Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 381 A New Small World

Chapter 381 A New Small World

Emmm, as for why it was the internal staff of Shuguang Entertainment who jumped out on the Internet first and asked Shuguang Entertainment to announce the information of those Fusang players?
Could it be that there is a mob inside Shuguang Entertainment Company?

of course not!
Not long after this incident happened, Mu Chen knew about it.

And he thought of it immediately, if this matter is not handled properly, many domestic players will definitely be disappointed with Shuguang Entertainment.

That's why he asked someone to provoke the Internet first, saying that the official release of Fusang players' information would be made.

In Muchen's opinion... the only thing to do is to focus on what Shuguang Entertainment has to do, to the point where players in Xiaguo feel a bit inappropriate, and then make a compromise, then there will be no problems. So many people jumped out and said something.

And the development of the matter was just as Mu Chensuo expected, although some players agreed with the proposal of publishing player information at first.

But under the reminders of many caring people later, I also know that if I do this, it will set an extremely bad precedent, which is not good news for every player.

After all, everyone doesn't want their information to appear on the Internet casually.

Although the current network is already riddled with holes, but if you don't feel at ease to play a game, and you still have to worry about it, what's the point?
So, in the end, Shuguang Entertainment officially announced that the Shuguang account will be banned for life for the Fusang players in the video.

And the official also stated that players are not allowed to engage in behaviors that affect the physical and mental health of other players in the game, otherwise they will be severely punished.

For this official penalty result, most domestic players still think it is okay.

After all, the Shuguang account was banned for life, which means that these Fusang players will never be able to play any game products related to Shuguang Entertainment in the future.

Of course, there is still a small group who don’t know whether it is the navy or the Internet keyboard warriors. They think that Shuguang Entertainment is afraid of losing the Fusang market so that it does not carry out important measures; there is even Ren who thinks that Shuguang Entertainment should directly prevent Fusang players from playing Great Thousand Worlds... …

Seeing such a statement, Mu Chen just wanted to spit on these people's faces.

Nima, the total number of players in the entire world of Fusang may not be as large as that of a third-tier city. What's so important about this?
Not to impose more serious or broader penalties is for the entire overseas market, not just the small island market of Fuso.

To be honest, if those Fusang players go too far this time and rise to the level of insulting the country, then Mu Chen will definitely block the entire Fusang without saying anything.

But the situation this time is actually just a few Fusang players who have hatred for Xia Kingdom in the game. There is no need for Mu Chen to make players in other countries panic because of this.

Besides, don't look at the punishment of this title is not heavy, it can't achieve the effect of killing chickens and monkeys.

Now as long as players with a little bit of game knowledge know that the games of Shuguang Entertainment are really fun.

And if you can't play Shuguang Entertainment's game because of some improper behavior in the game, you will lose no matter how you think about it.

Besides, there is another most important threat to those foreign players, and that is the Xia players themselves.

Although the collective targeting activities of players from Xia Kingdom this time were only aimed at Fusang players, players from other countries and regions were not blind. Naturally, they could clearly see the "cruelty" of players from Xia Kingdom.

And it is precisely because they can see clearly that they tremble when they think of this.

Especially for foreign players like Mark Yang who have received special treatment from players from the Xia Kingdom, if they were allowed to choose, most of them would rather choose to be banned...

Emmm, didn't you say that Feng Xia and Xu Nan have resolved the misunderstanding?

Ahem, the premise of resolving the misunderstanding is that there must be a misunderstanding.

And this misunderstanding may be a bit unfriendly to Mark Young.

After all, it has been said that Xu Nan used some "sign language" when communicating with Mark Yang.


A week later, Mu Chen was sitting in the office, listening to Lin Sen, who was going to make the second and third small worlds, report the work progress there.

"So, those two small worlds are completed?"

When Mu Chen said this, there was a little surprise in his tone unconsciously.

The main reason is that he didn't expect that Lin Sen could complete two small worlds at once.

Although Mu Chen, as the planning provider of these two small worlds, knows that the difficulty is not a big deal, but it's another thing to actually make it!

Lin Sen over there smiled and nodded after hearing Mu Chen's question.

"Are you sure you didn't cut corners or anything? Don't just hurry up to make fun of me. If you fail, believe it or not, I'll transfer you to the boiler room downstairs?"

It's not that Mu Chen doesn't trust Lin Sen and the others, it's mainly because Mu Chen is afraid that they will ignore the quality of the game in order to hurry.

Regarding Mu Chen's threats, Lin Sen still just smiled calmly, and then went to test the two new small worlds that he just made with Mu Chen, who was a little unbelieving.

Half an hour later, Mu Chen walked out of the testing area with a smile on his arm around Lin Sen's shoulders.

Those who don't know think that these two people have some ulterior philosophical relationship.

As for the test results, just look at the expression on Mu Chen's face.

He is very satisfied, oh no, very satisfied!

The second of these two new mini-worlds is the Battlefield world.

Most of the game prototypes are taken from the Battlefield series games in the world where Muchen lived before.

And why did Mu Chen let the second small world still be dominated by hot weapons?
Doesn't this overlap with the previous gta world?

the reason is simple.

Because although the gta world has shooting elements, most of the rewards given to players are hot weapons.

But... First of all, there are still a large number of players who do not have hot weapons, so choosing the Battlefield series for the second small world can be regarded as a second chance for players who do not have weapons.

Secondly, Mu Chen wanted the players to learn the systematic shooting method in the battlefield world.

God knows, when Mu Chen saw those players doing fire pins in the gta world, what kind of feeling would it be if they couldn't hit anyone face to face!
Therefore, it is most reasonable for players to experience a more systematic and professional shooting-based world.

Of course, in the third small world, there are no longer shooting elements.

After all, it's time to expose players to something less scientific...

(End of this chapter)

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