The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1011 Last night, I'm sorry

Chapter 1011 Last night, I'm sorry
However, next, Delia didn't seem to want to talk to her former Captain, Li, about what happened last night.

Anyway, what happened is what happened.

Although this was really the first time in her life, and she was very shy in her heart, but for seemed that there was no regrets.

Next, she was still looking like a capable policewoman, she lifted the quilt, pulled her own bath towel, wrapped herself up, got out of bed, and walked out...

But at this moment, Li Chen, who was still lying on the bed, was stunned: "???"

Especially when there was the sound of rain coming from the bathroom, he was even more taken aback...

Afterwards, when he suddenly saw a few sporadic drops of blood on the bed, his heart suddenly trembled——

After being stunned for a while, he frowned again...

This incident caused a lot of trouble... For a while, I really don't know what to do?
Later, when he sat up and wanted to smoke a cigarette, he realized that his clothes... were left in the bathroom last night.

This made him frown again...

In fact, next, he didn't know how to deal with the relationship with Delia?
It's just that I had a dream last night. In the dream, it was actually scary at first, but later... the dream was also confused, and I don't know what happened. Suddenly, I was with Hye Kyo again...

However, when she woke up this morning, the person lying next to her was... Delia!

Although I had some relationship with her, but... I never had any emotional basis.

It was nothing more than participating in the international special operation together a few years ago, nothing more.


After a while, when Delia came out of the bathroom, Li Chen just came out of the bedroom...

Taking a look, this female police officer is still somewhat shy, her cheeks are slightly flushed...

But, after thinking about it thoughtfully, she actually said something: "What happened last can pretend it never happened."

In words, it seems that she still has the posture of a policewoman, daring to act.

In fact, she didn't want to put any psychological burden on Captain Li because of what happened last night.

Besides, things between men and women are sometimes just a whim.

Obviously, this is also the culture of country T, which made her think so.

If it is according to Huaguo culture, it will naturally come out that you have to be responsible to me.

However, Delia did not say such things.

Because as a psychologically mature woman, she also understands that the relationship between the two cannot depend on an accident or a whim of sex.

It's just that her behavior made Li Chen feel even more inexplicably uncomfortable.

Because in fact, he still understands in his heart that regarding last night, he should take the initiative more.

But at this moment, he didn't know what to say?
It's just that he felt in his heart...I'm sorry for Hye Kyo.

After all, the 6 maritime incident is not over yet.

In the words of Hua Guo... the bones are not cold yet.

I am like this now, it seems... I am really sorry for the few bullets Hye Kyo blocked for him.

Although vaguely, I still understand in my heart that the dead are gone and the living must continue, but after all, I once loved deeply...

For a while, there was still no way to get out of that state.

Perhaps just like the six women including Tan Jixia and Su Qianer, although people have already stepped out of the ocean, their hearts will always remain in the ocean.

After a while, looking at Delia, the former Captain, Li could only say a word of apology: "Last night...I'm sorry!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately turned around and went to the bathroom.

Delia looked at it, but was stunned again and again, as if she didn't know what he meant?
After a while, the former Captain Li, after taking a shower in the bathroom, couldn't help reaching for his pants, and took out a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket...

After squatting in the bathroom and smoking two cigarettes in a row, he threw the cigarette butt down in self-pity, and then slapped himself several times...

It's just that Delia suddenly heard him slapping her face inside, and she couldn't help but tremble...

Do you always feel like you did something wrong last night?
In desperation, she had no choice but to move closer to the door of the bathroom, and then said: "Hey... Captain, Li... Wait a minute, I'll take you to see a psychiatrist, and then arrange for someone to take you to the safe house." .”

The reason why she suddenly said that was because Delia also felt... maybe it wouldn't be a good thing if things went on like this?

At this moment in the morning, the Manhattan Hotel in Country T.

"By the way, sister Jixia, sister Qian'er... have we forgotten something?"

Suddenly hearing what the cute girl said, the women were a little stunned: "???"

It seems that you don't understand what the cute girl is talking about?
Immediately, everyone stared at her in a daze...

Seeing that they didn't understand, the cute girl said: "Did we forget to call the captain's parents to report the happy event? Because now...we found the captain, right? Is he still alive? Is this...should be let Do the captain's parents know?"

Suddenly hearing what the cute girl said, they were all panicked and startled...

Immediately, Su Qian'er hurriedly said: "Yes, yes! I'll call right now!"

However, Qin Xiaowan hurriedly looked at the time, and then said: "At this moment...uncle and aunt should not be at home. Because uncle and aunt got up early to go to work in the field."

The reason for saying this is because she has already figured out the rules of the uncle and aunt's work and rest time.

Because she also often calls the captain's hometown to chat with the captain's parents and so on.

Immediately, Qiong'er said: "Isn't there a jet lag?"

So, Tan Jixia hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, yes. Let's calculate the time difference. What time is it in Huaguo?"

However, the foreign girl Lina said: "Oh... I think... we still have to figure out a way, how can we meet Mr. Li? Otherwise... he probably doesn't know... the shipwreck last year , In fact, we all survived!"

Suddenly hearing this, Su Qian'er said: "Wait for the embassy's reply."

Because she has already contacted the Chinese embassy in country T, see if they can arrange for them to meet with the captain through the embassy?

In fact, as far as it is now, the six women are also very excited and don't know where to use it?
After all, they are just spectators for the 6 maritime incident.

To put it bluntly, they are ordinary people without privileges.

It's not something they can see when they want to.

I can only find a way to go through some channels to see if I can meet the captain?
As far as the reality is concerned, they also need to return to their country now.

After all, in China, each of them still has jobs, so they can't spend it all the time...

(End of this chapter)

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