The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1010 Isn't there 2 bedrooms?

Chapter 1010 Isn't there two bedrooms?
After a while, the safe-haven apartment of the T country police station.

One of these exquisite two-bedroom interiors...

The moment he entered the door, for Li Chen, it was a long-lost feeling...

Although it doesn't have the warm feeling of home, but this kind of living room... How should I put it, for him, it is simply his dream in the ocean.

How much I longed to be able to take a hot bath in such a living room, and sleep soundly and peacefully!

It's just a pity... the person next to her is not Hye Kyo!
Therefore, this is still not exciting for him.

And Delia suddenly rushed into the room like a cute girl, and turned on all the lights...

However, Li Chen just couldn't remember it, turned around and sat on the sofa in the living room, and couldn't help but lit a cigarette...

He didn't bother to care if there was an ashtray in the room?Or is it okay to smoke?

In the suddenly bright living room, Delia turned around with a burst of joy...

"How, here?"

It was only after she finished asking such a sentence that she realized that it might be a little awkward.

Because she just noticed, Captain, Li just sat on the sofa and smoked...

After thinking about it, she was stunned, and when she suddenly saw that there was no ashtray on the coffee table, she had an idea and turned around to get a trash can...

"Flick the soot here."

While talking, she put the trash can next to him and put it away.

After it was over, she turned around and sat beside him...

After turning her head to look at him again, she couldn't help but said, "Would you like something to drink?"

Li Chen: "..."

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Delia felt a little embarrassed again.

After looking at him thoughtfully, there was nothing to do, so she could only force a smile: "Hey, Li Chen...don't be like this, okay?"

Hearing her say that again suddenly, he finally couldn't help turning his head to look at her...

But then, he just took another puff of cigarette...

After looking at her again, he frowned pensively, and then said: "Delia, don't need to care about me so much, really!"

Suddenly hearing him say such a sentence, Delia looked at him again in embarrassment...

Then, she forced a smile again: "Let's not talk about this now. I might need to get drunk?"

As she said that, she smiled again: "Well, I'll accompany you. Just wait for me, and I'll go downstairs to buy wine."

While talking, she stood up and was about to go out...

However, just as she was about to go out, she couldn't help but turn around and look at him...

She was still a little uneasy about letting him be alone in the room, afraid that he would do something stupid.

After looking at her, Li Chen seemed to understand what she meant, so he said, "Don't worry. I'm fine. Really. Really fine. Because... I still have parents in my hometown."

Suddenly hearing what he said, Delia almost burst into tears again...

In fact, she has gradually begun to understand his inner world.

After thinking about it, she forced a smile at him again: "Then you...wait for me!"


However, after Delia went out, he got up suddenly, then ran to the bathroom, ready to take a shower...

In fact, he also knew that his body needed a good wash.

Then, in the bathroom, he turned on the shower head, rinsed it with a dull expression, then wrapped himself in a bath towel, then casually entered the bedroom on the left, lay down on the bed, and closed his eyes...


As for Delia at the moment, she went to the Huaguo store as a special case, bought Huaguo's authentic Erguotou, and then packed some peanuts, stir-fries and the like.

In short, they are all Huaguo's special snacks, such as fried snails, meat skewers, grilled squid, etc.

It can be seen that this beautiful police officer really puts her heart into it.


Just for a while, when she returned to the apartment with her big bags and small bags, she entered the room and suddenly saw Captain and Li disappeared. Suddenly, her heart trembled, that anxiety...

"Hello—Captain, Li—"

Then, hearing that there was no response, Delia was even more anxious.

When she rushed into the bedroom on the left and suddenly saw Captain and Li lying on the bed, she let out a 'hoo' and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, she almost scared her to death.

But, after that, seeing him wrapped in a bath towel like that, laying on the quilt without covering him, she couldn't help feeling a little inexplicably distressed...

Then, after another look, she had no choice but to step forward, move him away, and cover him with a quilt.

Fortunately, as a policewoman, her physical fitness is not bad, otherwise, it would be a bit strenuous.

Afterwards, looking at the Captain, Li was already asleep, so she had no choice but to go to the bathroom to take a shower feeling bored.

To be honest, she was quite tired after a busy day.

But think about it, in order to relieve fatigue, she poured herself a glass of wine and drank alone...

Just when she was a little drunk, Wei Wei suddenly heard the sound of 'Hui Qiao' from the bedroom on the left...

Suddenly hearing this sound, Delia couldn't help but startled: "???"

Then, she became a little curious, and walked into the bedroom on the left...

When she came to the bed and suddenly saw the sleeping Captain and Li weeping, she couldn't help but shudder again...

"Hye Kyo..."

Li Chen, who was in a drowsy sleep, yelled again.

Delia watched, not knowing what to do?
Seeing him dripping tears, sweating all over his body, and trembling slightly, in desperation, there was nothing to do, so Delia had no choice but to throw off the quilt in a panic, and lay down beside him, tightly hug him...

"Chen... I'm here! I'm here!"


Early the next morning, the atmosphere in the bedroom was a bit awkward and filled with infinite ambiguity.

Li Chen woke up suddenly, turned his head, and suddenly saw the beautiful police officer Delia lying beside him, he was a little dazed: "???"



Looking at the white and tender skin again, he seemed to realize something.

Gently lifted the quilt again, and took a look inside the quilt, only to see that Captain Li Chen also blushed instantly...

After Delia woke up, she looked at him shyly, and then she smiled shyly: "Are you awake?"

However, next, he only heard a sentence: "Isn't there two bedrooms?"

Delia: "..."

It seems that apart from being suddenly speechless, she doesn't know what to say?

This thing... It's the first time I've been like this with a man, yet he still blames her?
To be honest, from a woman's point of view, this matter is really depressing.

No matter how you say it, I am also a police flower of the T country police station, right?
(End of this chapter)

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