Chapter 378
Li Yunlong is a small anchor on the turkey live broadcast platform, with barely tens of thousands of fans.

It stands to reason that as an anchor with the same name as the group leader, his live broadcast content should be a little bit irritable.

However, Li Yunlong is actually a task-type casual player in Daqianshijie. Even the name of his live broadcast room is called "A Salted Fish Anchor Without Dreams".

As a matter of course, most of the viewers who watched his live broadcast were Buddhists.

Today, Li Yunlong originally planned to enter the game to complete his series of daily tasks that have been carried out for more than 20 game days.

But unexpectedly, when he just entered the game, he found that there were several groups of players fighting around his residence, and even several times, the bullets almost hit his face.

The fierce battle and those random bullets almost scared our salted fish anchor Li Yunlong to the ground.

Therefore, Li Yunlong, who is well versed in self-protection, the head of the high imitation independent regiment, resolutely withdrew from the gta world, intending to let the wind go in the main world.

Although the salted fish viewers in his live broadcast room are all using "fake group leader" or "Li Yunchong" in the live broadcast room after seeing him quitting the gta world so much, but the salted fish has already For a long time, Li Yunlong didn't care about these things at all.

These days, even if you are a salted fish anchor, you still need to master the basic thick-skinned, otherwise, you will not be able to get along in the anchor world at all.

"Ahem, isn't the host afraid that he has spent too much time in the fancy world inside, so he took this opportunity to take you to the main world to relax. This is not cowardly, at most it can only be called Congxin, Follow your inner thoughts, don't defile people's innocence out of thin air!"

While wandering around his "home", Li Yunlong was chatting and farting with those salted fish fans in the live broadcast room.

"Come on, I'll let you have a 360-degree Kangkang main world with an explosion of beautiful scenery!"

Li Yunlong came to a small hill, and adjusted the live broadcast equipment of the virtual game to 360 panoramic mode, so that players can directly see all the scenes around the live broadcast, which is even more convenient than the anchor in the game.

After all, if the anchor wants to see the scene behind him, he still needs to turn his head or turn around.

Just when Li Yunlong finished the panorama and was about to have a good time on the hill, he accidentally discovered that the barrage in his live broadcast room was so weird.

"Hold the grass, Xianyulong, hurry up and look behind you!"

"Yes, turn around quickly, it seems that something extraordinary happened there!"

"My mother, this is really a scam. The anchor casually comes out to watch the scenery and encounter such exciting things. I think I can go buy a lottery ticket today!"

"Crooked, demon spirit..."

Li Yunlong saw that the bullet screens were full of bullet screens telling him to turn around and look behind him. His first reaction was that these old coin audiences wanted to entrap him, Mr. Li.

Just when he instinctively wanted to refuse, and was about to have a good battle with these audiences, he suddenly found that a local tyrant in his live broadcast room who usually doesn't talk much spoke up, telling him to turn his head and look at the mountain behind him.

It wasn't until this moment that Li Yunlong felt that something really happened behind him.

After turning around, Li Yunlong saw that not far from the foot of the hill where he was, a group of players were throwing several players with their hands and feet tied into a pit. When Li Yunlong saw it, , there are still two tied players who have not been thrown down.

"Hold the grass, what the hell is going on? Didn't it mean that the main world is peaceful every day? I went out for a long time before, and I didn't even see half a person, but I came to Xianyu today, and suddenly I saw more than a dozen people, and there is such a powerful content!"

Li Yunlong said that what happened under the mountain was a bit out of line, and completely broke his understanding of the main world.

To say that in the small world of gta, it is somewhat understandable that brutal things happen, after all, there are some fierce people robbing territory, money, people and so on.

But now this is the main world!
Although after the official update, it is said that there is a kill list, and players with higher rankings on the top will be rewarded, but killing people can't just nod their heads, what does this group of people mean by burying them alive?
Could it be a group of perverts?
At the same time, the viewers in Li Yunlong's live broadcast room were also guessing what purpose these people had in order to bury those players alive.

"Emmm, maybe it's a vendetta. I feel that a knife is not enough to relieve the hatred, so I want to bury it alive and suffocate to death."

"Cloud players, don't talk nonsense. Players who are bound or imprisoned in the Great Thousand World will not be harmed. That is to say, even if these people are buried in the soil, they will not be suffocated to death."

"Uh... Do you think it's a group of psychopaths who ran into the game?"

"Haha, I think there is something wrong with the brain who said that!"


A group of viewers in Li Yunlong's live broadcast room were mostly guessing there, after all, they couldn't hear those people talking at such a distance.

However, just when Li Yunlong was planning to stop meddling and stay away from this place of right and wrong, he suddenly saw a barrage in the live broadcast room:
"Anchor anchor, please turn off the panorama, and then zoom in on the camera, I think I should know who those people are."

Perhaps it was fate that made Li Yunlong see this barrage at a glance.

Perhaps it was because he himself was curious, so Li Yunlong agreed to the audience by accident, and followed the requirements on the barrage.

Turn off the panorama, then zoom in on the color camera.

After doing this, Li Yunlong directly clicked on the audience who had posted the barrage before, waiting for his next message.

And the previous audience did not disappoint Li Yunlong. After 1 minute, he had news again, and this time he probably sent a private message because he was afraid that Li Yunlong would not be able to see the barrage.

"Head, that group of people are not players from our country, they should be Fusang players."

Seeing this viewer's private message, Li Yunlong became a little uneasy, and immediately asked, "Are you sure?"

The audience also immediately replied: "Sure, just now when they communicated, they all bent down from time to time, and when you zoomed in on your vision just now, Commander, I saw that there was a wooden sculpture in the shape of a rising sun engraved in the center of the cuffs of these people. The cards are basically the same as the national flag of Fusang.”

Seeing this, Li Yunlong also understood why the audience told him to draw attention.

After all, places like cuffs can't be seen clearly unless the camera is zoomed in.

(End of this chapter)

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