Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 377 Purpose

Chapter 377 Purpose
Of course, some people might say, since the imprisoned players are invincible, what's the point of being imprisoned?In other words, if the player is imprisoned, wouldn't it be impossible to play the game?
First of all, to imprison a player, it is natural to make some slightly excessive demands.

For example, you need credit points, or weapons, or some rare items.

Of course, if the imprisoned player is a hard stubble and doesn't give you what you want, can the player be imprisoned forever?
That is of course impossible.

If this is really the case, then I don't know how many players will be imprisoned and unable to play the game.

Whether it is in the gta world or in the main world, the player's imprisoned time cannot exceed 15 game days at most.

Of course, if some strongmen feel that it’s okay to be imprisoned for 15 games, then they can give it a try.

Anyway, those players who didn't believe in evil before, now the grass on the grave is almost five meters high.

At this time, Hu Yunshen was thinking, if the other party wanted something, then he would just give it to him.

After all, for someone like him who likes to play games extremely, if he is not allowed to stop playing games for five days (that is, 15 game days), Hu Yunshen will definitely collapse.

But Hu Yunshen thought again, he seemed to have nothing to grab in the main world.

In the small world, he is indeed considered a relatively wealthy player, and it is reasonable to say that he was kidnapped.

But now he is in the main world!
Hu Yunshen, who has no top ten rewards and no survival mission rewards, may say that the most valuable thing in his main world is the ax he brought with him when he went out.

However, these people shouldn't kidnap him for an ax... right?

"anyone there?"

Hu Yunshen felt that he should be rescued for a while, and if he saw himself as a "poor ghost" face to face, he would let him go, and everyone would be happy.

Not a while after Hu Yunshen finished shouting, he heard footsteps coming from outside the small tent with air leakage from all sides.

When Hu Yunshen saw the somewhat short player walking in, he subconsciously wanted to show the commercial smirk she was used to when doing business, when he heard the short player at the door speak.

"Baga! You, don't, call! No *#%_#+*"

When Hu Yunshen heard the birdsong behind him that he couldn't understand, his face that was about to smile suddenly became extremely stiff within a second, and even exuded a trace of inexplicable meaning .

And the Fusang player at the door, after seeing that Hu Yunshen didn't continue talking, left here cursing.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to be bullied by a fucking little devil. This is quite embarrassing!"

Hu Yunshen looked at the back of the Fusang player leaving, and said with a sneer.

When he knew that it was Fusang players who kidnapped him, he had already decided that he would not give these audacious guys anything. The big deal would be that he would not play games for a few days. He would go out and find a few younger sisters to play. Didn't it pass all at once?

But if you want to threaten him with this, tell him Hu Yunshen to help the little devil with something, hehe, I'm so sorry, there's no way!
Although he is not the kind of internet cynic who can only type on the keyboard, the tragedies that happened in his hometown of Jinling alone are enough to make Hu Yunshen feel bad for Fusang.

Moreover, besides planning not to communicate with these little devils, he is still thinking about how to escape.

If the person who kidnapped her was a player from Xia Kingdom, then Hu Yunshen might have a good fight with her to see if she really has any needs.

As for Fusang players, I didn't say anything, just kill them!

Emmm, of course, it's too early to talk about tender death, after all, hands and feet are tied.

However, after half a day had passed in the game, Hu Yunshen found that these little devils who brought him in had never visited again other than sending some players in one after another, and did not mention anything For other requests, the whole process was eerily quiet.

And he also asked several other players who were tied up later, and they said that these little devils didn't make any demands on them, but simply confiscated all the weapons on their bodies.

After learning about this situation, Hu Yunshen felt that this matter was not as simple as he thought before.

These little devils didn't seem to be kidnapping them for anything, they should have other purposes.

Could it be that he wanted to torture and kill them?

Due to historical reasons, Hu Yunshen, a prodigal son of flowers, is extremely sensitive to these things.

After all, in his opinion, since these little devils don't want anything else from them, there is only one thing left - their lives.

Although Great Thousand Worlds is just a game, its realism lies there after all.

Some players with a stronger sense of substitution don’t even feel that this is a game after playing.

Because of this, Hu Yunshen felt that these little devils who kidnapped them should simply want to kill them.

Because all he saw in the eyes of these people was ferocity.

However, Hu Yunshen was a little puzzled when he thought of this.

Because the player is imprisoned, he will not be harmed, that is to say, he cannot be killed.

Of course, there is no such bug as saying that the player is killed immediately after the player is released.

Because the tied players are in an invincible state until they return to their residence in the main world, which is where the world tree is located.

Of course, when the player is in the invincible state, he cannot attack, otherwise the invincible state will disappear immediately.

Therefore, even if Hu Yunshen was thinking about it, he didn't know what these grd little devils were going to do.

In this way, Hu Yunshen chatted with several players who were locked in the wooden tent together.

When the time in the game came to night, it was noon in the real world. Hu Yunshen saw that these little devils hadn't made any moves for so long, so he finally chose to go offline.

He decided not to play games for the time being until the prison time of these few days has passed.

Although he wanted to fight back and kill these little devils, he couldn't do what he wanted.

Therefore, Hu Yunshen simply said "out of sight, out of mind".

At night, when Hu Yunshen came to the Fengyue place he hadn't been to for a long time, a major event happened in the game of Great Thousand Worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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