Chapter 133

Surrounding the four of them, these people looked very imposing. One could tell at a glance that these two people were both in the martial arts. It seemed that their realm was not low, at least they were both in the Body Tempering Realm.

"Is there something to explain?" Chang Kun pondered for a moment, "Didn't your master refuse to help? Why, you regretted it again?"

The other party was capricious, which made Chang Kun a little confused. This family was an old friend of his teacher. When he first approached him, he agreed to help him, but he refused again within a day. Later, unexpectedly, the other party came to the door again.

"We don't know about this, the master will tell you when you come back with us!" The middle-aged man didn't answer directly, they just followed the order, and Chang Kun must be brought back today. As for whether he is willing or not, it is up to him. Not the most important.

"What if I don't go back?" Chang Kun naturally knew that things were not easy, so he didn't plan to go there again.

"That's up to you, you'd better cooperate with us, and we don't want to do anything!" The man had a tough attitude, and there was no room for negotiation. Chang Kun only had the Body Tempering Realm, so it was naturally impossible to escape in front of them.

Chang Kun's face was not good-looking when he heard the words. He naturally knew that if these people made a move, he would definitely not be able to escape, so his eyes also fell on Ye Haoran. He knew that Ye Haoran was an innate warrior. Several people should not be opponents.

"Since the other party wants to see you, let's meet! Maybe something good will happen!" Ye Haoran said lightly after noticing his eyes.

"Big brother, are you really going?" Chang Kun was also taken aback when he heard this, he didn't expect Ye Haoran to say that.

"The other party has sent someone to pick you up, so give him some face and I'll go with you!" Ye Haoran stood up and shook his clothes, then turned his head and said to Qi Xue and Ye Zimo, "You two will be together Stay in the hotel! Come back when we finish our business!"

"Yeah!" Qi Xue responded, Ye Haoran was confident, so she naturally didn't worry about anything.

Although Ye Haoran said this, Chang Kun was still worried, "Brother, you are not joking! If the other party has any bad intentions, it will be very dangerous with our little ability!"

"Big brother, don't worry, with my brother here, no matter what monsters or monsters he is, he is no match for him, don't underestimate him!" Ye Zimo also said after hearing the words.

Ye Haoran has made great progress these days, although Ye Zimo doesn't know what kind of practice Ye Haoran is, but she knows that Ye Haoran is very good.

"Eh!" Chang Kun also smiled awkwardly when he heard the words, of course he was too embarrassed to speak out against Ye Zimo, so he could only bite the bullet and nod.

"Lead the way!" Ye Haoran walked in front, and Chang Kun followed.

Seeing this, the middle-aged people led the car to the side of the car. After getting into the car, they also roared away. After half an hour of driving, the car also drove into the courtyard of a villa.

When Ye Haoran and Chang Kun got out of the car, they also found many people surrounded by the car.

"Follow me!" Guided by a middle-aged man, the two walked into the hall of the villa. At this moment, an old man in his sixties was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper while sipping tea.

After the middle-aged man who led the two into the room whispered something in his ear, he slowly put down the newspaper and teacup in his hand, and turned his gaze over.

"Sit!" The old man motioned.

Hearing this, Chang Kun and Ye Haoran sat opposite him.

"Do you know why I called you here this time?" The old man directly ignored Ye Haoran, and focused his eyes on Chang Kun.

"Could it be that Mr. Ning changed your mind again and planned to help the teacher?" Chang Kun chuckled, naturally he didn't dare to be serious in front of this old man.

The Ning family is quite powerful in Hezhou, as can be seen from the strength of the villa and subordinates. Otherwise, his master would not have let him come to ask this old man for help. Naturally, Chang Kun did not dare to underestimate him, so he also Be more respectful.

"It stands to reason that he is my old friend, so I should help him! But, as you know, I am a businessman, and a businessman should be based on profit!" The old man smiled lightly, and then snapped his fingers. A middle-aged man with a suitcase came over. The middle-aged man put the suitcase on the coffee table between the two of them, then unbuttoned it, turned the suitcase towards Chang Kun, and backed away.

Chang Kun was taken aback when he saw the turned around box. There was nothing else in the box, all of them were bundles of soft sister coins.

"This is a deposit of 100 million. Tell me where old man Wu is hiding, and we will give you another 100 million when we find him! With this 200 million, I think it is enough for you to live well! How about it, my sincerity is enough!" The old man smiled faintly, took another sip of the teacup in front of him, and then raised his eyes to look at Chang Kun.

"This..." When Chang Kun saw the money, he immediately understood the old man's intentions. He probably took some benefits. Not only did he not intend to help Teacher Wu, but he also planned to get clues from Teacher Wu from himself. Bad for him.

"Mr. Ning, Mr. Wu and you are close friends, isn't it a little too much for you to do this!" Although Chang Kun has no skills, he is still an upright person, so this sentence also has a bit of condemnation.

"Young man, what nonsense! I have already said that as a businessman, profit is the priority. As for the old friend, it is not worth one billion or eight hundred million, and it is not worth offending some people for him. After all, everyone should think of themselves. I think you should be able to understand the sentence that people don't kill themselves for their own sake!" The old man's face remained unchanged, and he looked very relaxed when he said this sentence.

"I'll give you time to think about it, and you don't have to answer me right away!" The old man glanced at him and said with a faint smile.

"Don't think about it, I don't even know where the master is hiding, even if I know, I won't betray the master!" Chang Kun closed the box and replied firmly.

"Young man, you must think clearly when making a decision, or you will regret it if you say the wrong thing!" The old man didn't respond much to Chang Kun's attitude, and his voice was still very weak.

"I've already thought it through. It's useless for you to say more. If you say you don't know, you don't know! Anyway, I didn't think about leaving after I came in today. Do whatever you want with me!" Chang Kun gritted his teeth, He has already made mental preparations, he knows that once he enters here, it is impossible to leave, after all, there are so many masters in this villa, even with Ye Haoran, an innate master, it is still impossible to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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