Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 403 Revocation of Reward Offer

Chapter 403 Revocation of Reward Offer
But having said that, Zhen Fu really wanted to "suicide" to make money.

After all, the temptation brought by [-] RMB is too great.

Of course, this kind of thing is just thinking about it, and he can't do it himself.

It's not that he can't afford to do it, but that Zhen Fu is really powerless.

After all, there are still some conditions in the reward, and he is not stupid, so he must distinguish whether the video of the big reward is real or not.

After dispelling his idea of ​​receiving his bounty, Zhen Fu began to think about a very serious question.

How the hell should he play the game after that?Can we continue to have fun?

The main reason is that the bounty on his body is too high.

To put it bluntly, Zhen Fu felt that for a long time to come, the bounty of [-] RMB would definitely be an insurmountable gap for others.

emmm, by the way, why is he inexplicably a little bit proud?

Although he was slapped in the face by himself, Zhen Fu believed that it would definitely not happen this time. on earth should he play the game?
To be honest, Zhen Fu thought at first that he should just be a bachelor, and just apologize to the Gatling player who posted the reward. After all, he caused the whole thing (in fact, Yang Wei also counted).

In this way, maybe this big boss who is not short of money can revoke the reward.

However, Zhen Fu, who was about to take action just now, found helplessly that he could not contact this Gatling player.

"Damn, it seems that the only way to avoid the limelight is to hang around in the gta world first."

Zhen Fu decided to bow his head to money and forget it. After all, it is not his style to play games with such a bounty.

On the other side, Yang Wei, who was also offered a reward, was wearing a camouflage helmet, with several camouflage oils on his face, walking on the road majestically.

This is a disguise that he has only recently researched to conceal his identity.

As for finding a face towel to cover your face...

Emmm, after he took this thing, he was still spotted not far away.

The main reason is that there are not many people in the game who will go out with their faces covered like Yang Wei.

Coupled with the news of "[-] rewards" that basically everyone in the world knows, players will definitely pay more attention to this masked person.

So... this guy is once again "glorious" on the way to do the task.

And now Yang Wei's outfit came to him because he saw many players smearing camouflage paint on their faces.

Although the degree of concealment is not as high as that of the face scarf, it is better than ordinary and not so unique, so it is not so easy to be discovered.

At least now that Yang Wei has been walking alone on the road for so long, he hasn't noticed anything following him.

This situation remained the same until he finished today's task, and Yang Wei was not attacked again throughout the day.

This discovery made Yang Wei very happy.

Because Yang Wei, a half-assed medical soldier, received a rather fraudulent mission on the day he was offered a reward.

Originally, he planned to start doing the task well that day, but unexpectedly, he was offered a reward.

And then... a long period of peek-a-boo.

But now that he has found a solution, he can finally continue his mission with peace of mind.

Speaking of which, the reward for that mission seems to be a mysterious world.

If it weren't for this reward that sounded cheating, Yang Wei would have given up the mission during the time he was offered the reward.

But thinking of Shuguang Entertainment's idiot who likes to play with mystery the most, Yang Wei planned to finish this task patiently.

What if it is an artifact that can be used in the entire Great Thousand World?

Didn't he just make a lot of money?

Yang Wei was quite upset when he was in the gta world before, because he didn't expect that he didn't get a mysterious reward for the top ten players.

And he guessed that the Gatling of the Gatling player who stalked them on the battlefield before was probably one of the top ten rewards.

After all, Battlefield World had just opened at that time, and no player should be able to get a big killer like Gatling from an NPC.

If the mysterious world reward for this mission is also a big killer like Gatling...

Yang Wei gradually fell into pornography and couldn't extricate himself.

Of course, after YY, Yang Wei revoked the bounty he offered to the Gatling player (that is, Feng Xia).

After all, he said that he was the first to do things first, and now that he has lost his anger and annoyed others, he simply withdrew the reward, which is considered a coward.

After all, there is nothing wrong with being cowardly with a local tyrant of this level, and Yang Wei doesn't have any burden in his heart if he doesn't confess in person.


And Feng Xia, who announced the rewards offered by Zhen Fu and Yang Wei, looked at the news from his subordinates with a frown.

He didn't expect that his reward of [-] RMB seemed so huge, but there wasn't even a single player who came to claim it.

According to the news, it is because among the player group, the player who has killed the most rewards is only three times, which has not reached the standard of five rewards at all.

Similarly, Feng Xia also saw that the news that the bounty was offered to him had been withdrawn.

Then he frowned even tighter.

Feng Xia was a little unhappy to ask him to revoke the bounty now; but if he doesn't revoke it, those two players seem to have been completely hidden in the game.

Anyway, Feng Xia hasn't heard any news about these two players these days.

"Fuck, are these two pussies born in the year of rabbit?"

After Feng Xia muttered resentfully, he simply withdrew the reward offer.

After all, it’s useless to continue hanging up like this. Anyway, no one can be found, so it’s better to cancel it directly.

In this way, he can complete the task he received from that cheating NPC with peace of mind.

After all, Gatling still wants to play with it again. It's a pity that this kind of big killer is only used once.

And after completing the task, apart from being able to buy Gatling bullets, there seems to be a very good reward. After Feng Xia tasted the sweetness of Gatling, he still has quite high expectations for this reward.

Therefore, the two people who hadn't met each other tacitly withdrew the bounty offer, and chose to complete the more important task in their eyes.

After the bounty section went online, Mu Chen, who had been paying attention to this section from time to time, saw that the two high rewards were revoked, and immediately asked someone to change the rules of the bounty hunter section.

The maximum reward cannot exceed [-] RMB...

(End of this chapter)

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