Chapter 106 Anger
Ye Haoran is very humble, and this Mr. Zheng is also very kind, otherwise he would not have said this.

"Then I'd like to thank you, little friend!" Mr. Zheng didn't refuse, and it was thanks to Ye Haoran just now, otherwise his wife and children would have been murdered, so he also believed in Ye Haoran very much.

"You're welcome!"

Ye Haoran asked Mr. Zheng to take the pen and paper, wrote a prescription and handed it to Mr. Zheng.

After Mr. Zheng thanked him again, he continued shopping with his things.

Afterwards, Ye Haoran took Qi Xue for a walk here, and according to Xiaoyi's instructions, he also bought a lot of things that could enhance the soul power.

After the time was up, Ye Haoran followed Qi Tiancheng into the auction venue.

This venue is not big, only about [-] square meters. The seats here are all special leather chairs, and the interior decoration is also very grand. At first glance, you can tell that this auction site is not for ordinary people to enter.

"Master Qi!" As soon as Qi Tiancheng came in, the people sitting behind all got up one after another to say hello to Qi Tiancheng.

"Yeah!" Qi Tiancheng nodded towards everyone, this time he didn't ignore it like before, because the people who can come here are all the real bosses in Tongzhou, and they are not at the same level as the people outside. The presence.

Qi Tiancheng took Ye Haoran and Qi Xue to the front of the auction house.

Next to each seat, there is a tea seat flush with the seat, on which there are tea cups and a list of this auction.

The ghost king sacred book that Ye Haoran wanted was the finale of this auction, and the starting price was as high as 500 million!However, judging from the introduction, these people completely regarded it as an ancient book and did not know the true function of the book, so Ye Haoran was not too worried that someone would snatch it from him.

Soon the auction started, and Ye Haoran also took a look at the above items. Most of them were antiques, which were of no use to Ye Haoran.

And Qi Tiancheng came here this time to help Ye Haoran take pictures of the ghost king's scripture, so he didn't do anything.

It wasn't until the last item, Ye Haoran's long-awaited ghost king scripture, came on stage that Ye Haoran became interested.

"Okay, this auction is almost coming to an end here! I believe that most of you have bought what you want, and now is the last item in this auction, which is an ancient book.

We speculate that this thing has existed for at least 5000 years, and it is by far the oldest and most complete ancient book, which has a high collection value!The starting price is 500 million!Each price increase must not be less than [-]!Last item, shooting now! "

As soon as the host dropped the hammer, Ye Haoran raised his card.

"This gentleman bids 510 million!" Seeing Ye Haoran raise his placard, the host also said.

Most people have no interest in this ancient book, and even those who are interested have not bid, because Ye Haoran is sitting with Qi Tiancheng, the two must be related, and to compete with Qi Tiancheng for this thing, as long as one Open your mouth, there will definitely be troubles in the follow-up, and everyone is very smart, so naturally they won't make trouble for themselves.

Seeing the silence of the crowd, the host also knew that the item would probably be sold at this price, because he also knew the value of Qi Tiancheng here, and no one would dare to snatch what he liked.

"Okay, 510 million once, 510 million twice, 510 million three times! It's..."

"600 million!" Just as the host was about to spit out the words, there was a price increase sound from behind.

"600 million?" Hearing this voice, the host was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect someone to increase the price at this critical moment!
Seeing this, most people in the auction house turned their heads and looked at the person who made the noise.

It was a middle-aged man, about 40 years old, and next to him was a middle-aged man in his 30s, who was drinking tea leisurely from a teacup, ignoring the surprised eyes of everyone.

"Old horse, are you crazy? Dare to grab something from Lord Qi's people?" Behind him, a middle-aged man also reminded him.

"Old Ma, don't act dead! Do you still want to hang out in Tongzhou!" Someone reminded him in front of him.

The middle-aged man called Lao Ma also looked a little nervous, and after seeing Qi Tiancheng's eyes, he became even more flustered.

For a while, he didn't know how to answer. As a native of Tongzhou, he naturally knew that Qi Tiancheng couldn't be messed with, but...

" are so cowardly, why do you follow the adults!" As if feeling his nervousness, the person next to him also said.

"My lord, you should ask the price for this thing! I, I..." The old horse looked embarrassed, and he still couldn't muster up the courage to confront Qi Tiancheng.

"Hmph, useless things, you can't do this well!" The man gave the old horse a disgusted look, and then moved his eyes to Qi Tiancheng.

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen that I'm richer than you?" The man showed his arrogance, and he didn't take Qi Tiancheng seriously at all. Others were afraid of Qi Tiancheng, but he was not.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became a little more exciting, this Qi Tiancheng couldn't help but get angry, this person is too arrogant!
And seeing Qi Tiancheng's expression, everyone knew that this middle-aged man was miserable!Dare to speak to Qi Tiancheng like that, it's doomed not to end well, so seeing that the momentum is not right, the people sitting next to them also left the venue one after another, for fear that Qi Tiancheng would later turn his anger on them.

Seeing this, the old horse was ashen-faced, knowing that Qi Tiancheng might not let him go this time, but the matter has come to this point, he can only go one way to the dark, thinking of this, his complexion relaxed a little Son.

"1000 million!" As if stimulated by that person, Qi Tiancheng also directly bid the price to ten million.

"2000 million!" Before the host made an offer, the man said casually, but the expression on his face was provoking Qi Tiancheng.

"3000 million!" Qi Tiancheng was furious, and his heart was also filled with murderous intent.

"5000 million!" The man's voice was still very light, still provocative.

"Boy, you are courting death!" Qi Tiancheng couldn't bear it any longer, and slammed his hand on the tea table, shattering the entire teacup. Today is the most ruthless day he has ever been provoked. As the Tongzhou boss, How could he swallow his anger.

"Hehe, you lose your temper if you can't pay the price at the auction, do you really think this auction belongs to your family? I remember the rules of Yongshou, why? You don't care?" He said the first half of the sentence to Qi Tiancheng , and the second half of the sentence has shifted the target to the host.

Seeing this, the host was also very embarrassed. After all, Yongshou's rules do not allow threats and hands-on actions here.

(End of this chapter)

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