Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 380 Solution

Chapter 380 Solution
"Boss, are you sure he's a Fusang player? Why doesn't it look like it to me?"

Xu Nan stared wretchedly at the suspected dumb player they had met before, and couldn't help but question him from the depths of his soul.

Hearing Xu Nan's question, Feng Xia said without looking back:

"Nonsense, this man is definitely not dumb. It's not like you didn't see his mouth talking to himself when he was fishing just now."

"Then he is of Asian race, and he hides his identity furtively. He must be a little devil who came to play some tricks in the game!"

Emmm, Feng Xia thought Xu Nan was angry at the beginning, but when it happened, he himself was the most excited.

No, after he saw the video on Weibo, he couldn't wait to go online, planning to bring his new recruit in the game to engage with these Fusang players.

So, he thought of the Asian "dumb" player who had weird behaviors that he had encountered before.

Therefore, these two people have gone back and forth today.

"Then why don't we just give him a shuttle? Why am I lying here for so long?"

Xu Nan, who is like a curious baby, said that Feng Xia's various behaviors seem a bit unnecessary.

"Fart! Just give him a shuttle, and then he just cools off. After a while, he will be a good guy again when he enters the game. What's the point?"

Speaking of this, Feng Xia hated iron for being weak and gave Xu Nan a blow.

"We have to be like those little devils, first tie people up, and then... hehe..."

Looking at the wretched and sinister smile on Feng Xia's face, Xu Nan swallowed, and asked a bit stammeringly:
" don't want want to bury him too, do you?"

Feng Xia gave Xu Nan a white look, he felt that his new recruit was a bit ⑧ capable.

"How could it be? Don't these little devils like to kidnap our players from Xia Kingdom? We will also kidnap one after another, and then..."

Feng Xia whispered in Xu Nan's ear what he thought was a very effective means of revenge, and then let out bursts of uncontrollable obscene laughter from time to time.

Fortunately, there is still some distance between them and Mark Yang, otherwise, with their voices, let alone arresting people, even pigs may not be able to get them.


Five minutes later, when Mark Young was walking back contentedly with a fishing rod without a hook, suddenly two masked thugs with big guns appeared in front of him.

Watching this scene, Mark Yang froze immediately.

Then, in the next second, as if possessed by a black man, he read a long section of English rap at a very fast speed.

It roughly means: I didn't know that this small river was your territory, but I didn't catch half a small fish. If you mind very much, I can say sorry...

Emmm, but our "thugs" Feng Xia and Xu Nan were confused when they heard the first English word that came out of the mouth of this so-called "Fusang" player.

And when they finished listening to a long rap that was even more skr than Mr. 51 Fan, the two of them only had doubts about their lives.

Who am I, where am I, is this person an English-speaking Xiaguo, a European who looks like a Xia, or a Fusang who can speak English and looks like a Xia?
In the end, it was Xu Nan, a high school student who had experienced numerous [-]th and [-]rd baptisms, who figured out the identity of Mark Yang by virtue of his excellent oral and sign language skills.

After the misunderstanding was resolved, Feng Xia and Xu Nan, the thug duo, once again started their anti-sun action in the main world of the Great Thousand World.

Of course, not all Xia players in Great Thousand Worlds are as unreliable as these two.

The first thing many Xia players do when they meet in the main world is to go out to take care of Fusang players.

And because the skin color is not easy to distinguish, the players of the Xia Kingdom also agreed that they must greet each other in Chinese.

For a while, the Fusang players in the entire Great Thousand World lived a miserable life.

At the beginning, Xia Guoquan's action of eradicating the sun made them a little confused, and many Fusang players quit their Internet addiction for many years because of this.

As time went by, more and more Fusang players found that some friends who liked to play Great Thousand World suddenly said that they would take a few days off and told them to be careful when playing the game.

Naturally, no one would listen to this kind of inexplicable reminder at the beginning.

But when the brains are raging on Fusang's Internet, those Fusang players who have escaped temporarily know why.

Among them, there are some more radical Fusang players who plan to fight Xia Guo players in the main world.

But what to say...

Now the equipment of domestic players can be said to be a century ahead of Fuso players.

Axe, iron catalpa against hot weapons, needless to say whoever loses wins.

After a week of such a full-game anti-Japanese operation, most players in Fusang finally couldn't stand it anymore.

They went over the wall and came to the domestic forums to ask, how can medicine stop the persecution of weak players like them.

The domestic players made it clear that the few Fusang players in that video need to make a public apology, otherwise Xiaguo players will treat cleaning Fusang players as a daily task in the future.

As soon as this remark came out, many Fusang players were so angry that they turned over the wall and turned back, and expressed that they would fight hard with Xia Guo players to the end.

Of course, a large number of Fusang players who dare not speak out continue to negotiate terms with domestic players.

However, after talking for a long time in the end, we still couldn't reach an agreement.

After all, no one knew who those Fusang players were, so how could they call out to apologize?

At that time, some domestic players thought of going directly to the Shuguang Entertainment official and asking the official to announce the information of those Fusang players.

As for this request, Shuguang Entertainment would naturally not agree.

After all, if the player's news is announced directly because of this kind of in-game matter, it will be a big blow to the credibility of Suguang Entertainment.

Even if these players are Fusang players, as a game company that has radiated to so many countries, it is necessary to protect player information.

Of course, Shuguang Entertainment definitely didn't mean to use this as an excuse to protect those Fusang players.

It is only after a clear solution has been established that the release of player information will be refused.

Besides, the person who called Shuguang Entertainment to officially announce the information of those Fusang players was actually an internal employee of Shuguang Entertainment...

(End of this chapter)

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