Chapter 401
And when Sun Xiaowen was considering whether to go to Yang Wei's live broadcast room to check the situation, Yang Wei, who was live broadcasting at this time, also saw the reward offer from the barrage in his live broadcast room.

To be honest, as a half-public figure, Yang Weiwei never thought that one day he would be offered a reward in the game.

After all, this thing has a feeling of being shouted by everyone, especially in the case of such a large reward, Yang Wei believes that many people want to get the 10 RMB.

And to be honest, if he wasn't a relatively rich anchor, he would have killed himself and went to receive the reward.

Even now, Yang Wei felt a little terrified when he saw the amount of the reward.

After all, it will take some time for him to earn 10 RMB, and he still needs to have a good show effect during the live broadcast to satisfy the audience.

But fortunately, he doesn't mainly rely on live broadcasts to eat now, virtual game Internet cafes are still quite profitable.

Closer to home, when Yang Wei saw the bullet screen saying that he was offered a high reward by others, his heart was actually very painful.

After all, he was the one who provoked this kind of thing first, but who knew that this time he directly provoked a rich owner.

"Hahaha, hurry up and enter the game, now Yang Wei is worth [-] RMB walking!"

"On the way to the Internet cafe..."

"Viagra, let's discuss something. You asked me to kill you five times. Let's split the [-] RMB, okay?"

"Hold the grass, the brothers in front are talented, can we share it together?"


At this time, the barrage in Yang Wei's live broadcast room is in stark contrast to Yang Wei's mood at this time.

Yang Wei was very sad, but the audience in his studio was very excited.

There are even many viewers who have already discussed how to spend the [-] RMB on the barrage.

And Yang Wei couldn't help cursing after seeing the barrage of these cheating audiences.

"Damn, you bloody ghosts are so annoying!"

"Seeing that I offered a bounty, I didn't say that I casually picked up a few aviation hens to comfort the wounded heart of the nest, but instead discussed how to kill me in exchange for the bounty in front of my face, isn't it a bit too much? ?”

Of course, regarding Yang Wei's accusation, the viewers in his live broadcast room just laughed, and turned off the live broadcast room backhand, ready to attack Yang Wei in the game.

But to be honest, because the virtual game cabin cannot watch the video when playing games, so even if these viewers want to watch the screen, they have to exit the lobby of the virtual game cabin first.

And this period of time is the best time for Yang Wei to get rid of the peeping screen.

Of course, it is unrealistic to completely get rid of that, unless he does not broadcast live.

And Yang Wei naturally knew that the way to avoid being sniped was not to broadcast live, but he still said that he wanted to try it.

Humans are like that, before they taste the consequences, they always feel that they have more or better choices.

So, half an hour later, Yang Wei, who had tasted the bitter fruit, decisively turned off the live broadcast.

After all, being sniped 7 times in half an hour and dying 4 times is not something everyone can bear.

Regardless of others, Yang Wei's mentality is quite bursting now anyway.

At the same time, he also knew why the Gatling player would pay such a large price to reward him.

After all, this can only know it after trying it.

"Xie Te, I don't know if there are any face towels or something like that in here. If it doesn't work, I can just find a piece of cloth to cover my face."

Fortunately, there is no limit to what you want to equip in the game, otherwise Yang Wei would really dare not go out to do missions.

At the same time, after Zhen Fu just entered the game, he quickly started to do his exclusive tasks.

It is to find Feng Xia's location, and then sell it to those who want to find Feng Xia to kill him and get a reward.

As for why he didn't go by himself...

Emmm, as an old lady with professional ethics, Zhen Fu's intuition tells him that if he follows Feng Xia, if Feng Xia sees him, then he will definitely be recognized.

Besides, it doesn't make much sense for an old Yinbi like him to go to Yin all the time. It's better to make money secretly like this.

After all, no matter how exciting the game is, it is not as comfortable as watching the balance of your bank card increase every day.

After Zhen Fu entered the game today, he didn't go to the bounty hunter section immediately.

After all, for him who has been flipping through it a lot in the past two days, she remembers the top ten bounty missions very clearly.

Especially the Gatling player with a reward of [-] RMB can be said to be ahead of the second-ranked bounty task, there are too many, in his opinion, there will be no big changes in a while .

And Zhen Fu believes that even if there is any change in the above ranking, it will be after No.2.

As for the reward of up to [-] RMB, Zhen Fu thought that it would not be surpassed in a short time.

After all, the second reward was only [-] RMB, and it was a one-time task.

How can there be an unlimited number of missions here?

Therefore, after entering the game, Zhen Fu didn't hide anything, and just wandered around in the neutral camp regularly.

The reason why it is said to be wandering regularly is because this route is the route that he has carefully studied and is the easiest to encounter Feng Xia.

In this way, he took a photo from a distance and sold it to those bounty hunters.

However, just as he was about to continue his plan to make a fortune today, he suddenly felt that there were more players around him.

You know, because Zhen Fu often hangs around here, he doesn't know the surroundings clearly, but he still understands some basic situations.

It stands to reason that there is nothing particularly attractive here, and they haven't heard of any cheating missions or activities in their mercenary camp recently, so there shouldn't be so many players suddenly appearing.

Unless these people are offering a reward for that Gatling player.

But Zhen Fu remembered that every time he was a photo of Fa Feng Xia leaving the camp to do missions, these people shouldn't have found this place so quickly!
It is understandable to say that two players accidentally saw the Gatling player.

But it's not normal to have dozens of new faces all of a sudden!

And he didn't know if it was his illusion or what, Zhen Fu always felt that someone was staring at him.

"Damn, isn't labor and capital being targeted by some perverted gang?!"

Zhen Fu suddenly opened his mind and felt that he had found the truth of the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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