The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1013 The Investigation Procedure Has Been Initiated

Chapter 1013 The Investigation Procedure Has Been Initiated

Right now, Country G.

Regarding the headquarters of the General Administration of G, according to the relevant procedures, some previous files and some so-called investigation records have been handed over to the personnel of the international investigation team.

In fact, country G has already prepared for these.

After all, after the 6 maritime incident in country T came out, the head of state G also knew that it could not be covered up or suppressed.

Therefore, at the national level of country G, it is natural to properly dump the blame.

Now, the focus is on Sir John and Officer Murd... these two people.

Anyway, the false impression created by this matter is that it has nothing to do with the national level of G country, but just the personal behavior of these two people.

Although some of the reputation of country G has been damaged, the head of state of country G still needs to set up a memorial archway.

After all, if the national level is involved, then this matter will be a big deal.

Everyone knows that there are thousands of people on the Mir in Country Y.

If things get to this point, if country G doesn't have a clear position and attitude at the national level, wouldn't the fate of the entire country be over?
Of course, the members of the international investigation team do not have any political overtones.

Now it can only be discussed.

According to the information provided by country G, in the morning, the personnel of the international investigation team conducted a preliminary interrogation against Sir John...

In fact, the international investigation team has also done their homework in advance regarding Sir John's power and foundation in country G.

In short, most of the information has been basically grasped by the international investigation team.

However, for Sir John, he was still somewhat unwilling and wanted to stand up.

The old man also understood in his heart that the G country police department can't intervene in the affairs of the international investigation team, so many things that he didn't dare to say before, now the old man is shaking.

What the old man meant was that he confessed because he did not know what to do before.

But in fact, he did not order the massacre of the survivors on the Mir.

Of course, the old man also admitted that the massacre of the survivors on the Mir was indeed led by his former bodyguard Raymond, but he didn't know about it at the beginning?
Then, the old man told some things about his eldest son going to the ocean to find keel fossils...

What the old man meant was that it started because his eldest son went to the ocean to find keel fossils.

However, the old man said that he didn't know exactly what happened in the ocean, he only knew that his eldest son and others had all died in the ocean.

Later, many people were sent to search for it in the ocean, but they all lost contact.

The old man meant that several helicopters were lost, and a large aerial refueling transport plane also lost contact in the end.

However, the old man was quite honest, he just said what he knew and what he didn't know, and he wasn't talking nonsense.

For example, some specific situations in the ocean, what's going on, wait, the old man just said he didn't know?
However, for the international investigation team, this seems to have increased some difficulties.

After hearing this, several members of the international investigation team were all stunned...

It seems like this is getting more and more complicated.

However, regarding these, the personnel of the international investigation team did not ask further questions in the end.

After all, the center of gravity is still on Mir.

Regarding the previous...what happened, the international investigation team feels...this may just be an internal matter of their G country, which is not within the scope of the Mir series of cases.

Therefore, one of the members of the international investigation team also asked a key question, meaning: Regarding the survivors on the Mir, were they really massacred by your former subordinate Raymond?

After Sir John understood, he had no choice but to nod his head: yes.Yes.

In fact, the international investigation team only needs this nod from Lord John.

Only next, Lord John did not admit that he had colluded with Officer Murd.

In other words, the old man said he didn't know anything about what Officer Murd had done?
In desperation, the international investigation team had no choice but to change the question, meaning: did you have friendship with Officer Murd?

Obviously, Sir John could only nod if he asked this question: Yes.Have.


Next, the members of the international investigation team interrogated Officer Murd.

In fact, the current Murder officer has to follow the scripted lines.

After all, someone threatened his family.

What's more, Officer Murd also understood in his heart that this matter should not involve the national level in the overall situation.

Otherwise, the fate of the entire country will be involved.

Therefore, the main point of Officer Murd's statement is... Sir John did not know what he did later.

He just did it out of the usual friendship between the two of them, and he was afraid that something would happen to John's family.

Obviously, it is so complete, and this seems to be in line with Lord John's confession.

As for the bombing of the uninhabited island, which caused the uninhabited island to encounter a fire, these facts are already clear.

Afterwards, Officer Murd also confessed that he had indeed contacted the Coast Guard of Country T and offered 100 million yuan to demand that the body of the white medium-sized freighter be destroyed.

Then, what Officer Murd meant was...he didn't know how the Coast Guard of Country T operated in detail.


Regarding the bombing of the Coast Guard of country G, the head of state G has told the international investigation team that country G will not pursue it.

In fact, the head of state G also knows that there is no way to pursue this matter.

Because the whole series of cases... will be pursued in the end, I'm afraid that it will end up making country G miserable.

So simply, those who can get rid of the relationship, all get rid of the relationship at once.

As for the follow-up matter... the head of country G only hopes that he will continue to make trouble in country T.

As long as nothing about country G is involved, everything will be fine.

Besides, Lord John and Officer Murd have now taken the responsibility for this big pot. Therefore, the national level of country G finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because it has been picked clean now, Sir John and Officer Murd have gone to apologize, and country G no longer needs to bear any responsibility for this matter at the national level.


In fact, the international investigation team doesn't want to pay attention to what Lord John said about his eldest son's search for keel fossils.

Because this sorting out... actually has little to do with the Mir incident.

Even if the previous incident counted as a case, it was just another case.

The international investigation team feels can't be so wide.

Even if it is considered another case, it is only an internal matter of country G.

Anyway, the facts of the massacre of the Mir survivors are already clear.

In fact, from a certain level, the international investigation team is still somewhat inclined to the sea self-rescue survival team...

Because they also felt that... if they were sentenced to many years in the end, it would indeed lack some humanity.

After all, everyone understands that in the ocean... self-help and survival is not easy!

What's more, survivors of various air crashes and shipwrecks should be treated kindly by the international community!
(End of this chapter)

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