Chapter 402
"Um... a few heroes, let's talk about something, can we not use knives and guns?"

"It's not good if you accidentally hurt someone when you see it, right?"

Not long after Zhen Fu walked out of the camp, he was surrounded by a group of big men.

At this time, Zhen Fu, who was full of big men, could only beg for mercy decisively.

After all, judging from the current situation, it is not easy for him to get out, so he can only stabilize and find some people first, and then think of other ways.

However, what surprised Zhen Fu was that these big guys didn't seem to belong to the same group.

Because just after he begged for mercy, the more than 20 big men suddenly divided into five small groups, and they all looked at each other with hostility.

This situation made Zhen Fu feel a little... confused.

Didn't you come to trouble me?
How does it look like these people are going to fight first?

Is this some new... art?
"This is what our fire group is targeting first. If you have ideas, you can wait until the next time to compete."

After looking around for a week, one of the men frowned and said.

"Hahaha, everyone is a sensible person. It's meaningless for you to say that. What do you mean that you, the fire group, saw it first? How many of you have eyes?!"

The leader of the other gang refuted with a sneer after hearing what the man from the fire group above said.

And the big man's rebuttal seemed to open the valve, and the leaders of the other three groups also began to raise objections.

For a moment, this scene seemed to Zhen Fu to be a little lively, especially like those haggling aunts in the vegetable market downstairs.

However, although the scene was a bit chaotic, and there was even a fight at one point, Zhen Fu, an old cunt, really didn't find a chance to slip away.

"Heroes, can you stop arguing for now, and tell me what offended my younger brother first, so that all heroes can be so... caring about my younger brother."

Zhen Fu really couldn't bear this weird atmosphere.

If Nima said that a group of girls almost got into a fight because of him, Zhen Fu might still be very excited and turn on the camera function to record this precious scene.

But now... a group of big men almost got into a fight because of him, so it's a bit, emmm, a bit philosophical.

After hearing Zhen Fu's humble request, this group of big men stopped their quarrel suddenly, and then there was a burst of deafening laughter.

"Hahahahaha, this kid doesn't even know that he has been offered a reward?"

"That's right, if he found out that he had a bounty on his back, and he was still number one on the bounty list, this kid shouldn't dare to go out like this."

"Yes, the other great anchor Yang Wei who was offered a reward didn't dare to broadcast live after being fucked to death a few times."


Well, a group of big men seemed to be completely motivated to talk by Zhen Fu's question.

Before, they still looked tense, but now they started talking and laughing again.

Of course, for Zhen Fu who heard the answer, he really couldn't laugh anymore.

Now there is only one thought in his mind: Why am I offered a reward?
To be honest, when Zhen Fu accepted this fact and began to try to think about what he had that was worth offering a reward, he was horrified to find that he really didn't seem to have anything that was worth coveting by others!

First, he doesn't have any magical weapons, and second, he hasn't offended anyone recently.

Except for the attention he hit the Gatling player before.

Thinking of this, Zhen Fu frowned.

Could it be that the Gatling player offered me a bounty for cheating on him?

But it shouldn't!

It took so many days for the reward to come out, which is a bit unreasonable.

For this conjecture, Zhen Fu felt a little unlikely.

Moreover, Zhen Fu also heard a more important news from their conversation, that is, the amount of reward on his body seems to be higher than the [-] RMB that was number one on the previous list.

This is even more unreasonable!

To put it in a self-deprecating way, how could he, Zhen Fu He De, let someone pay a big price to reward him?

It's just that Zhen Fu didn't pay much attention to what these big guys said, and there was a big anchor who was offered a reward with him.

After all, at that time, her mind was completely dazed by the sudden bad news.

And when Zhen Fu was thinking wildly, the bounty hunter team who had almost fought in the five seas before seemed to have reached an agreement, and there seemed to be no dispute over the ownership of their prey, Zhen Fu.

Two minutes later, Zhen Fu who was "euthanized" did not choose to be resurrected immediately, but quit the game and directly opened the bounty hunter section.

He wanted to see how much the person who "appreciated" him so much charged him.

Then, Zhen Fu, who clicked on the reward list, was speechless.

Feng Xia felt that if he wasn't in the game room right now, he might have fallen to the ground and twitched right now.

Kiss a banana peel from your mother!

This f*ck is [-] RMB!
He has never seen a deposit of more than [-] yuan in his life, why is there suddenly such a rich Shenhao offering [-] RMB to fuck him today!

And this is an unlimited number of bounty missions with no cap.

In other words, as long as Zhen Fu is still playing this game, as long as someone kills him five times in a row, he can get the bounty of [-] RMB.

One hundred thousand five times, two hundred thousand ten times, one million fifty times.

Thinking of this number, Zhen Fu suddenly had the urge to kill himself and sell it for money.

Or it is not impossible to find someone to cooperate with.

At that time, even if half of it is distributed, there will still be 5 yuan, which is his salary for half a year without eating or drinking.

"Where did I offend this ultimate local tyrant?"

Zhen Fu still couldn't figure it out.

The main reason is that since he entered the game, he has plotted against the Gatling player. As for the others, there is really nothing to offend.

Of course, it doesn't count if the task is to die on the battlefield. Everyone is following orders, so there is no need to mix too much emotion.

In the end, after thinking about it, Zhen Fu felt that the person who offered him a reward should be the Gatling player.

But he really couldn't understand why the other party would have such...a special overnight feud.

Zhen Fu even thought that the relationship between himself and that Gatling player was mostly to use and be used.

In the end, I used other people's photos to make money, but they have been holding back their big moves to deal with him because of their sneak attack behavior.

This is really... a pain in the ass.

(End of this chapter)

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