Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 404 Resentment

Chapter 404 Resentment
"Medical soldier, hurry up here! The blood bar is about to be drained, why don't you come?!"

"Come on!"

"Where is the nanny? Hurry up, there are still people guarding the S79 highland, and those black leather eggs are still a bit fierce!"

"Wait a minute, come right away..."

In a temporary field hospital, Yang Wei was as busy as a donkey, running around in this simple field hospital.

And his surroundings were also filled with various shouts, and these shouts were naturally aimed at him as a field doctor.

It has been more than half a month since Yang Wei was offered a reward by Feng Xia.

The enthusiasm for offering rewards gradually faded over time.

Especially after Dawn Entertainment's official intervention, after the bounty hunter section's bounty amount has a threshold, only those full-time bounty hunters will pay attention to these things.

And the "[-] RMB reward" between Feng Xia and Yang Wei has become a legend.

As for now, Yang Wei has reached the last link of the series of missions he received.

It is necessary to complete the healing task for 1000 players within three days.

To be honest, when Yang Wei saw the requirements of this mission, he was almost out of breath to directly trigger the player protection mechanism of the game room.

He especially remembered that the first mission of this series of missions was to heal the players, but at that time he was only able to milk 10 players.

But now he is told to milk 1000 players within three days, isn't that killing him?
Needless to say, Yang Wei didn't know where to find these thousand players, let alone heal them.

So, after searching several times, he finally found a supply town located in several areas with dense wars.

Finally, a temporary medical point was opened in this small town, which is a low-profile version of the field hospital.

Of course, in order to allow these nearby players to come to him for treatment, Yang Wei spent a lot of money.


As long as you are not afraid of waiting too long, all players who come here for treatment are free.

But first come, first served, there are only a thousand places, and the time is only three days.

That's why under the circumstance of hunger marketing, the low-profile field hospital that Yang Wei set up temporarily has such a bustling scene.

After all, the medical kits in the game are still very expensive.

Therefore, even if there are medical soldiers in these players' teams, they are willing to come to Yang Wei for treatment.

If you don’t want anything for free, you’d be too sorry for yourself.

Of course, not everyone in the game can casually enter the battlefield.

Players who have not reached the standard for treatment at the rear can only stay on the ground honestly, and wait for the medical soldiers on the ground to treat them if they suffer minor injuries.

That's what it means to be incapable of minor injuries.

Of course, if the player wants to touch it quietly, or fool around, or something like that.

Then I believe that the beatings from NPCs will increase their memory a lot.

Today is the third day of Yang Wei's free treatment.

As word-of-mouth fermented, more and more players came here to ask Yang Wei to call him "milk".

But... even though there are already so many players here, so many that Yang Wei is too busy, he is still not satisfied.

Yang Wei just took a rough look. There are currently about 100 players waiting for him to "milk", plus the 600 players he has "milked" in the previous two days, there are only 700 players in total. It's still a long way from his mission goal of 1000.

If there are two or three hundred players, it is impossible to wait for them to come here for treatment today. There is a high probability that so many people will not come.

After all, although it is free, it is very fragrant, but the need to wait in a long queue area discourages many players who are eager to return to the battlefield.

And when Yang Wei was thinking about how to complete the target in the rest of the day, he suddenly heard the conversation of several players behind him who were waiting for his treatment.

"Shouldn't your place be just a simple mission to occupy points? Why are so many people dying?"

A player clutching his right arm asked the player diagonally across from him with his shoulders hanging.

"Hey, don't talk about this, it's just angry!"

"You said that it was hard for me to accept such an easy task, but today when we just went to the high ground, we met those **** mercenaries. You know, these people only care about money, not about the camp. , so in the end we did a fight, and now it’s still on the top!”

The player with the injured shoulder replied with a gloomy face.

"Still fighting? Don't you have a team of 200 people this time? There are so many people in the mercenary camp?"

The player who injured his right arm was very surprised when he heard that he was still playing.

"There are a lot of people with a fart, and there are probably less than fifty people who heard the gunshots!"

"That you……"

"Among the group of mercenaries, there is Gatlin who is a scumbag. Who would dare to use that thing when it suddenly pops up? So now there is a stalemate."


"Gatling? Isn't it the same as before!"

Not far away, Yang Wei heard the conversation of these two players, and he felt that he should have a way to complete the task.

He had asked the NPC before. A player who has been injured multiple times counts as a number of treatments. Of course, it is impossible to use this to count the number of times. Players who do this are probably on the way to buy regret medicine.

Since there is Gatling on the highland mentioned by the two players, and the battle situation is still deadlocked, it means that there will be a steady stream of wounded soldiers there.

Then at that time, he, a medical soldier with E-level milk power, can do whatever he wants.

And the reason why Yang Wei wanted to go to that highland was because he had another purpose.

That is... kill this Gatling player yourself.

Although the bounty battle between the two of them has been over for a long time.

But when Yang Wei heard the news, he still couldn't help feeling a little murderous in his heart.

It wasn't for the revenge of the bounty, but for the revenge that was suppressed by Gatling in the beginning to shrink into the earth.

You know, among Yang Wei's fan groups now there are some song animation emoticons that Yang Wei was scared by Gatling to pretend to be an ostrich that day.

While these black histories made the audience in Yang Wei's live broadcast room happy, it also deepened Yang Wei's resentment towards that Gatling player.

Thinking of how he was trembling under Gatling's blue fire back then, Yang Wei wished he could go to that high ground to kill the Gatling player who appeared again.

But fortunately, he doesn't have Shi Lezhi yet, knowing that his most urgent task is to complete these "task indicators".

(End of this chapter)

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