Chapter 1012 Psychiatrist Tasiya

After a while, in the morning, a psychological clinic designated by the T State Police Department.

Naturally, it is also an authoritative psychological clinic that has passed various certifications in T country.

The authoritative psychiatrist in this psychiatric clinic is named Tasiya.

A very beautiful, almost actress-like woman.

In fact, regarding Tasiya, she was a beautiful writer from country T before.

It was only later that she discovered that what she really liked was psychology.

Then after all kinds of hard work, study, advanced training, etc., he finally became a famous psychologist in T country.

"Oh... relax. You don't have to be so nervous. Now... here... is a nice little home."

Under the guidance of Doctor Tasiya, I saw Captain Li Chen slowly laying down on a reclining chair...

With psychotherapy, sometimes context matters.

Now the setting of this consulting room is the setting of a cozy living room.

There are also sofas, coffee tables and the like...

The four sides of the wallpaper set are made of cherry blossoms...

The indoor lighting is also very soft and warm.

This sense of scene not only gives the patient a visual impact, but also makes him enter a very relaxed state quickly.

This is naturally conducive to psychotherapy.

In fact, the so-called psychotherapy is nothing more than a kind of communication and exchange.

A powerful psychiatrist can communicate with the patient's soul.

Only by solving the deep-seated psychological problems of the patient can he recover slowly or regain self-confidence.

Of course, this is just to describe this from a scientific point of view.

But, in fact, this thing... To put it bluntly, it is similar to Tamar's drunken utterance.

No difference.

It's like some people are unhappy, drink a lot of wine, curse for a while after being drunk, then sleep again, and when they wake up the next day, nothing has happened.

Of course, those with serious problems and those who are prone to depression still need professional psychologists for psychological counseling.

But this thing... in Huaguo, it seems that they don't pay much attention to these things.

But in other countries, they really pay attention to psychological treatment.


At this moment, the door of the psychological clinic is full of plainclothes police officers from the T country police.

The purpose, of course, is to fully protect the personal safety of Li Chen, a man of Chinese nationality.

In fact, right now, the entire country T is really protecting this self-rescue and survival team at sea as if it were a national treasure.

Afraid of any further mistakes.

In a word, if people still die in T country now, it will be really troublesome.

Not to mention that the police department of T country can't do the job, it means that the capital of T country will not be able to do the job.


After all, now, the international investigation team has officially intervened.

Regarding the members of the international investigation team, the first stop has gone to country G.

After all, the cause of the 6 maritime incident in country T was caused by country G.

And it also involved the wreck of the Mir ship in country Y.

So the whole thing is still a bit complicated.

It seems that all parties have made official announcements, and the ins and outs of some things are clear, but the specifics... still need to be carefully investigated.


The location is still in the psychological clinic in country T.

At this moment, Captain Li Chen was lying on the recliner, with his eyes slightly closed, already in a relaxed state...

However, Dr. Tasiya, who was sitting patiently next to him, was still aware of his psychological resistance when talking with him.

In fact, to be called Captain Li Chen is naturally not an ordinary person.

In fact, he also knew the relationship between this psychological clinic and the T country police station.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to fully reveal some things deep in his heart.

Obviously, it's still a little bit less important.

In short, it is impossible to say how many people I have killed in the ocean, how many times I have robbed ships and so on.

In fact, this kind of not subconscious, but...human instinct, right?

Although sometimes I want to die and feel that death is a kind of relief, but when the critical moment comes, I still have an instinctive desire to survive.

Because... I would rather take my own life than be killed by someone else.

When Dr. Tasiya repeatedly asked him why he wanted to kill someone, Captain Li Chen was crying with his eyes closed...

"I don't want to kill. I just want to live."

Seeing him weeping, and only saying these two words, Dr. Tasiya felt a little unbearable...

In fact, psychiatrists also have a fatal weakness, that is...if they do not control themselves well, it is easy to enter the inner world of patients, which leads to pity or sympathy for patients.

The so-called psychotherapy still needs to be emotional.

Of course, only such a professional psychologist can instantly form a tacit and good emotional relationship with the patient.

After thinking about it, the doctor Tasiya said, "OK. Let's not talk about killing people now."

However, Li Chen, who had his eyes closed and weeping, said, "No, we want to talk."

"Then..." Dr. Tasiya was stunned for a moment.

Then, he said: "Because... Hui Qiao is dead. Chuan Xiang is also dead."

Dr. Tasiya was stunned again: "That's... because of their deaths, so you killed someone?"

"No. No. Because they didn't deserve to die. Doctor, you won't understand."

Hearing that he was finally willing to talk about something, Dr. Tasiya hurriedly said, "No. Just call me Tasia. I'm just your friend. We... are already friends."

Then, Captain Li Chen also popped out a sentence: "Then I said that I have no psychological problems, do you believe me?"

"???" Dr. Tasiya was taken aback for a moment, but was a little confused.

Thinking about it, she had no choice but to ask: "Then why are you crying?"

"Because Hye Kyo is dead. She is dead. She is my wife. Do you understand, Tasiya?"

"So you... have been deeply blaming yourself?"

"No. It's not self-blame. It's that she shouldn't have died."


"She was shot and killed by people from the Coast Guard of Country T. I saw her die with my own eyes. No, to be precise, I should be the one who died. Because Hye Kyo died to block the bullet for me. "

Taking the opportunity, Dr. Tasiya hurriedly said, "That's because she loves you. That's because she wants you to live. She wants you to live well. Do you understand?"

Then, Dr. Tasiya said again: "If your life is not good, she will suffer even more when she sees it in another world, do you understand? Because... because of love, she is willing to do everything for you! I just hope you live well and live happily!"

"But... how can you live well without her?"

"No. You can't think like this. You should look ahead. I suggest you look around more., what do you think?"

"Beautiful. Beautiful."

"And then? What do you think? Tell me?"

"No. No idea. Because you're not Hye Kyo, you won't understand."


(End of this chapter)

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