The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1017 Do you still remember what the captain said

Chapter 1017 Do you still remember what the captain said
After a while, when Tan Jixia was waiting for those women, she suddenly saw that the second child, Su Qian'er, came out of the headquarters of the T State Police Station with tears in her eyes. This made her a little confused...

Because we finally met, it should be a happy thing, it should be a happy thing for everyone!

But this... second child... full of snot and tears...

"What's the matter, Qian'er?" The older Tan Jixia finally couldn't help asking.

Just hearing her question suddenly, Su Qian'er was a little dazed again...

Because now, she doesn't know what role she should play from the middle?
After all... About the captain's thoughts, even about the captain's thoughts, or considerations, etc., these... She still seems to understand.

After all, if a woman who is the president can't figure out all this, how can she still be a beautiful president?
After thinking about it, she confided: "The captain wants us to go back first."


This made them all a little confused.

Immediately, the cute girl said stubbornly: "No. I won't go back. The captain is in T country, and I am in T country."

Then, Qiong'er also hurriedly said: "Yes. I will not go back either. I am also in country T. I will work in country T from now on."

Seeing them all talking like this, Su Qian'er said: "Do you still remember what the captain said at the beginning?"

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, they really stunned each of them...

Even the eldest Tan Jixia was suddenly dumbfounded.

Seeing that they all seemed to have forgotten, Su Qian'er said, "The captain has emphasized from the beginning that he is the captain, so you must listen to him in everything. What? can bear it all? Didn't you listen to the captain?"

Suddenly hearing Su Qian'er's words, all of them were embarrassed, as if they didn't know what to say?

Immediately, Qin Xiaowan asked, "Captain, did he really say that?"

"Yes." Su Qian'er nodded.

Seeing Su Qianer's nod, Qin Xiaowan seemed to understand.

As for her, Qin Xiaowan... After all, she was once a married woman. Although she is divorced now, she is still the mother of a child, so... there are some things, as long as she says them, she can still understand them.

After all, the experience is there, so naturally there will be more things to understand.

It's like... Taking her as an example, although she is divorced now, if the captain says he wants to marry her, she will definitely not marry him.

Because what she really wanted in her heart... was to hope that the captain would marry a better woman!
And she... a woman like this really felt that she was no longer worthy of the captain.

Besides, the captain is such a good person, but she still has a child... What's the matter?
Although the two had indeed slept in the ocean, but at that time, she herself said that she was just the first woman he had ever experienced.

The implication is that there are better things in the future.

Later, in order not to embarrass Qian'er, so... Qin Xiaowan said: "Then we should listen to the captain. Let's go back first. Anyway, we can't do anything here. And... also so that the captain won't do anything for us. Worry."

Then, Qin Xiaowan continued: "Besides, regarding the captain, the assistant to the foreign minister of our country has also come, and our embassy in country T has also come forward to negotiate, so I think... the captain will return to my country soon?"

Suddenly, the older Tan Jixia seemed to have begun to comprehend the meaning...

Therefore, she said, "Yes. Let's go back first."

However, the foreign girl Lina was still a little unwilling, and hurriedly asked Qian'er: "Then did Mr. Li say anything else?"

Seeing Lina asking such a question, Su Qian'er said, "The captain also said...the captain said with a long as we are all alive! As long as we are all fine!"


Right now, in the backyard of the headquarters of the National Police Department of T...

I saw their captain got into another car.

It is still a camouflaged social vehicle of the police station.

A shiny black Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

Officer Delia sat with him in the back of the car.

There are also several camouflaged social vehicles, ready to escort the whole journey...

As for the police officers, they were all in plain clothes.

All of them are very low-key.

Because I don't dare to be too high-profile now.

After all, this man of Chinese nationality now... They have to serve him like their ancestors, and they can't make any mistakes.

When the car started slowly, Li Chen turned his head and glanced at the police station inexplicably...

Frankly, deep down in his heart, he kind of hated the police station!

Before the change, he was the one who participated in escorting major suspects.

Now they are escorting him as a major suspect.

This feeling in my not very good!
It is said that good people have good rewards, but he doesn't know whether he is a good person or not?
Just now... He was thinking in his heart, if it was still possible, he hoped to fulfill his promise...

That is, after he can really return to the country, he still wants to marry that beautiful young woman.

Anyway, now...he can be regarded as a widowed man.

Frankly speaking, when he saw Qin Xiaowan just now, his heart was somewhat touched...

That is a kind woman!

Looking back now, he also understands that at that time... She just hoped that he would not be a virgin, so she hung up.

So every time, as long as he wanted, she would let him do whatever he wanted.

At that time, I and her... were really addicted to that matter.

It's just that when he had such thoughts in his heart, he turned to look at the beautiful police officer beside him, but he was stunned again...

Because this blond and blue-eyed beauty police officer, last night...with him...but it's nothing.

And it was the first time in her life.

This matter is...he really doesn't know what to do?

Thinking about Hye Kyo again... His heart was even more confused.

Although Hye Kyo has passed away, he still feels sorry for her!

But now, the only thing that makes him feel better is that Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and other women... so they are still alive!

Thinking about this, I feel a little relieved.

At least not so sad anymore.

Finally...the damn thing is still alive!
At this moment, Delia turned her head to look at him again. Seeing that he was still depressed and did not speak, she was still a little inexplicably worried...

"Hey, Li Chen... what are you thinking?"

He suddenly heard Delia talking in his ear, and then he turned his head to look at her...

After thinking about it, he asked in her ear, "Is your T country already submitting the proceedings?"

Hearing that he suddenly asked such a question, Delia couldn't help but secretly startled: "???"

Then, she asked, "Are you really okay with mental problems?"

Li Chen whispered in her ear: "Maybe it's still a little bit?"


(End of this chapter)

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