The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1018 Finally arrived at the safe house!

Chapter 1018 Finally arrived at the safe house!

In a moment, safe house...

As soon as he entered the door, he suddenly saw several officers from the T country police station guarding the first floor. This Captain Li Chen was stunned for a moment because he felt uncomfortable...

Although the police officers in country T were smiling at him, he still looked depressed and didn't say anything.

At this moment, upstairs, on the second floor, Katerina seemed to hear something, so... I saw this girl ran downstairs in a burst of joy...

It was really Brother Li Chen who had arrived at the stairs, she was so happy...

"Brother Li Chen..."

Whenever this girl was happy, excited, her movements were exaggerated. As soon as she came up, she threw herself at Li Chen, and at the same time, her two legs also clamped towards his waist...

Fortunately, this Captain Li Chen has good physical strength and can handle it.

It's just Katerina's posture, after he caught it, he naturally placed his hands on her hips.

This made Delia, who was standing at the door, feel uncomfortable!

Because this is too ambiguous.

I don't know whether it is Li Chen's brother or Li Chen's husband?

Those police officers watched, frowning...

But it's hard for them to say anything.

What I didn't expect was that this Russian girl...suddenly and viciously whispered something in Li Chen's ear...

"Uh, Brother Li Chen, I think this pose is so cool."


Li Chen almost vomited blood.

And look at this girl, he doesn't even know what to say?

Fortunately, at this time, Alice waited for the three women to come downstairs with great joy...

"Brother Li Chen..." Jessie also shouted with joy.

Sun Jiaying smiled a little reservedly: "My finally came to the safe house!"

Alice was also very happy: "Hey... Mr. Li..."

Suddenly, Ryder also ran to the stairs...

"Hey dude, last night with that beautiful police officer... ok? Didn't you get sucked dry?"

Li Chen: "...???"

Delia, who was still standing at the door on the first floor: "...???"

This is really which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted!
Of course, Ryder was only joking.

It never occurred to him that brother Li Chen really slept with that beautiful police officer last night.

Officer Delia seemed to be afraid of revealing something, so... she couldn't help but said: "Li Chen... I'll come back tomorrow. See you tomorrow."


Afterwards, after Officer Delia left, Li Chen went upstairs with the four women.

About the second floor of the safe house, which is the territory of the six of them.

Anyway, if they were left here, the six of them would not be able to escape if they wanted to.

It is also impossible to escape.

Because this safe house... was actually set up by Nima in a compound of the T country's military region.

Not to mention all kinds of surveillance everywhere, the key is... There are people guarding with guns around the safe house.

Regarding the second floor of the safe house, there are only four rooms.

The four women occupied two rooms, and the remaining two rooms were occupied by each of Li Chen and Ryder.

All with separate bathrooms.

In short, the facilities and equipment inside... are not bad, similar to hotel rooms.

After going upstairs, Katerina hurriedly led Li Chen to the room reserved for him to have a look...

Originally, Li Chen wanted to close the door and lie down quietly for a while, but they all followed in, and he didn't know what to do.

However, being with these few of them, I feel... a little bit more comfortable in my heart.

Katerina stuck to him and couldn't help saying: "Uh, brother Li Chen, today our country's deputy foreign minister and people from our country's embassy in country T came to see me. They told me that they are Do something for us. I think... we should be all right?"

Hearing what Katerina said, so...Alice waited for a while, and said roughly...

It means... the four of them, as survivors on the Mir, the deputy prime minister and foreign minister of country Y, also came to see them.

After hearing this, although it was good news, Li Chen didn't seem to be happy.

Look at them, he doesn't know what to say?
That bastard Ryder seemed to understand what he meant, so Ryder couldn't help but said: "Hey, let me say, girls, this matter...isn't as simple as you think. About us... squat A big prison is a certain thing. The fight and efforts of all parties are at most just to save us a few years of sentence, that's all."

Then, Ryder said again: "So... you all have to be mentally prepared. Next... maybe we will have a prison situation?"

He spoke lightly, but when the four women listened, their beautiful eyes furrowed...

Suddenly, Katerina couldn't help but said: "Prison... so scary! I heard... those female prisoners are so crazy! They can take cucumbers... Oh... let's not talk, it's so disgusting!"

Hearing what Katerina said, Jessie also frowned...

Alice said: "What are you afraid of? There are four of us sisters! Whoever dares to mess with us, we will kill whoever!"

Immediately, Sun Jiaying also said: "Exactly! In the ocean... in such an environment, we have all survived, so what are we afraid of?"

And Ryder looked at Li Chen with a smile, and said: "Hey, brother, you have to be careful. I don't care. Anyway, I'm a big nigger, and women don't like it, let alone men. ?Ha ha!"

Seeing Ryder's schadenfreude, Li Chen finally couldn't help but said: "Damn! Don't you know that those guys in the prison have super bad taste? Maybe they like you!"

This made the four women couldn't help but shyly laugh...

At this moment, two police officers brought up boxed lunches...

Seeing that they were not in the living room, one of the police officers yelled loudly: "Hey... guys... dinner is ready."

Suddenly hearing this, Ryder was the first to turn around and go out: "Hey, officer, do you have a beer?"

This made the four women couldn't help but snicker again...

The two police officers who brought up the meal looked at the big black guy in the corridor, they didn't know what to say?
Because there are orders from above, try to meet some of their reasonable needs as much as possible.

No way, the two police officers thought about it, and one of them had no choice but to reply: "The beer needs to wait a while."

So, Ryder said again: "Then bring us two packs of cigarettes by the way. My brother and I are heavy smokers. Oh yes, it's best... to buy Zhonghua cigarettes from Huaguo."

The two police officers: "...???"

To be honest, I was really on fire.

But no way.

Then, when they went downstairs, the two police officers were whispering...

It means... When the sentence is sentenced, go to prison, and kill the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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