exactly Xu Nan and Feng Xia who had met at the player gathering place when the Great Thousand World just opened its server.

Although Feng Xia is a scumbag, his memory is quite good, so he felt that the compatriot he met in the main world just now looked familiar.

"Uh...we, met before?"

When asked by Feng Xia, Xu Nan was in a daze. He didn't remember when he knew such a big guy in front of him.

As for why Xu Nan said that Feng Xia is a big boss.

emmm, just look at the guns in the hands of the two of them.

Although at first glance, both of them are spears.

However, Xu Nan's gun is just an ordinary castrated version of AK, while the gun in Feng Xia's hand next to him is a heavy weapon that many people know, the ruthless heavy gun Gatling.

Although it is also a castrated version, the two of them are not on the same level.

The castration of ak is to castrate all the data of the gun, just like making a high-quality and cheap Sakamoto.

But Gatling's castration is for people to better hold...

Emmm, just like the governor in the Terminator, he held a handful of Gatling alone, and then started cutting leeks.

Of course, Muchen certainly does not allow this kind of leek-cutting scene to appear in his game.

So don't look at Gatling holding it is really majestic, but the use of this thing is also quite annoying.

The first is the consumption of bullets, which will be an extremely huge expense.

Then, there is physical exertion.

Although players can't feel the feeling of weighing in the game, there is a data panel!
The data panel can provide data feedback according to the situation of the players in the game at that time.

So, don't look at some people who use Gatling to cheat.

But...Only on the data panel that the player can see, the stamina value may be dropping rapidly, like it doesn't cost money.

Closer to home, when Feng Xia heard Xu Nan's question, he explained that they met at the player gathering place, and they were still neighbors.

(End of this chapter)

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