Chapter 1004 Can't Believe It!

Hearing that Captain and Li were going to call their parents, Delia couldn't help but be taken aback...

After staring at him in a daze, she still had some secret joy in her heart, because judging from his current state, it seemed that his psychological problem was not too serious, maybe it was just a little mild.

Thinking about it, Delia smiled hurriedly, then took out her mobile phone and handed it to him.

After seeing him take the mobile phone, she started the car and reminded: "Oh... your seat belt is not fastened."

Then, while she was driving to get out of the underground garage, she couldn't help turning her head and glanced roughly at Captain and Li on the passenger seat. Seeing that he was already dialing the phone number with his head down, she felt a little secretly happy...

Because this at least proves that he is still quite normal.

At least he still cares about his parents.

In fact, as far as Li Chen himself is concerned, subconsciously, he also knows that his current situation is not good.

He even knew that he was somewhat inexplicably depressed.

Afterwards, waiting for the call from his hometown to finally connect, at that moment, he was excited...

"Hey... is... is it Dad!?"

On the other end of the phone, his father listened, but he was greatly taken aback. His face turned pale in a daze, but at the same time he had deep hesitation: "???"

I just can't believe it.

That feeling... is like witnessing a fraudulent corpse.

While stunned and hesitant, my whole body was trembling and trembling...

Listening to the silence on the other end of the phone, Li Chen, who was so excited that he was full of tears, suddenly became suspicious again: "???"

Because he suddenly thought, did he dial the wrong number?

Fortunately, at this time, his mother's voice came from the phone...

His mother was saying, "Hey, what's wrong with you, old ghost? Why didn't you talk when you answered the phone?"

He suddenly heard his mother's voice, and suddenly, he was so excited that he wept again...


Such an abrupt yet excited sound made the father on the other end of the phone tremble suddenly...

Then, he heard his father's half-talking to himself on the phone...

As if nagging his mother, he said: "Hold the grass! This turtle grandson... is... haunted?"

Then came his mother's voice: "You old ghost, what's the matter?"

"Okay, it seems... is... is Chen'er's voice?"

Hearing this suddenly, he saw the other end of the phone, his mother snatched the phone in a panic: "Hello, Chen'er, is that you!?"

At the same time as Chen'er was heard, his mother was also so excited that she burst into tears...

"Mom! That's right! It's me! I'm Chen'er!"

"It's really you? Where are you?" His mother was so excited, she wished she could see her son.

After hearing his mother's concern, he even burst into tears...

However, in order not to worry his mother, he had to suppress his excitement as much as possible.

Then he said calmly: "Mom. I'm abroad now. Maybe... I won't be able to go back for a while?"

It's just that his mother suddenly asked hesitantly: "You...last year...that what...what air crash...did you die!?"

At this moment, Li Chen, with tears in his eyes, smiled with complicated emotions: "Mom, am I not well? Am I not going to call you now?"

Afterwards, he had no choice but to say honestly: "Mom, I'm sorry! I'm not filial! Last year... after the plane crash... I really couldn't call you and Dad! Because... I have been in the ocean, on a deserted island Come on, there's no phone there, so..."

His mother was so excited that tears filled her eyes again: "It's okay, it's okay. Silly boy, what are you talking about? It's good that you're fine! It's good that you're fine! You're fine... Your dad and I... don't worry!"


At this moment, Delia has already driven towards the glazed capital avenue...

When she turned her head and looked at Captain Li in the passenger seat, she suddenly saw him talking on the phone with his parents, and she was inexplicably happy when she saw him talking on the phone with his parents.

Because this at least proves that he still knows how to care about his parents, so his psychological depression... shouldn't be too serious?
When the beautiful female police officer was happy, she couldn't help leaning over and said loudly, "Hey, is it aunt or uncle? I'm Delia! Li Chen's friend!"

At this moment, on the other end of the phone, Li Chen's father suddenly heard such a girl's voice, and he couldn't help being startled in amazement: "???"

This... Which girl is this?

Afterwards, the beautiful female police officer said in a troublesome voice: "Hey, Auntie, Uncle, my Chinese is not bad, right? In the future... Is it qualified to be a daughter-in-law of Huaguo?"

On the other end of the phone, Li Chen's father was taken aback again - foreign girl! ?
That kid Chen'er...and, where did he get a foreign girl again! ?
However, suddenly, when Li Chen, who was in tears, turned his head to look at Delia, it was at this moment that he realized her cuteness and beauty...

It seemed that she suddenly didn't look like the heroic policewoman at all.

However, at this moment, Li Chen, who is extremely sensitive to the environment, accidentally discovered that there seemed to be a vehicle following behind him...

In fact, he has no sense of security yet, and is extremely sensitive to the surrounding environment.

Because there's always a tense string, and there's always the feeling that... someone's going to persecute him.

Therefore, afterward, he hurriedly said to his mother on the other end of the phone: "Mom, I have something to do now. I'll call you later!"


But Delia was puzzled, and hurriedly said: "Hey, Li Chen, why did you hang up all of a sudden?"

Maybe this beautiful police officer hasn't realized it yet, subconsciously, she has suddenly changed her name to Li Chen, and is no longer Captain, Li.

Of course, right now, Li Chen didn't care about it, he just whispered in her ear nervously: "The five black SUVs behind seem to be following us?"

In fact, he didn't say that, the beautiful police officer really didn't pay much attention.

After all, on the avenue, when the lights are on and the traffic is busy, everything seems to be normal.

Besides, as a police officer, she never worried about being followed.

It's just that after hearing what Li Chen said, she looked suspiciously at the mirrors on the left and right...

Then, she frowned and looked at the rearview mirror inside the car...

Since it was already the first time when the lights came on, the cars behind were all with their lights on, so under the backlight of the lights from the cars, they couldn't see clearly.

It's just the general outline and formation, but I still noticed that there were indeed five black SUVs following behind.

Such a formation still made her feel puzzled...

Then, when she suddenly turned her head to look at Li Chen in the passenger seat, her heart shuddered——

It seems to realize... Maybe it's aimed at him! ?
(End of this chapter)

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