Unique supernatural master

Chapter 102 Tongzhou Duan Family

Chapter 102 Tongzhou Duan Family
"Appeared? Where is it!" Hearing this, Ye Haoran couldn't hold back his excitement. It really means that Cao Cao will be here. It seems that God treats him well, and he will come when he needs anything.

"There is something you want on the auction list of an auction house in Tongzhou. If you need it, I can get it for you!" Qi Tiancheng also said.

He said this not because he wanted to get close to Ye Haoran, but because he also wanted to see what Ye Haoran cared about so much. As a strong man in the inner circle, what Ye Haoran cared about was definitely not ordinary things.

"No need, I'll go by myself!" Ye Haoran didn't agree, this thing can only pass through his hands, the less other people know about it, the better.

"Well, come here by yourself! I'll prepare money for you!" Qi Tiancheng didn't force it.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you!" Ye Haoran was sincerely grateful to Qi Tiancheng this time.

"You're welcome! Come to Qi's house later, and we will go to Tongzhou together!" Qi Tian said.

"Okay, let me prepare!" Ye Haoran responded, and hung up the phone after speaking.

After tidying up, Ye Haoran also drove to Qi's house, together with Qi Tiancheng and Qi Xue, the three of them boarded the plane to Tongzhou.

Tongzhou is a relatively well-known city in China. Although it is not as famous as the capital city, it is still more famous than most other cities, and the degree of prosperity naturally goes without saying.

Along the way, Ye Haoran also asked some information about the auction of the ghost king's canon, but Qi Tiancheng couldn't tell the reason, because there was not much useful information exposed before the things were put up for auction, so Qi Tiancheng There is no way to answer.

After getting off the plane, as soon as he got out of the airport, Ye Haoran saw a row of luxury cars parked outside the airport. There were as many as ten of them in detail, and the prices of all of them started from one million. From this point of view, This Qi Tiancheng is doing well in Tongzhou, he has such a lineup for every opportunity.

"Master Qi!"

Seeing Qi Tiancheng leave the airport, a middle-aged man immediately greeted him, and after a cry, he also guided the three of them into the car.

After driving for about 20 minutes, these cars also drove into a manor and stopped around a fountain in the manor.

As soon as the car stopped, a special person came to open the door for Qi Tiancheng.

Then Qi Tiancheng, Ye Haoran and other talents got out of the car slowly.

"Rest at my place tonight, the auction will start tomorrow night, and then I will send you there!" Qi Tiancheng motioned to Ye Haoran.

This man's manor is very large. Where they parked is the central fountain of the manor. About [-] meters away from this fountain is an exquisite villa.

Qi Tiancheng walked in front, Ye Haoran and Qi Xue followed behind, but after a few steps, Qi Tiancheng stopped because he found a sports car parked next to the entrance of his villa, look at the license plate of the sports car The number was A8888, and Qi Tiancheng also guessed whose car it was.

"Qi Xue, take Haoran for a stroll in this manor first, and come to you after I go in to deal with some matters!" Qi Tiancheng turned around and said to Qi Xue.

"Hey, Uncle Qi, you're back!" Just as Qi Tiancheng finished speaking, a young man with a handsome complexion came out of the villa.

"Hey, is the one behind you Qi Xue? You are as beautiful as your aunt!" The young man passed by Qi Tiancheng and looked at Qi Xue behind him.

"Oops!" Seeing this young man walking in, Qi Tiancheng also groaned inwardly. The young man in front of him is the son of the Duan family, named Duan Zhengwen, and the Duan family is on good terms with him. The family, the power in this Tongzhou can be regarded as the upper class, and he is on the same level as him.

Back then, the reason why Qi Tiancheng wanted to break up Ye Haoran and Qi Xue was to marry the Duan family and make them more intimate, so when they were getting along, he also revealed this meaning to the Duan family, and this time he returned to Liuzhou , the purpose is to bring Qi Xue over, and the two of them meet for an interview.

But the change on Ye Haoran's side made him a little embarrassed, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed in Liuzhou for so long.

Now if Duan Zhengwen sees Qi Xue and Ye Haoran together, it will definitely affect the relationship between the Duan family and him. Although he is not afraid of the Duan family, no one wants to have multiple enemies for no reason.

"Uh, who is this man? Uncle's secretary? Or Qi Xue's bodyguard?" Duan Zhengwen rubbed his chin and guessed.

"Hehe, listen to me..." Qi Tiancheng also wanted to explain. After all, the Duan family has been friends with him for so many years. It is not unrelated to the Duan family that he can win a piece of the world in Tongzhou, so he doesn't want to take it easy. Offended the other party, but Ye Haoran didn't give Qi Tiancheng a chance to explain.

"I'm Qi Xue's boyfriend! Ye Haoran!" Ye Haoran stared at Duan Zhengwen and said lightly.

"Boyfriend? Ye Haoran?" Hearing this, Duan Zhengwen couldn't help but sneered, and then turned to look at Qi Tiancheng.

"Uncle, you said you would bring Qi Xue to see me when you went back this time, but you didn't say that you would bring his boyfriend here. Uncle, you are going too far!" Duan Zhengwen sneered, with an ugly expression on his face.

Today he came here excitedly to meet someone, but Qi Tiancheng poured cold water on him, no wonder he can feel comfortable.

"Justice, listen to me!" Qi Tiancheng still wanted to explain.

"No need to say anything!" Duan Zhengwen waved his hand and signaled Qi Tiancheng to stop. Although Qi Tiancheng is an elder, he is reasonable about this matter, and the Duan family is a veteran force in Tongzhou. For him, it is much more tyrannical, so he has more confidence.

"Boy, Qi Xue is from my Duan family, now I'll give you a chance to leave Tongzhou alive, you choose!" Duan Zhengwen stared at Ye Haoran and said.

Seeing Qi Tiancheng's performance, Ye Haoran naturally knew that this Duan family must not be an ordinary existence, otherwise Qi Tiancheng would not behave like this, but no matter how powerful the Duan family is, Ye Haoran would not shrink back, because he has no such habit.

"I'm sorry, you're late. Qi Xue has long been a member of my Ye family. As for the opportunity you mentioned, I think it's better to leave it to you to choose! Because I like tit for tat, it's best not to Threat me! Otherwise, you will regret it later, but don't blame me for not reminding you!" Ye Haoran said with a faint smile.

"Hehe, what a joke! What are you? You dare to rob someone from me. I dare not say anything else, but in Tongzhou, if I want you to die on the third watch, you won't be dragged to the fourth watch! Before I kill you Before you, you'd better get out, otherwise, I will make you regret being a man!" Duan Zhengwen squinted his eyes, his face was full of frost.

(End of this chapter)

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