Unique supernatural master

Chapter 161 The Poor Man

Chapter 161 The Poor Man
Instead, he knelt down in front of Ye Haoran with a plop.

"Brother, save me, you know this place, you must know how to save me, right?" Guo Yu looked at Ye Haoran pleadingly, he must have some ability to see his problem among so many people Otherwise, with so many people, he couldn't just stare at him.

Everyone was stunned by this move, not knowing what Guo Yu was doing.

"Guo Shao, what is this?" A person also asked tentatively.

"Shut up!" Guo Yu didn't want to pay attention to him, and gave him a hard look, and then turned his gaze to Ye Haoran.

After being slapped by Guo Yu, the man knew that he had touched Guo Yu's brow, so he stopped talking.

"You save me, you can set any conditions, as long as you can save me, everything is easy to talk about, if you want the stars in the sky, I will pick them for you!" Guo Yu promised.

He didn't think that Ye Haoran was trying to scare him, after all, the legend of this temple proved it, and now it was pestering him again, maybe the reason why it didn't kill him was because it wanted to take it out by itself!

And if he brought this thing home, his family would be the ones who would suffer, and he might not be able to escape the ghost's clutches.

"It's not impossible to save you. Since your ability is so great, then I will bluntly give my opinion and donate one billion to the poor mountainous area. If you agree, I will save your life. If you don't agree, then There's nothing to talk about!" Ye Haoran said calmly.

"One billion?" Hearing this number, the people around were also stunned. Ye Haoran's opening was a little too big. Although this billion is nothing to some rich families, it is not a big deal for Qingzhou. The Guo family is a big sum, because although the Guo family has a big company, it is only worth more than a billion yuan, and the Guo family only holds more than 30.00% of the shares in this company, that is to say, In fact, the Guo family is only worth a few hundred million.

Asking him to donate one billion is simply impossible.

"Don't! The total value of my Guo family is only a few hundred million. I really can't come up with a billion. What do you think of a million?" It hurts.

"Didn't you say that your Guo family is very capable? There are no problems with the stars in the sky. How can you be stumped by a billion?" Ye Haoran smiled lightly. "As for the 100 million you said, do you think your 100 million is omnipotent?" Buy your family's life?"

"[-] million, no second price! If you don't agree, I'll leave right now!" Ye Haoran said seriously.

"[-] million?" Guo Yu pondered for a while, "Okay, [-] million is only [-] million, you save me first! I will give you [-] million when I go back!"

Guo Yu now also just wants to free herself first, whether to give the money or not is a matter for the future.

"Okay, since you agreed, I will help you! But I have to remind you first, if you go back on your word, then no one will be able to save you!" Ye Haoran said without waiting for him to reply, and then Ningli slapped Guo Yu on the head with great vigor, and knocked Guo Yu to the ground with one palm.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp and piercing cry was heard, and it was a woman's voice.

At the same time, a female ghost in red also struggled out of Guo Yu's body, baring her teeth and claws, very scary.

When this sound came out, the surrounding people were also very frightened, and they ran out of the door without saying a word.

"Your soul body is too resentful. Staying in the world will only harm the world, and going to hell will harm other soul bodies. Why don't I give you a ride and annihilate you here!" Ye Haoran stepped into the temple, facing The female ghost took a picture.

"My lord, spare me! The little girl was also killed by a traitor, so she became like this!" Perhaps sensing the ghostly pressure on Ye Haoran, the female ghost didn't even struggle, and fell to the ground, facing Ye Haoran beg for mercy.

"Huh? So honest?" Seeing this, Ye Haoran immediately withdrew his hand, thinking that this guy would fight him, but he didn't expect the other party to admit defeat directly.

"My lord is so mighty, I dare not be your enemy!" said the female ghost.

Seeing the female ghost like this, Ye Haoran is not easy to do it. After all, according to what she said, she did not intend to harm others, but was killed by an adulterer. Ye Haoran is not a bloodthirsty generation, so naturally he can't just die because of the other party's heavy resentment the other side.

"Then tell me, why do you want to kill people! I heard that you also killed dozens of Taoist priests, is this true?" Ye Haoran asked in a deep voice.

"It's not me who hurt people, it's them who deserve to die!" The female ghost groaned and nodded, not denying the matter.

"Back then, I was spotted by the son of a wealthy businessman in the village. He wanted to rape me. I refused to do so, so I was beaten to death by him. Then I was thrown into the wilderness, turned into a ghost, and went to seek revenge from him. In my life After killing him, he left on his own, but his family found some Taoist priests to deal with me. He was not a good person, so he didn't back away anymore, and killed them all, more than 20 people died in total!"

"At that time, I couldn't let go of my resentment, and later I went to kill the rich merchant's family, and was sealed here by an old Taoist who passed by here.

I didn't break the seal until they came here.All the people I killed were evil people, and this man was not a good man just like that merchant's son, but he even drugged that woman and tried to commit violence, that's why I harmed his plan! "

The female ghost also explained to Ye Haoran.

"So that's it!" Ye Haoran nodded, then he really can't be blamed for this matter, she is just a poor person, and those people she killed are indeed damned, and Guo Yu obviously did it on her own Otherwise, even if the female ghost came out, she wouldn't be following him.

"I don't think you are lying, I won't attack you this time!" Ye Haoran also restrained his murderous intentions, "Leave on your own!"

Ye Haoran said.

"Thank you, my lord!" The female ghost bowed to Ye Haoran, and then floated away. Only Guo Yu, who was trembling with a pale face, was left in the temple.

Seeing that he was terrified, Ye Haoran walked over and carried him out directly.

The expressions of the few people outside looking at Ye Haoran also became respectful.

After resting for a while, Guo Yu's complexion improved slightly.

"Remember what you promised me..." Seeing Guo Yu calm down, Ye Haoran also said to him, and then left here.

"Huh... I almost died!" Guo Yu also breathed a sigh of relief, "The damn female ghost dared to harm me, I must find a way to kill her!"

(End of this chapter)

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