Unique supernatural master

Chapter 103 Luxurious Decoration

Chapter 103 Luxurious Decoration
Duan Zhengwen is very confident. In this Tongzhou, his Duan family is an established and powerful force, so killing a person is nothing but a piece of cake.

"Haoran, don't be impulsive!" Qi Tiancheng also tried to persuade him, but he knew that Ye Haoran was a master of the inner gang. Although the Duan family has a lot of power, it is really not that easy to kill Ye Haoran, but he knew Ye Haoran has a bad temper, and he doesn't even give him face. I'm afraid that no matter how powerful the Duan family is, he won't take it seriously, let alone a talented Duan Zhengwen.

Ye Haoran shot and injured Duan Zhengwen after a disagreement, so this matter will not be resolved.

"Haoran, don't be as knowledgeable as the text, he is young and vigorous, so his words are unavoidable!" Knowing that Ye Haoran is not so easy to talk, Qi Tiancheng added another sentence.

But this sentence stings Duan Zhengwen. Don't you have the same knowledge as him?What is this nonsense!

"Uncle Qi, what do you mean? Are you saying that I am not as good as him?" Duan Zhengwen's face was extremely ugly. Although he, Duan Zhengwen, is not a famous existence in China, he is one of the best young masters in Tongzhou. Look, this is the first time ever.

"What do you mean? He is saving you!" Ye Haoran said with narrowed eyes.

What the text said just now made Ye Haoran very upset. If Qi Tiancheng hadn't said that sentence, I'm afraid this text would have been full of teeth.

"Save me? Hehe, it seems that I, Duan Zhengwen, haven't made a move for a long time, and many people have already forgotten about me. Well, I'll let you experience it today. Duan Zhengwen is amazing!" With solid strength, the steps under his feet quickly stepped towards Ye Haoran, and when he was close to Ye Haoran, he also flew up and smashed down with a punch.

There was a muffled sound from the huge energy, and it was obvious that Duan Zhengwen had slapped him hard.

However, such a swift blow was just like playing tricks in front of Ye Haoran, he just raised his hand indifferently, and blocked the punch.

"Neigang? How is it possible!" A trace of panic flashed across Duan Zhengwen's face. His punch seemed to hit an iron wall. pain.

However, his reaction speed was also very fast. Seeing that the momentum was not right, he immediately wanted to retreat, but how could Ye Haoran give him this opportunity? He grabbed Duan Zhengwen's fist in his hand with a clenched palm, and then twisted it again. A crisp sound was heard.

Duan Zhengwen's arm was directly twisted, and before he could wail, Ye Haoran kicked him on the back, kicking him three meters away.

Seeing all this, Qi Tiancheng didn't have time to stop him, so he could only sigh secretly.

"Today is just a lesson, if you dare to come again next time, hehe, I will directly abolish you!" Ye Haoran also had a ruthless look on his face. Although he knew that the Duan family was powerful, he was never afraid of it, because he acted There is only one criterion, that is, you must never suffer in front of anyone.

He can't do Duan Zhengwen, and neither can the Duan family!

Saying that, Ye Haoran directly pulled Ye Zimo into Qi Tiancheng's villa.

"It's okay!" After Ye Haoran left, Qi Tiancheng came to Duan Zhengwen and helped him up.

"Uncle, who the hell is he!" Duan Zhengwen endured the pain, now he also knows why Qi Tiancheng said that to him, he is indeed not as good as the other party.

Inner Realm!
Even in Tongzhou, he is a first-class big shot. There is only one such existence in his Duan family, so he is also very clear-headed. Although he hates it, at least he doesn't intend to trouble Ye Haoran at present.

Because he knows very well that the strong inside should not be messed with!Ye Haoran, don't mess with it!
"I don't know, but the background is huge! Even I can't find out his real identity!" Qi Tiancheng shook his head and said frankly.

Seeing that Duan Zhengwen didn't mean to blame him, he was relieved a lot.

"Don't think about Qi Xue. I am the one who is sorry for your Duan family. I will find a way to make up for you. Now you should go back and take care of this arm!" Qi Tiancheng also called a servant over. , let him take Duan Zhengwen to the hospital.

Back at the villa, Qi Tiancheng also explained it to Ye Haoran, but Ye Haoran didn't pay much attention to it.

Afterwards, Qi Tiancheng also explained to the Duan family. After all, it was his fault. Originally, the Duan family was still indignant after hearing about this incident, but after learning that Ye Haoran was only in his twenties, he was in the inner circle. At that time, Qi Tiancheng was not too blamed.

Of course, what they are afraid of is not Ye Haoran himself. After all, even if Ye Haoran is an inner gang, his Duan family is not without such a strong man. Under the same realm, even if it is a little tricky, it is difficult for a big family like them to find a way back. Face is also a big matter, and the reason why they gave up targeting Ye Haoran is entirely because of the mysterious forces behind Ye Haoran.

They are naturally aware of Qi Tiancheng's strength, and the Duan family may not be able to take someone he can't take down, not to mention that they can cultivate a person who has inner strength at a young age, then this force cannot be weak.

After staying in Qi Tiancheng's manor for a day, Qi Tiancheng brought Ye Haoran to the auction house at five or six o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

"Yongsheng Auction House! The largest auction organization in the country has branches in every major city, and all the expensive auction items in the country come from here!" Ye Haoran heard Qi Tiancheng introduce him as soon as he arrived at the auction house.

"Didn't the auction start at eight o'clock in the evening? It's not until five o'clock, why are you here!" Ye Haoran didn't pay much attention to these things, after all, the power of this auction house has nothing to do with him.

"You don't know something, come here earlier to see other things!" Qi Tiancheng said while walking.

"What?" Ye Haoran asked.

"You'll know when you go in!" Qi Tiancheng didn't answer.

Hearing this, Ye Haoran also consciously didn't ask any more questions, because they had already stepped into the gate of the auction house at this time, and they could see the result in a matter of minutes as to what good things were there.

"Master Qi!"

As soon as he entered, the security guard at the door bowed to Qi Tiancheng. It was obvious that Qi Tiancheng was already a frequent visitor here, and he had a good relationship with the auction house.

"Go this way!" Qi Tiancheng walked in front, leading the way for Ye Haoran and Qi Xue. Many people greeted Qi Tiancheng along the way, but Qi Tiancheng ignored them.

The decoration of this auction house is very luxurious and magnificent, like a palace, very grand.

On the first floor is a big miscellaneous shop, the layout is similar to those gold shops, and there are quite a lot of people coming and going.

"Is this the Taobao market?" Ye Haoran glanced at Qi Tiancheng and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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