The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1014 The heart of a doctor is the heart of a benevolent

Chapter 1014 The heart of a doctor is the heart of a benevolent
In fact, in response to the 6 maritime incident, country T is already preparing and sorting out litigation materials, etc.

Prepare to submit a lawsuit to the International Court of Justice.

After all, the matter is complicated and there are many countries involved, so it is naturally difficult for the court in country T to make a judgment.

Besides, in order to reflect fairness, justice, openness, and transparency, country T can only make such a decision.

As for the lawsuit, country T naturally embodies the identity of a victim country.

After all, so many Coast Guard personnel died, and the headquarters of the Coast Guard was also bombed.

However, regarding this matter, will the international court finally accept it?Or how to accept it?Wait, these... Country T doesn't know for the time being?

For the time being, we can only follow the procedure like this.

Anyway, the international public opinion is already shaking the sky, presumably the international court... also knows about this matter.

All in all, no matter how much pressure is exerted by all parties, it is impossible for country T to make an immediate decision to release the person.

After all, as far as country T is concerned, from top to bottom, everyone is unwilling.

But now that this matter is exhausting, for country T, it is also a little upset, but it is hard to express anything.


As far as this day is concerned, the relevant countries and those politicians who are already in country T are not idle, and they are also making full preparations for the next international lawsuit.

Originally, I was considering which law firm to entrust, but suddenly a law firm jumped out and said that it would provide legal defense for the sea self-rescue survival team free of charge.

Obviously, under such international public opinion, there are still some people with a sense of justice.

Of course, human nature, whether it is international public opinion, various parties, or the people of various countries, will naturally lean towards the sea self-rescue and survival teams...

After all, vulnerable groups.

Furthermore, as survivors of air crashes and shipwrecks, they should have been treated kindly.


Of course, at present, for Li Chen and others, they still cannot receive some information from the outside world.

For the time being, they can only move relatively freely under the various arrangements and controls of the T country police.

As the captain, Li Chen received some special treatment.

This is not unrelated to Officer Delia.


Near noon, police officer Delia came to the psychological clinic again.

At this moment, Li Chen had fallen asleep in that consulting room.

Just lay on that recliner.

Looking at him who had fallen asleep, there were still some tears in the corners of his eyes. As a psychiatrist, Tasiya couldn't help but feel a little inexplicably distressed...

I saw her change suddenly, like a charming daughter-in-law, covering him with a thin blanket.

As a psychiatrist, she can still feel the kindness of this Chinese man...

Sometimes in life, you just have to.

She could even feel deeply that this man of Chinese nationality... was also forced into this position.

Seeing him sleeping peacefully now, she also felt a little inexplicably happy.

At this moment, Delia pushed the door open and came in, and Tasia hurriedly gestured at her: "Shh——"

Delia couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly glanced at Li Chen on the recliner, and then she asked Tasia: "Is he asleep?"

"Yeah." Tasiya nodded, and then gestured, meaning that the two of them went outside to talk.


Afterwards, when the two women came to a reception room outside, Delia couldn't help asking, "How is it?"

Tasiya frowned slightly...

The so-called...the heart of the doctor and the heart of the benevolent.

She is also very worried about the situation of Li Chen, a man of Chinese nationality...

After a while, Tasiya just said: "He is actually a kind and lovely man."

Suddenly hearing what she said, Delia was slightly startled thoughtfully...

In fact, although she and Tasiya are good sisters, there are some things that she doesn't know how to say?
After thinking about it, Delia just said suddenly: "The two of us... why are we still communicating in Chinese?"

Tasiya said: "I think this is good. Otherwise, my Chinese will be rusty."

The two sisters chatted for a while, and after relieving the atmosphere, Delia said: "By the way, Li he alright?"

Tasiya replied honestly: "It shouldn't be a big problem. But it will take time."

Then, she said: "He is actually too tired. He needs to rest more. Seeing him very tired, I actually feel a little distressed."

Hearing that Tasiya only said this, Delia asked: "Then did he say anything?"

Tasiya said: "You should know the doctor-patient relationship, especially some things that involve the patient's mind, I need to keep it strictly confidential."

"But he..."

Before Delia finished speaking, Tasiya said: "He is not a prisoner. He is not a sinner either. He is just my patient now."

Then, Tasiya said again: "Since you trust me and sent him to me, then you should believe that I can cure him."

No way, Delia said: "Listen to me, okay?"

"What do you say."

Delia said: "He has a special status now. You should know that."

Tasiya said: "I know this. communication with the patient cannot be used as any evidence."

Seeing that Tasia was trying to protect her, Delia said: "Tasia, listen, I hope he's okay too. I don't want him to be convicted of anything. Because... I said I love him, do you believe him?" ?"

"I believe." Tasiya nodded hurriedly.

This actually made Delia startled, and hurriedly asked: "Why do you believe it?"

Tasiya said half-jokingly: "Because I almost fell in love with him."

Then, taking the opportunity, Tasiya said again: "By the way, since you trust me, can you...let him stay with me this afternoon?"

Delia said: "This is not possible. Because there are still people who want to see him in the afternoon. They are people from Huaguo."

Tasiya said: "His current situation... is actually not suitable for meeting too many people."

Delia said: "But if the superiors want to arrange this way, we have nothing to do. I really just hope that all this will pass quickly."

Tasiya listened, then looked at Delia, and couldn't help asking: "Are you really in love with him?"

"Didn't you say you believed it?" Delia replied.

Tasiya looked at her inexplicably, and then said: "It's time for you to fall in love with someone."

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Delia felt a bit sore...

Because her growth process was not easy!

Don't look at her as a very capable policewoman, but in fact, she is just a girl who grew up in an orphanage.

In other words, she actually has no parents, and she doesn't know who her biological parents are?

Looking back now...the journey along the way has been a series of bitter experiences...

(End of this chapter)

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