Unique supernatural master

Chapter 129 Conjecture

Chapter 129 Conjecture
"In this case, then I will compete with this little friend!" Deng Sheng stepped on his feet, and his body rose into the air, and stepped onto the fighting platform.

As soon as Deng Sheng came to the stage, everyone's eyes fell on me. Just now Zhu Kan was captured with a move, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that Deng Sheng's strength has already surpassed Baiyin, and this Ye Haoran , they are still dubious.

Ye Haoran's strength has not been confirmed yet. After all, Ye Haoran is too young. Even though there was a surprising scene just now, it still can't reverse their subconscious judgment on Ye Haoran!
"This kid from the Sun family didn't expect to keep a hand, but I guess he will be finished now!"

"It's over? I don't think so! Just now you didn't see Hong Jian's move, so I guess he is also a gold-level Daoist, and Deng Sheng is also a gold-level, so this battle is probably going to be very exciting!"

The two people in Zhu's area were also discussing.

"Do you really believe that he has that strength?" The person who spoke before shook his head when he heard the words. It is impossible that there is no news at all, and he just appeared out of nowhere, there is only one possibility!"

The man also pondered and didn't speak out the guess directly.

And the people around him also listened to the words, wanting to know some clues, and Deng Sheng on the stage could not help but concentrate on knowing the answer.

It's not that he hasn't guessed before, but his guess was all overturned after seeing Ye Haoran.

The same is true for Zhu Kan on the other side. He also wants to know why such a powerful character suddenly appeared in the Sun family.

"Say it quickly! Don't be a fool!" Seeing the man pondering for a long time, the others couldn't help urging.

"Think about it! This Sun family used to be the head of the four Daoist families. In its heyday, even the other three families were out of vassal status. Although such a big family has declined, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. There are many secret techniques that can increase a person's strength in a short period of time, but this secret technique will definitely have great after-effects, but the Sun family has to do this in order to deter the other three major families.

Sacrificing one person is always better than sacrificing the entire Sun family. Otherwise, the Sun family left a lot of high-level talismans before, and under his urging, they released a huge lethal force to deter the three families, thus Self-protection, but this is only a tactic to delay the attack. The decline of the Sun family is an irreversible fact. Once it is discovered, the Sun family will be considered to have come to an end! "The man said seriously, the conjecture was very logical, and he believed everything he said.

When other people heard the words, they also thought it made sense and nodded one after another. Zhu Kan and Deng Sheng on the stage also suddenly realized their eyes and fell on Ye Haoran.

Zhu Kan's mind that had just been silent in his heart gradually became active again.

Deng Sheng also quickly made a calculation in his mind. According to that person's guess, whether it is the secret technique to improve his strength or some hidden means, if he is strong, he will definitely not be able to take advantage of it. On the contrary, he will serve as a shield for others role.

So he also planned to deal with Ye Haoran with a few tricks, so as not to push Ye Haoran into a hurry and hurt both sides.

Seeing the hesitant eyes of the two, Sun Jian naturally knew what the two were thinking, which also made him a little nervous. After all, he was not afraid of thieves stealing, but he was afraid of thieves thinking about it. Ye Haoran can stop them here, but Ye Haoran is not the Sun family. It is impossible to stay here forever, if they come to make trouble after Ye Haoran left, wouldn't the Sun family be in danger?
"Master Ye, Patriarch Deng is a Master of the Golden Way, you have to be careful!" Sun Jian thought for a while, and then said out loud.

"Master Ye? Isn't this a descendant of your Sun family?" Zhu Kan and Deng Sheng also turned around after hearing this, and looked at Sun Jian suspiciously.

"I didn't say that Master Ye is a descendant of my Sun family! He is a foreign aid we invited!" Sun Jian also nodded. Now that he points out Ye Haoran's identity, he can directly break the previous conjecture of that person and let him Their Sun family is in a relatively safe situation.

"Foreign aid? Sun Jian, you are so shameless that you let an outsider come to participate in the martial arts competition!" Zhu Kan also scolded directly when he heard the words. From the beginning to the end, he never thought that Ye Haoran was invited by foreign aid. If so If so, the plan must have changed again.

"There is no rule in the martial arts conference that you can't find foreign aid. It is your own strength to find a strong foreign aid. If you can find a stronger one, I have no objection!" Sun Jian said indifferently.

He doesn't care about other people's opinions, and the Sun family doesn't need to care about face anymore. Survival is the most important thing.

Hearing what Sun Jian said, Zhu Kan didn't know how to refute it. There were no rules in this martial arts tournament, and he couldn't find any good reason to expel the opponent with the participation of foreign aid. With the current thick face of the Sun family, he would definitely Argue hard.

"Sun Qing and I are friends. If the Sun family needs help, I will help!" Ye Haoran also said domineeringly on stage.

What he has to do now is to deter the three families and make them be more honest.

"Master Ye, I just made up my mind! I plan to put all the assets of the Sun family under your name, Master Ye, and my Sun family will follow Master Ye from now on!" Sun Jian also expressed this idea in front of everyone. Having said that, what he did was nothing more than using Ye Haoran's name to obtain protection. It is better to be a vassal than to be separated, not to mention that with Ye Haoran's temper, he should have no interest in his grandson's assets.

Hearing this, the surrounding people were also in awe, and the Sun family knew Ye Haoran's power and what Sun Jian's purpose was, so they all expressed their support.

"Yeah!" Hearing this, Ye Haoran just nodded lightly, which is also a good way, as long as he can shock the three great masters, then he won't be afraid of them causing trouble.

"Let's get back to the topic first and then talk about it!" Ye Haoran replied, and then turned his attention to Deng Sheng.

"Deng Yuanchao was killed by me. If you want revenge, do it now!" Ye Haoran and Deng Sheng met each other's eyes, and there was no wave in the condensed expression.

"What? Deng Yuanchao was killed?" Hearing this, the audience of the martial arts stage exploded. Know at least heard the name.

Zhu Kan was also moved when he heard the words. After all, Deng Yuanchao was not an ordinary Deng family member. If Ye Haoran hadn't said it, he wouldn't have known about it.

(End of this chapter)

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