Chapter 1005 Sit tight!
When I was probably aimed at Li Chen, the next second, the beautiful police officer's expression sank...

"Sit down!"

Before the words fell, the beautiful police officer subconsciously speeded up...

Obviously, as a leader in the T country police department, drag racing skills are naturally very powerful.

As the speed of the car increased, in the traffic flow, after overtaking several cars in a row, the scene became a little chaotic...

Suddenly, some road rage guys were honking their horns...

A burst of 'beep' horns resounded...

I can even hear someone behind me furious: Fuck——

But it was normal, after all, Delia was driving her own private car, not a police car.

And now she is in casual clothes, who knows her identity?

Even some good guys suddenly joined the ranks of drag racing...

And some guys are still yelling loudly, meaning... catch up with that little bitch!

Although the scene suddenly became a bit chaotic and seemed to be uncontrollable, Li Chen, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was always paying attention. The five SUVs were indeed speeding up to keep up, and they were also overtaking in the lane...

Although he has some mild psychological problems or mild depression now, once he enters this environment, he seems to be a different person suddenly.

In fact, subconsciously, he himself has realized that perhaps he is used to being in such an extreme environment...

Because only in this situation can he suddenly realize the meaning of his existence.

He himself didn't know if it was an instinctive desire to survive, or he wanted to continue to do something for Hye Kyo?
Especially when he was guessing that those five SUVs might be some scumbags sent by the G side, he had a hideous face and gritted his teeth...

Especially in his eyes, the demon-like killing intent was clearly revealed——

And at this moment, Delia, who was speeding and trying to shake off her tail, suddenly turned to the Huancheng Road.

It is undeniable that, as the capital of country T, Nahaixitu is indeed a beautiful coastal city.

Especially at this moment, the picture of Nahaixi at the beginning of the lanterns is even more beautiful.

The night view beautiful!
It seems to reveal the style of some girls, extremely charming.

But right now, Li Chen didn't have the heart to appreciate all this.

Because even if he wasn't being followed, he wasn't in the mood for a while.

Unless...with Hye Kyo by his side, he might find all this beautiful.

Although the policewoman next to her is beautiful, she is not in that mood.

After all, she is not Hye Kyo!
After arriving on the Huancheng Road, under the lights of Liuli, I suddenly saw the five black SUVs following behind again. At this moment, Delia was also a little angry...

"Sit tight!"

Hearing her prompt again, suddenly, Li Chen finally couldn't help but said: "Can you give me your gun?"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Delia's heart skipped a beat——

Immediately, she panicked and turned her head to look at him...

Then, she said: "No, you can't kill any more!"

And Li Chen said: "But I use your gun."

Delia's heart thumped again...

It seemed that she suddenly felt a little regretful, thinking... Maybe he should be in the safe house!

Maybe she was too careless?
Or maybe she was too confident?
In desperation, while controlling the speed of the car, she said: "Listen, you should know that under such circumstances, even us police officers cannot shoot casually!"

That is true, after all, the identity of the other party has not been confirmed.

Besides, even if it is an emergency, the identity of the other party must be confirmed, and they are really extremely dangerous before they dare to shoot.

Furthermore, the five SUVs just followed without making any dangerous moves.

This avenue is used to drive cars, and it is normal for cars to follow behind.

So how could it be possible to make the decision to shoot at random?
But suddenly, Li Chen asked, "Do you know how Hui Qiao and Chuan Xiang died?"

"???" Delia was suddenly a little confused.

After being stunned for a moment, she finally realized that he was talking about H country actress Jeon Hye Kyo and oriental beauty writer Ito Chuanxiang.

At the same time, she realized that he was still immersed in that gloomy world.

What's more...she also suddenly realized that the relationship between him and those two very deep!
Afterwards, she looked at him again, but Delia had no choice but to say hurriedly: "Li Chen, listen, it is no longer the environment in the ocean, I hope you understand. At the same time, you are no longer in the It’s a gloomy world now. Everything is sunny now. Believe me, our police will protect you. You should also know that in our T country, any mistakes are not allowed, do you understand?”

Then, she said again: "Now your lives are the lives of our T country police, do you understand?"

However, at this moment, Li Chen doesn't think about her at all...

Suddenly, he said again: "Just say... can you give me your gun?"

"???" Delia suddenly felt a little broken.

Especially those five black SUVs following so closely...

After thinking about it, there was no way out, she had no choice but to make a sudden decision, hurried out from the west exit of Huancheng Road, and then drove all the way to the Xihai Bridge...

Because after crossing the Xihai Bridge, that side is outside the customs.

In other words...there is already a relatively sparsely populated suburb.

However, after she drove onto the Xihai Bridge, soon, the five black SUVs behind her also followed onto the Xihai Bridge...

Seeing the situation like this, Delia suddenly became more and more certain in her heart that those five SUVs should be aimed at Li Chen?
At this time, her heart was almost in a state of rage...

It's just that as a police officer, her reason is still telling her that she can't shoot casually just yet.

And at this moment, Li Chen's eyes were already fixed on the bag she put aside.

Because he felt... Her gun should be in that bag now.

At the same time, his eyes have been paying attention to the reflectors on the left and right...

The five SUVs behind are still chasing after them.

After crossing the Xihai Bridge, they drove into the suburbs, but suddenly saw the sunroof of one of the SUVs behind them open...

Then I saw a bearded guy with half of his body protruding from the skylight...

Then, someone handed up a shoulder-mounted launcher from the skylight, and after that, another shell was handed up...

(End of this chapter)

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