Unique supernatural master

Chapter 162 Buying a House

Chapter 162 Buying a House
"Guo Shao, what about the [-] million you mentioned? To donate or not to donate!" Fatty also came up to ask boldly at this moment.

"Hmph, donate, do you think my family is making money?" Guo Yu glared at the fat man, and now he is angry. He just wanted to stabilize Ye Hao with this money before, and he never thought of donating it from the bottom of his heart. , and after that, he is also planning to find a powerful mage to get rid of this female ghost. As long as he returns to Qingzhou, what can Ye Haoran do to get him?

"Go, let's go back now!" Guo Yu didn't want to stay here for a moment, just a few ordinary people in this barren mountain. They were just released, maybe they are still wandering around here, if they come to deal with them again, then they will be doomed.

The few people didn't pack their things, and hurried down the mountain.

And Ye Haoran also returned home after leaving, cooked some meals by himself, at this point Ye Zimo had already gone to bed.

After eating and taking a bath, Ye Haoran also began to rest, and went there to practice kung fu the next day.

He has practiced this first skill for a whole month, and he has mastered it.

During this period of time, Wuhuiya did not send anyone over, nor did he receive news of Guo Yu donating money, and his realm has finally moved from the mid-innate stage to the late stage, and the power of ghost generals who can fuse has also increased. Not a lot.

However, his current strength is not enough to take down the fourth level of hell. According to his estimates, he can suppress all the souls of the fourth level, and it is estimated that it will be possible after he arrives in Neigang.

No matter what, his strength is improving step by step, even if he is anxious, it is useless, it is better to concentrate on it and take it step by step.

And this month has passed, Ye Zimo has already contacted the schools that came to recruit students, and under the series of preferential conditions of Metropolitan University, Ye Zimo also chose Metropolitan University.

These few days are also the time for Ye Zimo to go to Metropolitan University to report.

On this day, Qi Xue, Ye Haoran and Ye Zimo flew to the capital together.

"Brother, I can't bear you!" The capital is not close to Liuzhou, and it took nearly four hours to fly. Ye Zimo will spend a long time here to go to school, and naturally there will be very little time to go back.

"Don't be reluctant, I plan to settle down in this capital city! I have already seen the location, and there is a nice house near this school, and I will buy it when the time comes!" Ye Haoran patted Ye Zimo's head and said .

"Brother, when did we get so rich? The houses around this school cost at least tens of millions! Are you sure you didn't lie to me?" Ye Zimo didn't believe it, thinking that Ye Haoran was just comforting her.

After all, she still knows how much money she has in her family. Even though Ye Haoran was the boss before, the 1000 million is definitely a nerve-wracking one. Maybe selling the previous house and adding a little favor can still make up for it. count.

"You don't need to worry about that, let's go! Go and see your alumni!" Ye Haoran didn't answer. He used to be nervous about money, but now he doesn't need it anymore. After all, this ability is not for nothing.

"You used to study hard, but now you have to study even harder. After all, most of the students in Metropolitan University are top students from top schools in the country. You are under a lot of pressure!" Ye Haoran also reminded.

He doesn't need Ye Zimo to think of ways to make money now, he just needs to focus on knowledge.

"I got it, brother, don't worry about it!" Ye Zimo nodded. This university is naturally a relatively relaxing time for most people, but for these top universities, it is a new round of The battle begins.

Most college students will choose to continue their studies and accumulate a degree.

And being here with them, even poor students can be infected, and those top students naturally live with competition.

Not long after, the three of them took a taxi from the airport to the gate of Metropolitan University. Although Ye Haoran and the others came early, there were still many people in front of the gate. Of course, most of them were not students here, and they all came to visit.

As the top university in the country, Metropolitan University attracts many people who want to have a look at it every day.

"Brother, you don't need to go in, I'll just go, the classmate has a party tonight, so I'll call you later! You can take your sister-in-law to wander around the capital during the day! You used to be busy with work I seldom come out and walk around, now I have to seize the opportunity!" Ye Zimo said to Ye Haoran.

"Okay! Take care of yourself! Call me if you have anything to do!" Ye Haoran responded, Ye Zimo is so old, he can't control her too much, and he should try to let go during this college time up.

"Understood, goodbye brother!" Ye Zimo nodded, and then entered the school gate with her own things.

On the other hand, Ye Haoran took Qi Xue to see the house.

"Let's go! Come and see the house with me, if you think it's good, we'll sell it!" Ye Haoran said to Qi Xue.

"En!" Qi Xue nodded, and together with Ye Haoran, they walked for 10 minutes and arrived at the gate of a community.

Then Ye Haoran called the landlord, and he came down to greet Ye Haoran and Qi Xue in person.

This house is in Building No. 12 of this community. Ye Haoran has seen the room type before and contacted him because he thought it was good. In addition, there is another point that attracts Ye Haoran, and that is the price.

The housing prices in this area, because it is close to the school and is a commercial area, so the general price is 200 square meters, but this house has a total of more than 600 square meters, but it only sells for more than [-] million, which is equivalent to a price of [-]. This made Ye Haoran very strange, so he also planned to come and have a look.

"Two of you, please!" The landlord took the lead, walking in the front, and introduced them, "This is all hardcover, with complete furniture up and down, and none of them have been used much. It can be said that it is ninety-nine new. It cost more than 300 million, you see, if you are satisfied, we will sign the contract!"

The landlord is also anxious to talk about it.

"No hurry, let's take a look first!" Ye Haoran took Qi Xue to walk around the room. Although it was summer, the temperature on the twelfth floor was not high, and it remained at more than ten degrees. It made the two who were dressed cooler feel a little cold.

"Why is this room so cold?" Qi Xue couldn't help asking.

"I forgot to mention that there seems to be a problem with the central air conditioner here, so the temperature is a bit abnormal! I have already found someone, and it will be repaired in two days!" The landlord explained hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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