Chapter 1016

Afterwards, Su Qian'er didn't bother to care about the beautiful police officer beside Li Chen, she just grabbed Li Chen's hand in a sudden excitement, and hurriedly dragged him towards the window of the reception room...

"Come on, captain! Come and have a look! They...they are all downstairs! They are all there!"

Immediately, Su Qian'er explained excitedly: "Just now... originally they were all going to come up, but... the people from the T country police station did not allow it, and only allowed me to come up alone, so..."

The second child who is so excited at the moment really doesn't look like a beautiful president, but she looks like an excited little girl.

In fact, for this President Su, when you really walk into her inner world, you will find... there is actually a little girl living in her heart.

After being dragged to the window of the reception room by Su Qian'er, Li Chen couldn't help but look downstairs...

At this moment, I saw Tan Jixia and the other five women... all standing by the flower bed opposite the main entrance of the T State Police Headquarters...

Although they are far apart, the former Captain Li Chen can still recognize the rough outlines of each...

Standing in front is the northern girl, and next to the northern girl is the beautiful young woman...

Then, there are cute girls, Qiong'er, Lina...

Sure enough, they are all there!

Originally thought that the former captain Li Chen was going to rush downstairs excitedly, but unexpectedly, the former captain Li Chen... Looking at everyone downstairs, he just looks like an old man... Hanhan Xin smiled...

It's like saying: It's good for everyone to live!

In fact, he never thought about needing anything in return.

In fact, for him now, as long as he knew that they were all still alive, he would be very relieved.

As for the others... He really didn't think about it.

Furthermore, since the shipwreck in the ocean last year, they are two different worlds...

Seeing each other suddenly now, everything seems to have become a little strange.


The curious Delia couldn't help rushing to the window...

After she looked at the women downstairs, and then turned her head to look at Li Chen beside her, she suddenly saw that he finally smiled happily, which made her startled involuntarily and also with joy...

Because at least it proves that his psychological really not too serious.

Maybe what he needs now... is some memory points?

Suddenly, when Su Qian'er turned her head to look at him, and saw that he was just smiling innocently, with a restrained smile, she couldn't help but secretly startled: "???"

But you must know... a woman's mind is actually the most sensitive.

She can feel any sense of distance or strangeness.

Therefore, this caused Su Qianer to fall into a deep thought...

She suddenly thought, and wondered what the captain experienced in the ocean?

In fact, as far as this moment is concerned, the former captain Li Chen also wants to talk about what he experienced in the ocean later.

Because... After all, everything is too sad.

Nina is gone, and so are Nina's brothers and sisters...

And then... Hye Kyo is gone too.

As for Ito Chuanxiang, he knew in his heart that Su Qianer and other women didn't know what was going on with this beautiful oriental writer.


After staying for a while, Su Qian'er looked at him distressedly, and couldn't help but said, "'s the matter? Why don't you look happy?"

The former Captain Li Chen was just a little stunned...

Then, he turned to look at her...

After a while, he forced a smile: "No. It's nothing. I'm not unhappy either. It's good that they're alive. It's good that they're all good."

As he said that, he looked at Su Qian'er sincerely, and said, "Thank you for coming to see me! I'll trouble you too... Say thank you to them for me! Really... Thank you!"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Su Qian'er couldn't help crying...

"Captain, what's the matter with you? Why are you so polite all of a sudden? If you're like this...we...we'll feel bad!"

Seeing Su Qian'er crying suddenly, and suddenly crying very sadly, the former Captain Li Chen couldn't help being startled...

But, then, he forced a smile again: "Why are you crying? What's there to cry about? Now... isn't everything pretty good?"

Then, he said again: "It's all good... isn't it good?"

Su Qian'er suddenly acted like a crying little girl: "No. Not good. You make me feel strange."

Seeing her like this suddenly, the former Captain Li Chen could only smile helplessly: "Why are we strangers? Aren't we... talking?"

So, Su Qianer muttered like a little girl again: "But you said thank you, why do you thank me? What did I do for you? I didn't do anything for you, did I?"

Then, she muttered like that again: "Also, you still said... you want me to thank them for you, why should you thank them? They didn't do anything for you, okay? So... thank you, it should be We are right to thank you! And...we can never say thank you enough, okay?"

Seeing her like this, Li Chen had no choice but to smile calmly: "It's all over. Let's not talk about it. I hope..."

However, before he finished speaking, Su Qian'er hurriedly said: "No. There is no past. I can't get over it either. Because it will always be in our hearts."

In desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to say: "Then... just keep it in mind."

Speaking of this, he suddenly changed the subject: "Okay. That's it. Don't talk about it."

Seeing this, seeing that Li Chen didn't seem to want to say anything more, taking the opportunity, Delia hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry, lady, the time for this coming soon."

"???" Su Qian'er suddenly felt a heartache...

Because the female police officer suddenly said this, she suddenly felt a little helpless...

After all, she still has a lot to say.

What's more, the captain made her feel suddenly strange, which was hard for her to accept.

This is... completely different from what she imagined!
Seeing Su Qian'er's sudden appearance, the former Captain Li Chen said: "Okay, second child, you all go back to your country. There is no need for you to waste your time here."

The reason why he said that was because the former Captain Li Chen knew very well about himself...for a while...I'm afraid he won't be able to go back?

No matter what... I'm afraid I still have to report to the prison in country T?

As for how long you will stay in prison, don't you know?

And he... doesn't want to delay these women's wonderful youth.

So the same sentence... If they are alive and well, everything will be fine!

(End of this chapter)

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