Chapter 134
Seeing that Chang Kun had such an awareness, Ye Haoran was also slightly stunned. This Chang Kun's appearance did not seem to be pretending at all.

Most people in this world are motivated by interests, not only the businessman represented by the old man, but also the ordinary people. Egoism is in everyone's heart, even Ye Haoran is no exception.

There are not many people in this world who can be as upright and self-sacrificing as Chang Kun.

"Young man, have courage!" The old man's laughter was still weak when he heard the words, he shook his head and continued, "However, your courage is in the wrong place!"

"You don't think about yourself, you should also think about your family. I know that there is a grandmother who is over [-] years old in your family!" The old man glanced at Chang Kun.

"What's coming at me! Don't think about my grandma!" Chang Kun had expected that the other party would threaten him early on, but he didn't expect that the other party would use his grandma as a threat.

"Don't worry, I haven't planned to move him yet, but you have to tell us what we want to know, otherwise I dare not promise you anything, you may not know my usual methods, so I will plan today Let you see it!" The old man stood up slowly, and after talking so much, he turned his eyes away and landed on Ye Haoran.

"In order for you to think clearly, let's start with your friend today!" The old man clapped his hands and laughed.

As soon as his words fell, two big men walked in from outside the room and walked in front of the three of them.

Hearing what the old man said, Chang Kun's face became more and more ugly. Of course, he didn't want to see what happened to Ye Haoran, and he didn't want any accidents to happen to his grandmother. Of course, he also didn't want any troubles in his master's family.

"Take me for surgery? Old man, I'm afraid you are old and confused!" Ye Haoran also calmly spoke out when Chang Kun was struggling, and his words were filled with extreme disdain. Although Ye Haoran is not a good person, others don't If you provoke him, he will not provoke right and wrong, but if you attack him, he will usually repay it with the same means.

"Boy, you can't blame me for this. If you want to blame it, blame your friend for trapping you in injustice. If he is willing to tell you honestly, you won't have to suffer!"

"Um, then what are you going to make me suffer?" Ye Haoran's voice was also very calm, as if he was asking a very ordinary thing.

"Since you asked, I'll tell you!" The old man glanced at Ye Haoran and didn't take him seriously. The reason why he was going to say it was to give Chang Kun a vaccination. After all, Ye Haoran was just him. As long as Chang Kun doesn't open his mouth, the next person he's going to deal with is Chang Kun's grandmother.

"Cut off your tendons and tendons, then cut a five-centimeter opening on your limbs, then soak it in salt water, hang it upside down in the forest, let the birds and animals eat it, and expose it to the hot sun..." The old man said slowly arrive.

Hearing such a cruel way, Chang Kun struggled even more in his heart. He knew that Ye Haoran couldn't run away. If he really treated him in this way, the pain would be self-evident.

Ye Haoran was the only one to bear this pain. According to the old man's intention, and his family members, if he persisted, he might not be able to escape the same way, so his heart was also shaken.

Faced with such a way, he couldn't bear it!

"Eh! It's so troublesome. I hate trouble the most!" Ye Haoran nodded after hearing this. The old man's methods are many and complicated.

"Since you are going to use your means, why worry about trouble!" The old man also replied when he heard Ye Haoran's words, he naturally didn't know what Ye Haoran was thinking at the moment.

"You're not afraid, I'm afraid! Then let's make it simple. Cut off a tendon in your hands and hamstrings, then make two [-]cm cuts, and finally throw it in the yard to dry!" Ye Haoran also said solemnly. He snapped his fingers, as if he was trying to figure something out.

Looking at Ye Haoran's stupid look, the old man also frowned slightly.

"Boy, what did you just say? Break my tendons? Cut my body and throw it in the yard to dry?" The old man couldn't help laughing, and the two big men standing in front of them couldn't help it either. Then they laughed, Ye Haoran was no different from a mouse in their eyes, yet he dared to speak so boldly at this moment.

"Why not? I like an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye, and I like to give you discounts. This time I am very kind, and I will give you a [-]% discount!" Ye Haoran stood up slowly, with a smile on his face. With a faint smile.

His motto is an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye, and this is also his consistent purpose. If someone hits him with a punch, he will return a punch. If someone hits him twice, he will still return a punch. If it's [-]% off, two punches!And so on!Kill for it!
"Big words, no one in this area dares to talk to me like that! You are very kind! Do it!" The old man waved his hand and let the two do it.

Ye Haoran can also see the strength of those two people, they are two innate warriors, and this old man is a warrior in the inner world, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Wait, let me tell you!" Seeing that the two were about to make a move, Chang Kun also stopped them all at once.

After weighing for so long, he still chose to compromise. It was not because of money, but because he didn't want Ye Haoran and his family to suffer. After all, although he could abandon himself in his heart, he could never abandon his family. For the sake of one's own teacher and one's family, one's friends and family members are ignored, this is not something a human being can do.

"I would like to tell you the position of my teacher, and please don't think about my family and friends!" Chang Kun gritted his teeth and paused word by word.

"Huh? You're still enlightened!" The old man nodded when he heard the words, "I don't need to argue with your family and other friends, but this friend of yours is not so lucky!"

The old man was also really angry, even if Chang Kun planned to tell the truth, he didn't intend to let Ye Haoran go.

"No, if you dare to touch my friend, you don't want to get any news from me!" Chang Kun also continued to fight for it. Naturally, he couldn't just watch Ye Haoran suffer that kind of treatment, otherwise how could he go back with Qi Haoran? Xue confessed that since she was going to say it, it must be preserved.

"Hmph, that's up to you! This kid must die today!" The old man still didn't let go when he heard the words. Even if Chang Kun didn't say it now, he still had a thousand ways to make him speak.

(End of this chapter)

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