Chapter 1008 Delia's Distressed
At this moment in the evening, the exclusive hotel for foreign guests in the capital of country T - Nahai Hotel.

One of the small round table meeting rooms...

I saw that some dignitaries from relevant countries who have come to country T are holding their first meeting here...

In response to the 6 maritime incident that occurred in country T, all relevant countries first expressed their high respect and gratitude to Hua Guo in person.

To put it bluntly, they were all thanking Li Chen, a man of Chinese nationality.

After all, Li Chen is the core member of this self-rescue and survival team at sea.

As for expressing gratitude, they are naturally discussing how to deal with the next international lawsuit together?
Because now the international investigation team has also announced that it will intervene in the investigation of the 6 maritime incident in T country.

As the saying goes, the body is not afraid of the oblique shadow.

Therefore, all relevant countries are not afraid of this investigation by the international investigation team.

Moreover, for some of the actions of country T, all relevant countries also have criticisms.

After all, first of all, in terms of humanitarian assistance... country T is not doing well enough.

Now, for the relevant countries, the most beneficial point is...the 6 maritime incident in country T actually took place not in the waters of country T, but on the high seas.

Because the international rescue agency, the rescue point of country T, has submitted the video data of the incident at sea that happened to be captured to the international investigation team.

The international investigation team also released the video data to the relevant countries.

Now, the most favorable point is that, judging from the video data, the facts are clear. It was indeed the people from the Coast Guard of Country T who first shot at the self-rescue team at sea...

Especially the scene where the Coast Guard of Country T shot and killed Jeon Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang was vivid in my memory.

Actually, now, the focus is on... Is it appropriate for the self-rescue and survival team at sea to fight back in self-defense against the Coast Guard of Country T?Or is it... is self-defense going too far?

This is the core point of the ensuing lawsuit.

As for the rest... the facts are basically clear.

Especially country G, has already officially announced what's going on.

So now, if the international court finally decides that the sea self-rescue and survival team has crossed the bottom line in self-defense and counterattack, then... Li Chen and the others will still be unable to escape the pain of prison.

Of course, the death penalty is out of the question.

It's just a matter of how many years the sentence is?

However, just this night, just now, what happened near the Xihai Bridge in country T, the dignitaries of these countries concerned, don't know yet?



After a while, the headquarters of the Coast Guard of Country T.

In one of the lounges...

I saw Li Chen eating a box lunch...

Originally, Delia wanted to invite him to an outside restaurant for a good meal, but who knew... the sudden incident at night made a fuss, and now he has tossed back to the police headquarters.

In desperation, Delia had no choice but to arrange for her subordinates to order a Chinese takeaway for Li Chen.

Although it's a bit simpler, right now, Li Chen is eating so deliciously...

It's a bit like the reincarnation of a starving ghost.

After all, I haven't eaten rice and fried rice for a long time.

This Chinese takeaway is quite authentic, with rice and two stir-fries, the stir-fries are shredded potatoes + twice-cooked pork.

There is also an egg seaweed soup.

Right now, for Li Chen, it can be said to be a delicacy in the world, and it tastes like his mother when he was a child...

However, at this moment, he was the only one in the lounge, and no one paid attention to his eating anyway.

I saw him holding a box of lunch in one hand and chopsticks in the other, pulling the food into his mouth vigorously...

He ate so well... his cheeks were bulging.

However, the look is not very good.

Especially the eyes, a little depressed and dull...

It seems to have a feeling of turning grief and anger into appetite.

And eating and eating... I saw tears in his eyes flickering inexplicably...

Because his mind was full of things that couldn't be erased, and it was still full of Hye Kyo's figure...

Especially the phrase 'disgusting' that she often said seems to be echoing in his mind...

After all, in the ocean, when a husband and wife are together, the little things are always lingering!

In my memory, she is not an actress, but a lovely woman...

He still remembered the blush after sleeping with her for the first time.

It's just that when the picture was finally fixed on the 'Puru's' shots, he was crying so hard...

Finally, while eating, he threw the whole lunch box on the coffee table in front of him with some annoyance, splashing it all over the coffee table...

The egg seaweed soup is also splashed on the coffee table.

Then, he stared at the pair of chopsticks on the coffee table...

Judging from the intent in his eyes, he seemed to want to stab himself to death with those chopsticks?
However, when tears flashed in his eyes and he thought of his parents, he had to hesitate again...

Fortunately, at this moment, Delia suddenly opened the door and came in...

When Delia suddenly saw him in the lounge, she couldn't help but tremble again: "???"

At the same time, she seemed to have felt something with empathy.

Therefore, when she looked at him again, she couldn't help crying...

Crying and crying, this beautiful police officer couldn't help but came to him, then knelt down in front of him, reached out and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes...

"Li Chen...don't be like this, okay? You're like heart aches!"

Suddenly, this beautiful police officer burst into tears again...

After a while, when her colleagues came in, they were going to Zhang Luo to escort Li Chen to the safe house, but when they saw the situation in the lounge, they were all stunned——

It seemed that only then did she understand why Delia had insisted on bringing this young man from China named Li Chen with her.

It turns out that he... really has some emotional problems!
After a long time, they saw that young man from China called Li Chen suddenly turned his head and looked at them in a daze...

It's just that they suddenly felt an inexplicable murderous look in the dull eyes, which made their hearts tremble...

However, unexpectedly, Li Chen just asked, "Do you have any cigarettes?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, one of the male colleagues who can speak Chinese nodded hurriedly and said: "Yes, yes, yes!"

While nodding his head, he was busy handing over half of his remaining pack of cigarettes...

"Here! You take it! Take it and smoke it!"

Immediately, the buddy hurriedly handed over a lighter: "Here, fire!"

Afterwards, they saw a 'click', and the young man from Huaguo named Li Chen suddenly lit a cigarette...

It seemed that after taking a deep breath, his mood finally became a little more stable.

Suddenly, Delia stood up and went over to one of the leaders, meaning...she must bring Li Chen with her now!
What's more... She has to take him to see a psychiatrist tomorrow without any delay!

(End of this chapter)

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