Chapter 130
Looking at the posture in the sky, if the bombardment comes down, the fighting platform will definitely not be able to escape the lightning strike within a range of tens of meters, and the power of this thunder must be stronger than the ordinary lightning drawing technique. After all, it is a golden talisman, so it will definitely not be weak where to go.

Not only were people retreating from the stage, Zhu Kan and Sun Jian also left their seats to avoid being accidentally injured.

"It's too late for you to regret it now!" Hearing the muffled thunder rolling in the sky, Deng Sheng also had a smile on his face. Fu Zhu.

"It seems that I don't need to use a single move!" Ye Haoran looked at the thunder source brewing in the sky, and his face was full of calmness, without any fear.

"When death is imminent, you still talk nonsense, you will die under this trick!" Deng Sheng smiled recklessly, but thinking of the golden talisman being used by him, his heart hurts.

"Under this move, you are the one who must die! Don't you know how big the damage range of this technique of attracting lightning is? And can you control thousands of thunder and lightning?" Ye Haoran laughed softly, with a smile on his face. Still looking calm and unhurried.

This source of thunder is indeed strong, but it's okay to be able to control the technique. If you can't control it, it is a technique that hurts the enemy and yourself, especially this kind of harmful technique. Sheng is also doomed!
Using such a move, for Deng Sheng, it was tantamount to playing with fire, especially since he was so close to Ye Haoran, it would be easier to get burned.

Hearing Ye Haoran's words, Deng Sheng's heart also tightened. When he dealt with Ye Haoran before, he didn't think so much at all. He just used whatever was powerful, and he didn't think about his own situation at all!With the golden talisman as the medium of the technique of guiding thunder, he, a Taoist mage who has just reached the gold level, must not be able to control it.

"Why, what should I do?" After Deng Sheng realized this problem, he panicked all of a sudden. He couldn't bear the thunder at all, so he didn't have the idea to bear it at all.

"Once this spell is cast, there are only three ways to break it. One is for me to die, the other is for you to die, and the third is to wait until the power of this spell is exhausted. However, I see that there are so many thunders gathered in the sky, even the Golden Peak A Taoist mage can't resist using defensive skills! So there is only one choice, and that is you to die!" Ye Haoran said calmly, originally he wanted to use one trick to stop Deng Sheng, but now it seems that he can't use it at all. It doesn't matter, because when the thunder strikes, Deng Sheng will also suffer. As long as he carries it longer than Deng Sheng, once Deng Sheng dies, the spell will be automatically dispelled, and he will be fine.

"No, no! I can't die! You, save me!" Deng Sheng was completely panicked, the lightning in the sky was almost brewing, and it was impossible for him to escape, after all, the lightning was at the speed of light. Even if he tried his best, he couldn't escape, and seeing Ye Haoran's calm and unhurried expression, it was obvious that there was a way to escape, so he naturally pinned his hopes on Ye Haoran.

"Save you? Why?" Ye Haoran didn't take it seriously. Deng Sheng started the fire himself. How could he have the obligation to help him fight the fire?

Ye Haoran flicked his finger in the air, and under the blessing of his formula, an invisible talisman exerted force instantly, forming a barrier on top of his head!
The moment the barrier was completely condensed, a thunder column in the sky slanted down like a waterfall.

Seeing this, Deng Sheng's face turned pale, and he even gave up resisting directly!

When the lightning strikes, the entire fighting platform is swallowed, and there is a continuous explosion sound. The whole fighting platform can't hold back the lightning and explodes. For a while, dust is everywhere, flying sand and rocks, making people unable to see clearly the scene on the ring .

When everyone saw the dense thunder and lightning, their scalps couldn't help but tingle.

The thunder and lightning raged for about ten seconds before returning to calm.

"do you died?"

After the thunder stopped, someone couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Die, die! It's almost impossible to die from such a lightning strike!"

The person next to him continued.

"Ye, Master Ye!" Looking at the smoky ruins, Sun Jian couldn't help feeling sad.

In his opinion, this Ye Haoran is probably doomed.

Not only him, but Zhu Kan on the side also thought so. He could see clearly the moment the lightning strike just now, Ye Haoran and Deng Sheng were both struck by the lightning, and most of them died.

"Hahaha, God helped me! Deng Sheng died, Sun's foreign aid died, and Hong Jian was also injured. Doesn't that mean that I can unify the four schools of Taoism?" Zhu Kan's mind was running fast, and he caught it all at once. the key to this.

Among the four schools of Dao and Fa, he is the only member of the Zhu family who is still intact, the strongest combat power of the Deng family is dead, the strongest combat power of the Hong family is injured, and the strongest combat power of the Sun family can be ignored directly. It means he can do whatever he wants!
Thinking of this, Zhu Kan was also very excited.

"Listen to the Sun family and the Deng family. They are dead. I, Zhu Kan, am the strongest here. You submit to me today, and I leave you a way to survive. Those who do not submit will be killed!" Zhu Kan stood in the air, with a deep voice There was an unconcealable excitement in it.

Hearing this voice, all the Zhu family also cheered loudly, but the faces of others were pale, especially the Deng family. They were originally the strongest existence among the four families, but now they are going to become the vassals of the Zhu family?
"Zhu Kan, just make your Spring and Autumn Dream! How can you covet my Deng family!" Several elders of the Deng family also stepped forward when they heard the words. Now that Deng Sheng's life and death are unknown, it is up to them to pick up the burden it's time.

"Whether you covet or not depends on your strength. Your Deng family has no choice but to fight against the Zhu family!" There are people in the Deng family, and there are people in the Zhu family.

But with Zhu Kan, a Taoist mage at the peak of silver, sitting in charge, the Zhu family obviously has more confidence.

"Since you are obsessed with obsession, let's kill it! From now on, the Zhu family will be the only one among the four schools of Taoism!" Zhu Kan smiled wantonly, and as soon as he moved, he killed the remaining silver-level Taoist masters of the Deng family. past.

The rest of the Zhu family did not hesitate, and directly fought with the Deng family. They couldn't help being excited about this beautiful blueprint. As members of the Zhu family, they had never felt so happy as they did today.

After less than a minute of fighting, the victory was roughly decided. Under the joint efforts of Zhu Kan and several silver-level Taoist masters of the Zhu family, several silver-level Taoist masters of the Deng family were also completely defeated. Seeing this, the family also surrendered one after another to show their obedience.

(End of this chapter)

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