The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1007 The incident is not clear yet

Chapter 1007 The incident is not clear yet

In the dark, suddenly and unexpectedly, there was another gunshot...

"???" In the last remaining SUV, the four guys were suddenly frightened...

It seems that I still don't understand where the gunshots came from?

Just the next second, when those four guys realized something, it was too late...


There was another earth-shattering explosion, and the flames exploded again.

The doors of the whole car... were blasted apart in an instant...

After a burst of roaring flames, the whole world finally became quiet...

But at this moment, Delia, who was lying on the other side of the road, looked at this scene, and she was stunned for a while...

The two pupils were still dilated with some horror.

It's just that subconsciously... She has already realized in her heart that the former Captain, Li, if he really becomes a big murderer without batting an would be really terrifying!

In fact, she also understood in her heart that whether it is a god or a demon is actually only a thought.

If the following... some uncertain circumstances really push him into a hurry, maybe the headquarters of the T country police station may not be guaranteed?
She is also convinced of this!

Because she knew that he possessed that ability and lethality!

Moreover, if the police in T country make him distrust it, then it will be a bad thing indeed!


After that, after a while, with the sound of a rumor, when I saw the above, the helicopter of the two Two Police Station will soon be close to the place of the incident ...

Two beams of bright lights are about to shine over...

At this moment, when Delia realized something, she got up in a panic and rushed towards Li Chen...

It's just that when she ran over and wanted to take back her own gun from Li Chen's hand, unexpectedly, Li Chen would hold her gun tightly...

At this time, only the gun is the only safe weapon he feels!
Seeing him suddenly holding the gun with a ferocious face and a somewhat depressed expression, Delia couldn't help but inexplicably shuddered: "???"

As if aware of it, it seems that this momentum is not good?

He seems to have sunk deeper and deeper into his own world...

In desperation, there was nothing she could do, so she had no choice but to kiss him in a panic...

This kiss really worked.

Li Chen, who was a little dazed by her kiss, let go of his hand.

Taking the opportunity, she finally got back her own gun.

At this moment, Li Chen was looking at her with a dazed expression...

As if he didn't understand why she kissed him?

And at this moment, Delia didn't have time to explain anything to her, she hurriedly said: "Remember, in a moment... I will say that you drove the car, understand?"

While talking, she hurriedly wiped off the fingerprints on the gun.

After it was over, she was holding a gun in panic, and she looked like a heroic policewoman...

It's like filming a movie, just now Li Chen was just her substitute.

Now the key shot is her personally holding a gun to compare.

However, fortunately, the two helicopters of the T country police station did not dare to get too close.

Because the situation at the origin is still unclear.

Obviously, the two helicopters were also afraid of being caught.

After all, it's a big night.

After the two helicopters hovered in the sky for a while, suddenly, I was startled, and there was a police car sound of "wuwuwuwu"...

More than a dozen police cars from Country T roared towards them.

However, at this moment, the brigade from the police station came to clean up the battlefield.


Next, as the police brigade from country T arrived, the scene of the incident was quickly blocked.

As for the thrill of the scene, it also made these brigades stunned for a while...

It seems that for a while, I don't understand what kind of routine this is?
At the scene, a total of five vehicles had been completely blown up.

Four of them belonged to the opponent.

The other one, Delia's private car, was also blown up.

In the end, the police officers of Country T finally managed to get two survivors out of the overturned SUV...

Because two of them are still alive.

But, of course, he was already seriously injured.

Regarding those two guys, they were quickly carried away by the ambulance team on a stretcher, and quickly sent to the ambulance...

The rest...the other party has no more lives, and they are all dead.


One of the deputy directors who rushed to the scene severely criticized Delia, which meant that she was messing around!

Because they all thought that the Hua country kid named Li Chen... shouldn't be brought by her side at all.

Fortunately, the Hua country kid named Li Chen was fine, fortunately, he was unscathed.

Otherwise, this matter will be really big!


As for the other party, who they belong to, why they are following them, etc., these are still uncertain.

The only thing that is certain is... those five SUVs are here to kill people!
As for what the purpose is, why it is so bold, etc., these are all temporarily puzzled?
However, according to the preliminary prediction of the police in country T, that group of people...should have come here for that kid from Hua country named Li Chen?

Finally, after waiting for one of the police cars, Delia, who was sitting next to Li Chen, turned her head to look at him, and couldn't help apologetically whispering in his ear: "I'm sorry! Maybe I was too careless ?”

Hearing her saying this in his ear suddenly, Li Chen was depressed and silent.

However, now, the only thing he understands is that it seems that the police in Country T...are also really afraid that something will happen to him.

Seeing that he was depressed and silent, Delia didn't know what to say for a while?

At this moment, she is also a little embarrassing...

After waiting for a while, Delia thought about it, and then whispered in his ear: "Tonight...thank you! Or...maybe I'll die too?"

Hearing what she said again, Li Chen remained depressed and silent.

Because right now, to be honest, he didn't know what to say?
It's just that he was secretly thinking, if it is true that some bastards from country G are still doing things secretly...he will find a way to kill country G!

But regarding tonight's incident, the police in country T dare not speak up for the time being.

For fear of the media breaking the news, the police of country T directly announced that a violent gunfire incident occurred near the Xihai Bridge tonight. The police are still investigating this matter urgently.If there is any latest development, the police will announce it in time.

Anyway, just use some vague definitions, let's talk about it in advance.

Because of what happened, in fact, the police really don't know for the time being.

Besides, this matter can only be handled in a low-key manner for the time being.'s the international public opinion again, I really can't stand it.

Of course, the police in Country T also have another purpose, which is to protect Officer Delia's improper practices.

This matter, some internal problems of the police, must not be made public.

(End of this chapter)

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