Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 395 Concealment

Chapter 395 Concealment
Yang Wei is still on the battlefield that let her fly to the sky.

I don't know what's wrong with this guy. It should be that after being stimulated a little, he is not so scared on the battlefield now.

The reason why I say I'm not afraid...

That's because if he didn't let his hand shake when he shot the gun, then his evaluation should be much higher.

"Hey Viagra!"

"How did you feel when you were hit by a cannonball? Is the sting exciting?"

Just after Yang Wei finished playing a shuttle, two players appeared next to him, one of them was still smiling and asking Yang Wei.

"Hehe, the stimulation is over!"

Yang Wei glanced at the two players, and then said frantically, "If you keep talking, I can guarantee that when you ask for medical kits later, I won't have any here."

But upon hearing Yang Wei's words, the face of the player who spoke before changed, and he wanted to say something else.

Then he was dragged away by his companion.

"Fuck, what the hell do you want to say? It's not like you don't know the price of regular military doctors in the camp. Now it's rare to have a medical soldier here, and..."

The words of his companion's lesson still vaguely reached Yang Wei's ears.

And these words made Yang Wei even more proud.

No way, he also summoned up the courage to come to the battlefield after he returned from death once and heard many players in the camp complaining that there were too few medical soldiers.

Yang Wei came here for the second time for no other reason than to prove that the previously cowardly Yang Wei was just an illusion.

Emmm, although this kind of behavior made the audience in his live broadcast room praise him as a man, he finally looks like a man... Wait.

But ~ our tough guy Yang Wei suddenly felt that this is not enough, not tough enough.

That's why he plucked up his courage, stood up and shot Jill towards the place.

"Hey, how long do you think it will take Yang Wei to really kill a black skin?"

After Yang Wei fired another round of bullets over the opposite position, the two players from the red camp began to discuss while changing bullets.

"Hahaha, you must be trying to make fun of me! You can't ask like this, you should ask how long it will take him to hit the bullet on the opposite position instead of the sky."

"Emmm, I guess he wants to use gravity to kill the enemy."

Another player who heard the conversation between the two also interjected.

"Oh? How do you say it? Could it be that there are some unknown secrets in it?"

The player who spoke at the beginning asked a little puzzled.

He was also thinking in his heart, this time, it seems that no one in this world has heard of anyone with superpowers.

What the hell is this person talking about using gravity?

The last person who spoke said with a smile: "Hahaha, because he wants to shoot the bullet into the sky, and then wait for the bullet to fall and smash the enemy to death."

The other two players: ( ̄ー ̄)
After finishing this not-so-cold joke, they didn't continue their conversation.

After all, each has a mission.

For example, how many players from the hostile faction were killed, or what places were destroyed, etc.

As for our rare medical soldier, Comrade Yang Wei, his task is very simple and pure.

It is to save ten dying players.

As the only medical soldier in this camp, although Yang Wei's marksmanship has been ridiculed all the time, no one despises him anymore.

After all, after this guy dies and goes back, let alone anything else, at least he can rush over quickly when a player calls for a medical soldier.

Instead of just burying your head in the sand and pretending to be an ostrich like you did at the beginning.

Two minutes later, after Yang Wei saved the life of an unlucky guy who was shot in the butt, his task of rescuing ten friendly troops was considered complete.

"Hey, brother, when will we finish playing here? I see that many players who hung up are still rushing here. When will this be the end?"

Yang Wei looked at the battlefield where the number of people remained unchanged as time went by, frowning like a Shar Pei.

"Uh... It seems to mean that the battle will be over only after one side's position is completely occupied, otherwise both sides can hang around here forever."

The player who was shot in the ass was slightly taken aback when he heard Yang Wei's question.

"That...meaning, players can continue to clear missions here?"

"For example, a player who has a head request, basically as long as his marksmanship is not bad, then he will definitely be able to complete the task in the end. After all, judging from the current situation, neither of us can do anything to each other."

All of a sudden, I heard a more critical news from this player's words.

At the same time, I also feel that the thief Jill's egg hurts.

He felt that if it really ended after occupying one side, then they didn't know if they had fought until the Year of the Monkey.

After all, for most players, it is not easy to hit the enemy at a distance of 200 meters.

After all, in the gta world before, although players had a lot of fire pins, they basically fought in the streets and alleys. A distance of tens of meters is good, so the requirements for marksmanship are not so high.

But on the battlefield... Bullets don't have eyes, they can turn around and hit others.

So don't look at the fierce fighting between the two sides, but more than half of the players who were actually killed were killed by the cannons of both sides.

"Fuck, I don't know if I will be given the title of a deserter by the NPC when I go back to the camp now."

Yang Wei was a little hesitant at this time.

After all, as far as the simple task is concerned, he has already completed it, and if he stays, he will not let his number of tasks completed be a few more.

But, it looks like it will be a long time before this place ends. He was assigned here by an NPC. I don't know if there will be any punishment for running back like this.

That's why it's very confusing.

And at the moment when Yang Wei was struggling, he suddenly heard his position suddenly become noisy, and he also heard someone shouting not far away to hide.

Hearing this, Yang Wei immediately lay down on the ground so proficiently that it made people feel distressed, and then quietly looked around.

He wanted to see what made the originally peaceful position suddenly become flustered.

Could it be that the other side took out some secret weapon?
Thinking of this, Yang Wei tried his best to move to the side that first reminded Sheng Lai.

He needs to find out what's going on.

"What's going on? Why did you get down all of a sudden? Shouldn't the cannon on the opposite side be fired for a while?"

Yang Wei asked a player in front who was also lying on his stomach.

"I don't know where the firepower came from. Seven or eight of us were killed in one fell swoop. We couldn't even find the people on the opposite side, so we had to hide for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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