Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 396 One Person Surrounds All

Chapter 396
On the hillside, Feng Xia looked at the battlefield that had become quiet because of his intervention, very proudly took out his small pistol and blew on the muzzle.

Although he didn't know what this small pistol had to do with Gatling who had just finished breathing out flames, he just wanted to do this to calm his not-so-calm heart.

Don't look at Feng Xia who dislikes that there are only a few dozen people in this battlefield, but when he picks up Gatling and starts to chug, the pleasure of harvesting is irresistible no matter what.

If it wasn't for the fact that he really couldn't see a creature that could stand up in this area in the end, he reluctantly stopped Gatlin, who was in a blue fire and was in high spirits.

"Ahahahaha, it's so comfortable!"

"I didn't expect doing this kind of aboveboard stealing ass thing is so addictive!"

Emmm, Feng Xia probably misunderstood the word fair and aboveboard.

This is better than standing on a mountain 200 meters away from the battlefields of the two sides, and it is still a face to say that it is aboveboard.

After Feng Xia chattered for a while, he suddenly realized that he seemed to be the only one left here, and he was a bit dull at once.

After all, this kind of joy that cannot be shared with others really made Feng Xia's good mood somewhat discounted.

Especially when he saw that his task progress was only 28/200, Feng Xia's heart was anxious, and his expression was angry and uncomfortable.

This number means that Feng Xia had just survived nearly 2 people under the nearly 50 minutes of endless firepower.

To Feng Xia who just felt that he had finished the harvest, this number was an insult, and it was a slap in the face.

"Fuck, it would be great if there was an RPG, and a few grenades would be fine!"

Feng Xia opened his eyes wide, earnestly, and looked towards the direction of the battlefield carefully, trying in vain to find those who could still move in the messy, pitch-black wasteland.

Now Feng Xia has made up his mind to kill all the understandable things in his sight.

In this way, he still doesn't believe that he can't clean up the remaining forty or fifty people.

With Gatling, you can do whatever you want.

Do ordinary people dare to hold dozens of people by themselves?
Feng Aotian Xia dared, and he succeeded.

Feng Xia, as the party to take over the responsibility, is naturally extremely arrogant.

However, Yang Wei, the goose, felt a little uncomfortable as the party being held up by others.

This old coin that doesn't know where it came from directly took something with a lot of firepower.

And just now, Yang Wei heard from those players who saw this match that the old coin seems to be holding Gatling who can take blue fire.

When Yang Wei heard the name of this weapon, he almost buried his head in the ground.

Damn Gatling!
Really, if you hit this thing, it will basically declare GG.

I really don't know where this fierce man came from.

"Fuck, did you guys hear that? It's Gatlin who is the fucker, it's not that I'm too cowardly, unless you have a tank in front of this thing, you have to be cowardly anyway."

Yang Wei thought that he couldn't get up now anyway, so he simply chatted with the audience in the live broadcast room.

"I'm going, Gatling! Is this world so exaggerated? It's really interesting that there are still people using such heavy weapons to make troubles. "

"Impotence, you look like an ostrich when you are so cowardly. If you raise your butt, you will look even more like it."

"Although it's a bit of a schadenfreude now, but forgive me, I really can't help it..."

"A group of idiots, just come and kill that Bi with a sniper rifle, they all know how to lie down."

"Yes, yes, no matter how bad you are, you can crawl forward. Just get close and knock him out. Really, hundreds of hours of eating chicken are so useless?"

A group of spectators gave advice to Yang Wei on the barrage, and the barrage commander was talking about these people.

Of course, the opinions of some players are actually worth adopting.

No, just now on the bullet screen, some viewers said that snipers should be called to destroy Feng Xia, and they saw a pitch-black figure slowly moving in Yang Wei's side of the red camp. He was holding a 98K with a high-power scope in his hand.

Anyone who has played Chicken Eater knows that the 98K gun with a high-power lens and without a high-power lens are simply two guns.

The 98K without a high-power lens is sometimes not as comfortable as a pistol.

And because the perspective of Yang Wei's live broadcast room is a panoramic view, the viewers in the live broadcast room can see the sniper not far from Yang Wei.

Therefore, some players on the bullet screen began to broadcast live broadcasts to Yang Wei.

"Viagra, you are saved. A leader has brought out 98K. That Gatling should be taken away."

After Yang Wei saw the barrage saying there was a sniper, his face, which had been stuck in the ground, slightly lifted up.

Of course, this news is only enough for Yang Wei to have the courage to raise his head. If there is more, more exciting news will be needed.

Obviously, at this time, the only exciting news is that the Gatling player was killed.

Otherwise, Yang Wei really couldn't think of any other news that would give him the courage to stand up.

Of course, unless he is very confident in his snakeskin positioning, and he is sure that he will outrun the bullet.

A gunshot cut through the air that had been silent for a long time, and when the players on both sides of the truce heard the gunshot, they all raised their heads in unison.

Although they couldn't see where the Gatling player was, they still hoped that the gunshot would save the dozens of them who were surrounded by one person.

Ran goose ...

After about half a minute, Gatlin's unique gunshot rang out again, breaking the beautiful illusions of the players on both sides.

This Gatling player does not have GG.

On the contrary, the shot just now seemed to anger him, and now he has started to use Gatling to carry out carpet bombing regardless of 28.

emmm, that's right, it's bombing.

After all, this is Gatling, and there is not much difference between being hit and being bombed.

On the other side, the Gatling warrior on the mountain, Feng Xia, was extremely angry, or it would be appropriate to say that he became angry from embarrassment.

After all, he was almost shot and killed just now, so it's normal to be angry.

The main reason is that he didn't expect that these players who he regarded as prey would actually bite him back, and the most important thing is that they almost killed him.

This made Feng Xia, a hunter, very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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