Chapter 107 Master
But as regular customers here, they should take care of it, but this person uses the rules as a shield, if they don't care about it, if it spreads, it will affect their reputation.

"Master Qi, please calm down! Please don't embarrass us, or you and I will disturb the higher-ups! If you have something to solve, I will never say anything!" The host also persuaded.

Hearing this, Qi Tiancheng's expression became even more embarrassing, but because of the person above Yongshou, he had to hold back.

"Hmph, 6000 million!" Qi Tiancheng sat down and bid directly. As a well-known boss in Tongzhou, he couldn't bow his head to that man, and he had already thought about how to deal with this man in the future.

"7000 million!" The man still said casually.

"8000 million!" Qi Tiancheng raised the price!

"[-] million!" The man frowned slightly. Even he is no longer so casual when the price is here. Pay so much money.

"One hundred million..." Qi Tiancheng naturally couldn't lose, just halfway through shouting, Ye Haoran also held down his hand.

"Don't be impulsive!" Ye Haoran said to Qi Tiancheng lightly.

He added the price to more than [-] million, and the things that can be bought for several million are really worthless.

"You don't want this thing?" Seeing Ye Haoran stop, Qi Tiancheng also asked back.

"Of course I want it, but I don't necessarily need to spend so much money!" Ye Haoran replied lightly. He is determined to get this ghost king's sacred book. According to this posture, even if he photographs it, it will cost hundreds of millions, because the other party is very obvious. It's also for this thing.

"I know!" Qi Tiancheng actually didn't want to go any further, because if he wanted to withdraw [-] million, he would have to hurt his muscles and bones. He couldn't afford to keep raising the price before, but with Ye Haoran stopping it, it was considered a gift. took him up a step.

Seeing that Qi Tiancheng stopped speaking, the provocative look on that person's face became more and more intense, Qi Tiancheng also turned his face away directly, not looking at him, he was afraid that he couldn't help but rush up and kill him.

"Okay, a deal of [-] million!" As soon as the host dropped the hammer, the thing became a property, and there was a strong smile on his face. It was obvious that today's auction was very successful. In the last game, he directly made hundreds of millions, which was simply a pleasant surprise.

Soon this thing was delivered, and the man walked out with the old horse swaggeringly. Naturally, Qi Tiancheng couldn't just let it go. Before he came out, he called people and prepared to kill the old horse and the man directly. Yes, to relieve the hatred in my heart.

Of course, the entrance of the auction house cannot be touched, so we can only wait for them to leave a certain distance.

Qi Tiancheng led people to drive behind, and the man and the old horse also drove the car into a small villa. Without hesitation, Qi Tiancheng also directly led people to surround the villa.

"You two hand over your things by yourself, and if you come to die, I will keep your whole body! I, Qi Tiancheng, have not made a move for many years. This Tongzhou person seems to have forgotten my methods. Today I will use you to stand up!" Qi Tiancheng Tian Cheng was really angry this time. He had never been so angry before. When the man continued to provoke him, these two people were included in his must-kill list.

"What's the noise! ​​How many people are there?" After entering the room for a while, the middle-aged man also came out, still staring at Qi Tiancheng with a disdainful look on his face. He didn't pay attention to it.

"Kill him!" Qi Tiancheng didn't say much, and asked people to do it directly.

Those subordinates were also very obedient, as soon as Qi Tiancheng ordered them to rush towards the man, they were about to beat him up with fists.

Qi Tiancheng's subordinates are also quite skilled, so their moves are not comparable to ordinary bodyguards, and their swift and fierce fists are the best proof.

"A group of mobs also want to kill me? Idiots!" The man stared at the bodyguards with disdain, and he was not afraid of their offensive. On the contrary, there was a playful smile on his face. When those people approached, He also went straight up.

clap clap clap!
He was extremely fast, rushing into the crowd like a fish swimming, shuttled in front of the crowd, dodging their attacks while making moves, within 30 seconds, all ten of Qi Tiancheng's men were lying on the ground, And all of them were hit to the point and died on the spot.

"A master?" Qi Tiancheng was also a little surprised when he saw the deaths of these subordinates. This person looked like he was smiling, but his attacks were extremely fierce. He didn't leave any survivors at all, and he was killed with one blow.

"Don't look, you will be like them soon!" The man still had a smile on his face, and rushed towards Qi Tiancheng as soon as he moved his body.

When Qi Tiancheng saw this, his pupils shrank suddenly. Although the opponent was approaching menacingly, he did not back down, because he himself was not weak, and he did not intend to be afraid of this middle-aged man.

Bang bang bang!
The two fists and feet collided, and within a short while, no less than ten moves were passed, and during the collision, Qi Tiancheng became more and more astonished, because he found that his opponent's strength was far superior to his, and he could be completely defeated within five moves. He, and the reason why he dragged on for more than ten moves was entirely because he was deliberately playing with him!

"Hehe, it's time to see you off! Go to hell!" The man's face showed a ruthless look, under the bombardment of a blow, Qi Tiancheng couldn't stop him, he was knocked back, and he also took advantage of the momentum On the top, the claws were solidified, and it was directly grabbed from the Tianling Gai.

Feeling the force of the thick claws, Qi Tiancheng's heart trembled suddenly, he seemed a little flustered, if he was caught like this, he would at least lose half his life.

Although he didn't want to be caught, but now he couldn't resist the opponent's attack at all, facing the claws that were getting closer and closer, Qi Tiancheng also felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, and suddenly despaired.

"Goodbye!" Seeing that he was about to succeed, a stern look appeared on the man's face.

The claw wind came head-on, Qi Tiancheng also closed his eyes in despair, he couldn't stand it, so he could only wait for death to come.

But after he waited for two or three seconds, he still didn't feel any pain.

"I'm okay?" Qi Tiancheng slowly opened his eyes, and found that the man's claws were less than five centimeters away from his eyes, but he didn't grab them for a long time.

Because the man's hand was pinched tightly by Ye Haoran, unable to move at all.

"Hao Ran?" Qi Tiancheng suddenly had a surprise in his despair, but it happened in a flash, because the strength of this man was higher than that of Ye Haoran.

(End of this chapter)

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